Lol our message responses are very lengthy back and forth! Sorry...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1640
    Lol our message responses are very lengthy back and forth! Sorry to everyone else, HC should allow private chat rooms that moderators can still see but don't have to clog up threads lol.

    This is going to be another long one lol i can tell already.

    I like the Wykoff method as I mentioned to you in my first reply, so yeah have a read up, I don't live by it religiously but take on board a lot of what he says for methods of trading which I've been able to implement into my own system which I'm still learning and adjusting all the time, I'm by no means an expert and still learning everyday and looking to improve my trading all the time.

    Yes understanding individual candles and their meanings and patterns when together along with other indicators is vital for technical analysis and trading from charts. Something I'm always reading up and refreshing myself on and learning new things all the time.

    I use the EMA, MACD, MA and Fib level lines as just guides, I don't go into all the mathematical detail as some do, they're just a rough guide for me that can help with understanding the trend of the stock in relation to the candle formations and if it's a good time to enter or exit. But becomes more of a feel for the stock than a science which I've heard many say, how trading and charts aren't a science and I agree, so I rely on intuition a lot as well and that comes with experience and getting a feel for a stock by understanding and watching it's live trading behaviour.

    Yes some subtle differences in candle formations and volume and MACD can have big implications; especially if you don't have chi-x data, so many times candle sticks are different if you only have one, same with Volume amount and that's bad.

    As noted above I use the fibs just as rough guides i don't take them as gospel, they help give an idea of where a stock could go both up and down and so far for me when I've charted these they've hit the targets pretty much every time, so they do work but you have to know when to apply them as well based on what's going on in the chart and trading.

    So yes as you say it's a bit of Blind Faith that goes into it, but more so that it seems to work so no need to look behind the curtain so much, until it stops working at least.

    Yeah I'm quite hectic, but at times also quiet, University classes are mostly at night and so that allows me to trade but I also trade when at uni sometimes too or on sites with work or uni and such. But yeah it's sometimes hectic and sometimes quiet, depending on uni work, business work, property developments and the market.

    You might notice my most active Tipping in the Comp here was a few months ago, that was during the semester break lol, since then haven't tipped nearly as often, so goes in cycles I guess as well.

    Yeah i think I mentioned i'm in my mid 20s, but already have a couple of Bachelor degrees lol.

    Most of the business ventures are around property; with large scale developments but also acquisitions of commercial properties from petrol stations to things like bunnings, cafes, restaurants, commercial offices, fast food places where they builds are rented out to these businesses and then the other ventures are investments in various businesses; some are startups and others already well established.

    Well SRT was an example of holding long term but trading the trade along the way, so I set myself up with my large holdings and I don't touch those rather I add to them along the way if I like the stock a lot which with SRT/IAM I do, but along the way many provide the chance to short term trade which is what I do and works for me but may not work for others without the large capital available.

    Yeah essentially that's it, go big or go home, I do have pilot entries initially of around $10k and if things are looking good I'll start investing more as things unfold or the trading starts showing it's good to buy bigger. But prefer having fewer stocks with larger amounts than many stocks with small amounts. It's also money I'm willing to lose if things go bad and I've had some losses but thankfully my gains outweigh the losses otherwise I'd have stopped a while ago if I wasn't at least making money from shares.

    Yeah have hit well beyond that $100k profits thanks to stocks like RYG/XPE, NOR, IOT, SRT/IAM, PSC, now KDR as well that have gone on to multi-bag. But also keep in mind I invested a few $100k at the start as well.

    But yeah I have a high risk tolerance, I don't like the term 'win' as you say, i prefer either make, earn, grow as it's not like winning the lottery or going to the casino and throwing $20k on Red and you win. Essentially though yes, High Risk, High Reward.

    But I've slowly built up to this over time, initially starting with only $5k when I first started and then playing with $20k for a few years before starting to make money and then further inject more capital when I actually knew what I was doing a little bit.

    I think the stocks you are referring to that I mentioned I don't actively trade are my bluechips like BKL, CBA, JBH, WES etc. I don't count these although recently been active in some and trading BKL both buying and selling but again retaining my initial long term holdings that I bought years ago.

    I don't worry about being over exposed, I do my research thoroughly from both TA and FA sides, but I have my bluechips that I guess leverage the risk in the small caps and specs, I also hedge one investment with another stock sometimes as well, but like I said I like to not spread my capital across too many stocks in the Spec end, but that sometimes changes when trends are high and lots are firing off, one point i had 14 stocks going when I was actively tipping here too, was hard to keep up but was worth it, but I don't like to do that or actively look to have that many prefer only at most 5 stocks rotating/holding.

    But also just doing my research on the stock, as you noted and I noted above I have a high risk tolerance, but trading the trade also helps reduce the risk where on SRT I traded it so many times and still doing so that I made more than enough to be free carried before it even re-listed as IAM, was just by fluke really by just seeing the chance to trade it and tallied it up one day and I was shocked lol.

    The average $3,500 profits per trade yes was 164 times, now a few more times since then with IAM (SRT) I don't think I'll have the chance to do such a thing with many other stocks I think IAM/SRT has been a once in a lifetime sort of stock and just knowing it very well too. It was also over 10months now 11 months or possibly 12 months soon too.
    Those trading parcels were generally individually $10k to $50k, but I was making $3k from a $10k parcel quite often but the most common from $10k parcels and the easiest is making $1k-$2k even from $5k parcels. The harder part is finding a stock you can do that on repeatedly or multiple stocks, it's not as easy as perhaps it sounds from what I write or how it comes across. It comes in waves, sometimes there's a lot sometimes there's nothing and I just go with it, not actively forcing a trade if it's not there.

    Yeah, there's no intention for boasting, here I'm simply answering your questions and I'm happy to share and do so, i'm the same as you I'd like to know what others are doing to know what's possible to achieve, sometimes some stocks that are tipped here and they go up quite a lot do not suit me at all because you can't even get $10k worth of stock sometimes without making the share price jump a lot, so you can have stocks that make 1000% gains but if you could only manage to get $5k of stock that's not really a great investment or trade for me, rather have $200k of another stock and make 20%-100% which generates me the same if not more $ profits in a shorter time frame as well. Granted I can lose substantially more, but that's my style and it's successful for me so until it isn't I won't change it

    SRT was part of the Shell hunt, which has died down a bit since the new laws came in but SRT was like RYG, NOR, IOT, 1PG quite a long list lol.

    SRT was a shell that Cicero were doing the work for acquiring something for the business and their Director Mathew Walker was also the Director of SRT and owned 100m ordinary shares plus 20m options and it was just a shell, and this was his largest holding of any of the Shell stocks he was covering with Cicero and he had his mates with him in SRT as well, so these were the strong indicators that something special was happening here and that risk paid off and still paying off now with IAM and will continue to do so for quite a while.

    Nothing to do with the charts, they were also cashed up, had already conducted any CR and were looking for an acquisition and they were going for Tech and at the time tech RTO's were going off.

    Yeah I use various softwares for scanning for stocks, haven't been doing as much lately, but also just knowing general market situations and trends, lithium was hot and provided good trades and investments like PSC, PLP was ok too and KDR now has been going great, Freehold brought it to my attention and the Short Term thread back in March and I eventually jumped on board in August after watching it for a while thanks Free, has been a great ride so far.

    So knowing lithium was hot and with EV's getting lots of attention in the news, lots of factors like that you start to search for lithium stocks. Same for when Brexit started, gold was going to start moving up and so all the gold stocks went bonkers as well and still are for some.

    So like when Shells became a thing and were hot, you start to find all the shell stocks and start digging into them, some shells were good some were bad, generally cashed up shells was what you wanted.

    No for multi-bags the fundamentals are quite key, it's a blend of FA and TA, but to multi-bag it needs good fundamentals and then the technicals will just help tell if you the market likes the FA or not by how strong it trades, the technicals are just a visual representation of what the market thinks and reacts on a stock and that really is based on news or events or pending news etc.

    But as I said sometimes from picking up stocks in my scans and just research I'll enter purely on the Technicals with a bit of vague fundamental understanding, but it will be a quick trade, but sometimes can also turn into more short term trade as I'll start to research the stock and if it's good I'll invest more.

    Well I have a full time job with property development, investments and business ventures, I just work for myself and with my family so it's not 9-5 in the same way as working for someone else, so I have that flexibility and luxury of time to be able to monitor the markets whilst doing University projects, whilst doing drawings for a development, researching and investment and I do go off to meetings during the day but monitor the market on my phone when I can and even trade on my phone if i need to. So that question is hard to apply to me as my situation is different and not usual.
    I'm currently set in stocks so not actively searching for anything, my searching comes end of day most of the time though, it's the trading part that you need to be able to see the markets during the day to be able to buy and sell.

    Today for instance I was how MZN was trading very strong and would start to breakout based on the charts and watching the behaviour so I line wiped the sell side of 1.6c and by late afternoon when I happened to be out and away from the PC it went to 1.9c and I missed a potential trade, not that I wanted to sell so soon, but I still missed it and I wouldn't want to put a sell order in hopes of it getting hit at 1.9 or it does and the stock continues going well into the 2c range which I think it will. I like to judge there and then based on the trading at the time and make a decision in that moment. I guess I could adjust that and have done differently in the past, but was making much less profits and less active trades, as you can't buy and sell during the day if you aren't watching the market to know what's going on, previously I'd buy at a low price and then set a certain % or $ target and if it hit that I'd sell, which I still do for trading parcels but now I prefer to pull the trigger then and there not set a pre-determined sell order or buy order, buy order is even worse, sometimes the stock might change and you're not aware and then bang you're holding a stock that's dropped 20%-50% which can happen quite often, so I also prefer to pull the trigger live by analysing what's going on.

    Also longer time frame I don't like that term so much, I use it as well but stocks don't adhere to our timeframes, you can't give a stock X time to make 100% and then you're out, a week later it after you're out it could make that 100% gain, so i prefer to let the stock tell me what's going on with the technicals for when to sell and some fundamentals help, like I can leave my IAM investment and not trade and be comfortable it will get to much higher targets eventually once hitting the fundamental NPAT milestone targets, so what happens with the chart doesn't matter so much, but that becomes investing not trading lol.

    I also don't think I'd have so much invested if I couldn't monitor it all day or most of the day and be able to buy or sell when I need to for the most part.

    Trading the trade, yeah it's based off knowing what indicators to look for on the charts and knowing the stock well enough to predict it's trading behaviour. But that's on few stocks that you know well and some I'm happy to hold a trading parcel and add that to a long term holding.

    But other stocks I might go in for a few days, trade the trade, where it's in and out in a day or two or in a few weeks, it might be like PLP i think it was, with all the lithium hype, bought it at 0.005 and sold it at 0.008 then bought back at 0.006 and 0.008 again then sold off some at 1.2, and bought a bit more and sold off at 2.4 and then last parcel i think was 3c or 2.8 and that was over maybe a month or so, not long, wasn't many trades but also didnt have long term parcel investments, so that was trade the trade/trend with smaller than my usual long term parcels and I do that on lots of other stocks, but again can't do that if you're not watching the market live, you'll miss key entry and exit points if you want to be that active.

    Well I've been investing and trading now for nearly 10 years, only the last 3 years have I been more active and actually trading in the small caps and spec end and doing it successfully with each year growing more and more and getting better but that's also come due to investing more time into studying the market, before I was buying bluechips only and was making good profits over time, but a few years hold would double my money which is great but then found the smaller caps so added that into my arsenal as well so I do both now.

    Lol yeah that made no sense was just like you said going around in a circle lol, all good though

    Yeah doubling trades is i guess a norm on the STT as most get in the spec end with stocks at 0.005 or 0.010 and it's somewhat easy for them to go to 1c/2c/3c but need a bit more substance to go further. PSC though went from 1.7c to 7.4c and that was a great trade, so there are plenty out there to make a few bags. MZN at 2c is double my investment and 2.2/2.4/2.8/3c all double the price of my entries and quite easily will achieve that. 3c to 6c will be harder though if it has nothing to drive it forward such as further news.

    And yeah I think anyone can learn and be successful at trading if they put the time and effort into learning the necessary information to give yourself that knowledge and not just invest blindly otherwise that's gambling.

    Yeah as I mentioned above you can miss entry and exits in a stock as you've rightly noted, where a stock could spike in the day and then drop down and you missed the exit, you could have an order set either conditional for certain price and volume or just an order at a set price you're happy with and you think it can achieve and it get's sold, you run the risk of selling too early but that's ok if you can't monitor the market live all the time and you still make profits.
    But yeah you would want to avoid the pump and dump stocks that sometimes present good trades but nothing else, you want as you said a stock like IAM that will gradually rise, but these are rare, sometimes you think you found one and then next it's crashed 20%.

    Have a read on the IAM thread, there are some quality posts about the future value based on fundamentals and future earnings.

    No worries you're welcome lol thanks.

    Again sorry for another long response post to everyone else.
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