Short Term Trading Week Starting: 20 November, page-196

  1. 1,883 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 77

    Can I share something I've learned about trading, which has caught me a little by surprise?

    The weakest link in the trade is usually me.

    I get caught up in the story.. I blinker myself to the data.. I forget to check macro movements.. I ignore the chart.. I solely focus on those things that look shiny... and subsequently, I end up making mistakes and wondering what happened. And when I reflect I can clearly see that I really should have: researched, focussed on the big picture, asked more questions, inspected the charts, dug deeper into the business model.

    The STT community has taught me many things, and one of the best things I've learned is to make sure there is as little of me in the trade as possible. Post thoughts, analyse, read responses, collect both sides of the picture, post STTCOMP tip, see feedback, read contrary opinions. Something I don't find helpful? When everyone is on my side, saying 'Things are great!". What I do find helpful? When someone says "Hey, you've forgotten this " or "Hey, just keep in mind this ".

    That type of critical feedback hones my ability to make the right decisions with subsequent trades. I can choose to tell everyone something at volume and not listen to feedback. And, well.. That's hasn't work out so well, and what I'm reminded of when I do that is that I should've changed my approach, and learned my lesson from last time.

    So regarding my comments above: You'll notice I haven't personally attacked you - well, perhaps mildly with the insinuation that you are quite enthusiastic about this stock, which, can I add, is backed up by the frequency of your posts on the stock thread. All I've done is point out that the company sits in a sector that has developed a bad reputation for certain practices, in particular the obsfucation of real data, and SHO is not immune to the same pattern of behaviour (even if a large international fund is involved).

    In short: I could sit back and say "Oh. That sounds great!" and pat you on the back, wish you well, and not give you my opinion. But that wouldn't be the mark of someone who has your best interest at heart would it...?

    Trust the three star reviews.
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