Short Term Trading Week Starting: 20 November, page-368

  1. 8,455 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1203
    Re Bitcoin,
    When I look at the yearly the direction is clear,
    It just keeps going up.
    With a few dips on the way...

    There are only so many Bitcoins,
    And people do lose them so that number drops continuously.
    The number of people getting into/ using Bitcoin increases continuously.
    Supply and demand.
    $500 investments have tuned people into Millionares,
    Now the Chinese are using it,
    More demand,
    Dubai wants to go blockchain by 2020,
    This will create even more demand.

    I do not believe it's just Tax reasons that big Companies want this,
    For them having Millions of dollars being able to be transferred instantly,
    Can save/ make them heaps of money,
    Eg, the bank doesn't hold it for a few days,
    Literally freeing up Millions of dollars and allowing the company to earn interest from that money .
    For an entire country that well may be Billions.

    So for $500 it may well be worth a punt,
    As if the trend continues in 10years it could be worth over $1 000 000

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