Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week...

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 21st April 2013 (No. 61)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects
    TTE - Oil and Gas in Perth basin plus U.S Allen salt domes,

    Just released most recent drilling and prod tests on Allen dome. New well flowing at 331 bopd on solid choke. Tonne of unknowns remain with at least 5 other carbon zones. Tiny mc and already becoming a solid producer. Had to pull back flow to 250 due to reserves that they are able to maintain. Strong management that has so far been congruent in everything they said they would do in the past 6 months. At this size mc and the fact that they are a producer, with a heap of exploration to go in U.s and Perth, they will be prey soon enough if they don't take off like MAD did a few years back
    Spotted by: BrookeCE

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    POK - Potash, Utah state USA,

    Awaiting the issue of permits from the USA Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) drilling permit approvals process for POK’s subsidiary, K2O Utah, to drill on Federal land. Expected to be issued within the next few weeks! The issuance of the permits will give POK legal control over the land and allow independent geologist Agapito to define POK’s maiden JORC compliant resource. Potash Minerals Limited has earned 90% of the Paradox Basin Potash Project. The Company's focus is on sylvinite, a high grade form of potash ore that is cheaper and more effective to process to a saleable form than any other form of potash ore. An Exploration Target estimated by independent consultants Agapito Associates, Inc. for Potash Beds 13 and 18 of 3.4 to 5.2 billion tonnes of sylvinite at an average grade of 23% to 34% KCl has been delineated within the Project.
    Spotted by: kellbys

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    WCN - Nickel in WA and Base metals in Kyrgyz republic,

    WA Nickel Sulphide explorer currently drilling with assays due at Lake Johnson. This project covers approximately 1,400 square kilometres in the Lake Johnson Greenstone Belt. Trading at lows has a history of spiking hard when drilling for Nickel Sulphides could easily push to 10c on any hit of Nickel Sulphides
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    ERJ - Energy-saving/clean energy,

    Company has signed a contract to provide Waste Heat to Power System (WHPS) at Carnarvon site. Engineers from Sweden have been brought across to commission the Opcon Powerbox, and are expected to give the all-clear in the coming weeks.SP price @ 17/4/13 is 0.004.ERJ also has an agreement in place with an ASX200 company pending Carnarvon proceedings.
    Spotted by: Ricdan1985

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    TEG - Oil and Gas in Indonesia and Morocco,

    Triangle’s strategy has been to broaden its portfolio of oil and gas operations beyond holding a single high quality asset in Indonesia. Management considers the opportunity to have a presence in Morocco as compelling and therefore made the decision to diversify outside Indonesia. The exploration blocks as presented by ONHYM include both oil and gas opportunities with three of the onshore blocks containing more than eleven exploration leads and prospects with a potential prospective resource in excess of 600 million barrels OIP and GIP of 140 Bcf..
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    MGV - Nickel Zinc Copper South Aust,

    An ASX player in the Musgrave region which has many geological similarities to that of Voisey Bay Ni/Cu region which is also the same source rocks to SIR's Nova currently drilling Secondly drilling at Menninnie Dam in Sth Australia recent results have had bonanza Zinc hits with more assays due Reminds me of CNO at 10c prior to its Zinc drilling results
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    LRS - Iron Sands , Copper and Gold,

    List of the three projects is an iron sands/gold/andusalite play that has up to 4 billion tonnes of mineralogical earth that on mining could generate massive profits on a low cost of resource recovery project .The second Short term upside cay come from the ILLO Norte copper project that is about to be drilled in the next week or so , The third exploration is Mariella that is by a third party funder from China that is the next door neighbour and a billion dollar business , that already own 20% of LRS they bought at 28c and 31c. Any sniff of news from the Chinese shareholder increasing their stake , ILLO drilling finding something ,or the new funding coming in as was indicated in the half yearly I think LRS could easily surpass the STT target of +25% in the next few weeks
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    KSN - Iron Ore Copper Gold in the US ,

    The change of direction , capitalization and restructure of the share register of KSN recommenced today on the ASX on a day that could not of been a worse day for the stock . Old holders were re structured 1 for 200 thus being out of favour and new holders paid 20c per share to become new holders and back the companies venture in to parts of South Australia close to Gina Reinhart's Prominent hill and BHP'S Olympic DAM projects .KSN have 13 targets mainly looking for IOCG and their first drilling will be on a lease where the land has been off limits to miners and occupied by the US army for more than 20 years , past tests have shown that the land has scope for a Olympic dam type asset .Today's crumby market has in my view offered an opportunity for real upside off a level not expected by those that subscribed for the $2 m of new shares at 20c .
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    HLX - Copper Gold in Chile,

    Original drill hole returns 20m at two percent Cu with the mineralisation ending in a half metre of chalcocite , extremely high grade circa twenty percent .New drilling program underway now . News flow for April /May should be positive . Other project ... JV coming .Has resources in Australia and good cash . Small number on issue and low make cap
    Spotted by: J8

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    NMR - Coal/Copper in Africa,

    Massive coal holding upgraded last week to 748 mil indicated tonnes, and already published inferred resource of 6.9Bil tonnes , And news soon expected around rail line build and approvals for Nimrodel to move towards mining and production reality. Tiny MC. Expected to run hard over the coming weeks. Ann to market some months ago highlights will not seek further cap raise funding this year.
    Spotted by: BrookeCE

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    JKA - Oil/Gas in Africa, Tunisia,

    Currently drilling holdings in Tunisia and expected to pop some large wells with Cooper energy as operator". Update on 10 April indicates Over the next week they will drill 26'' Hole to 505 mRT. Then set 20" casing Then set further sections. The well is located near the successful hammamet West 2 . Speculation indicates these wells will be large producers with many successful fields close by. Sold down recently on smaller level volumes. News on the positive will see it run back to or beyond 24c, from current 14c levels. Entry point taken on large scale in past week. Upside is quite large.
    Spotted by: BrookeCE

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    CTR - Oil and coal explorer Guatamala,

    Expecting great news of >700bopd. Strategic stake taken in company in past Few months by Range Resources. Potential exists for either strategy based tie up or takeover. Company has Been successful with other wells, However should it surprise to the upside this drilling will see it run back to above 4c and potentially become a company maker. Aztam has a 2.3m probable barrel reserve
    Spotted by: BrookeCE

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    AYR - Alloy resources. Gold explorer in WA,

    News expected in next week or 2 to confirm recent discovery of green fields gold discovery, from further surveying. Recent SP activity has seen an acquirer use positions on sell side strategy to build a 15million unit position and become a substantial shareholder. All at prices that seem to be less than 1c. Once market Ann received sell side completely thinned out. From 0.008 looks like a steal and last news saw it run twice to 1.8c last run, and 2.2c run prior. Already have 100,000 ounces. Drilling and goals remain to locate a 1-5mil ounce find. Current discovery is close to the Junee mine that's a 5mil
    Spotted by: BrookeCE

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    GUN - Heavy mineral sands,

    Coburn world class heavy mineral sand field, POSCO (world's 4th largest steel producer) were going to finance capex for 40% equity in the project - bailed out at the last minute due to disappointing zircon prices. DuPont (world's third largest chemical company) have independently upheld their separate off-take agreement with Gunson. Board has initiated a Strategic Review of the Company after Koreans bailed, which will seek to attract new strategic shareholders (I'm thinking Russians or Chinese outfits) - this report will be completed and released by the end of April this month - I expect the market will re-rate upon a affirmation of its true valuation, similar to the Cockatoo Coal rebound
    Spotted by: Vercengetrix

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    CDB - Chilean copper / gold explorer,

    Chilean copper / gold explorer, including porphyry deposits, plus an iron ore tailings project with near term cash flow There are therefore 3 short term catalysts: - No delays in drilling their copper targets now, we know they are drilling 24 hours a day and will start up a 2nd 24 hour drill rig on 12th march. Updated info re porphyry projects including 3 potential partners visiting the Gold Iron project. - but most importantly for me has been confirmation of progress relating to the iron ore tailings project, including detail on some realistic costs which need to be incurred to get it started. They've also concluded discussions with customers
    Spotted by: Prestonian

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    WHN - Oil and Gas in Seychelles,

    Company’s flagship project is its offshore Seychelles. LOI signed last month with a top 100 company in the Fortune 500, further details expected later this month in relation the farm in deal. Also expecting details of a farm in deal for the La Bella project in the short term as well as a possible boost in SP riding on the back of Shells' Palta exploration project currently underway in WA
    Spotted by: Pac23

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    ARD - Silver in NSW,

    Existing resource is progressing through regulatory process, highly positive local receptions. Attractive rights issue in progress. High priority drill targets, possibly the VMS feeder zones where the Ag resource came from. I'd expect some drill dates to be announced very soon perhaps at the time the rights issue concludes. And apparently a major push to get the company name out there with articles popping up all over the place.
    Spotted by: Shadders

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    RDM - Silver Lead in Australia,

    Catalyst - Assays from recent drilling (MRN12004B) due this week and visuals from Daughter hole (2) MRN13001 due within 2 weeks - visual 2 weeks thereafter. Expectations - Assays are expected to come in line with Upper BIF of previous hole MRN12003B which showed results of up to 10% PB + 150g/t AG, or 17% PB Equivalent. Model suggests possibility of transition into higher Silver, suggestions up to 400g+ AG.
    Spotted by: Bobsa

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    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    TEN - TV Broadcasting,

    Has been trending up since November last year recent morning star pattern playing out now on latest dip in price Daily chart..Shown in last few days to be able hold itself in down trending market .My following the trix is still showing past bias line on the 15 and nine day signal downwards. Has shown a sharp turn upwards on the 5/5 signal im trying use to get in earlier on trend. Bounce off support here at 29 . Disclosure have taken position .Looking for short term target of 0.45 if it can break resistance at 39
    Spotted by: Valen1828

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    TEG - Oil and Gas in Indonesia and Morocco,

    hart shows its been basing at 1.3c/1.4c which is the 61.8% retrace of the big move it just had and waiting for its big break upwards See chart in the link shown below.
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    LRS - Iron Sands , Copper and Gold,

    The last few months the 30c strike options were coming in to expiry March 31 , this held the stock back Pre April 1 , and since as the obvious capital shortfall they have to fund their 3 major exploration targets remain unresolved The share price crashed on the back of this from as high as .44c where the stock was a TA sell some months back to as low as .14 cents where I see it as a T/A buy for a short term move back towards the gap that was created around 0.25c
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    HLX - Copper Gold in Chile,

    Broken from LT downtrend with two huge spikes , seems to be at the bottom of a new up channel and gives ST target from the current 5.3c to well over 7c . Ten cents could be tested dependent on fundamentals
    Spotted by: J8

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    SDL - Iron Ore in West Africa,

    Sell off down after Takeover failure, last three day plus trading up to now, there were 610m shares traded at weighted average of 10c. If instos want to push high and make profit, ST target should at least 15c.
    Spotted by: Accaeric

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    FRR - Commercial Refrigeration and AirCon,

    The Company operates in two industries namely the manufacturing of refrigerated cabinets to the major supermarket chains, and the installation contract services and maintenance services to the refrigeration and air conditioning systems installed. Recent board restructure and placement at 0.95c top raise $950KClearly a back dooring is imminent in a "high growth sector "Volume increasing of late is a clear smoke signal Close above 1c resistance will be the likely precursor to a significant re-rating punters
    Spotted by: McKagan©

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    PEN - Uranium in USA and S.Africa,

    After support failed at 3.1 on 2/4/2013, SP has been pushed down to find new support at 2.7 on reducing volume, with a new base forming at this level. Today has seen a low volume test of 2.7 with most trading done at 2.8Stochastics and RSI are in favour of an entry and risk to reward calculations are also in favour of an entry. A rise above 2.9 would be a BUY confirmation on the PnF chart using Wyckoffian Logic. I have taken an early entry position and am looking at the SP returning to the 3.2 / 3.4 in the short term and a break above 3.4 to test 3.8 in the medium term
    Spotted by: Pewal

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    VMG - Construction,
    engineering and consulting in Aust.,

    VDM Group Limited s (VMG) is a design and construction company that delivers projects to the mining & resources, transport & civil infrastructure and urban development market sectors. VMG operates in 3 divisions which are construction, engineering and consulting divisions. Breakout from 6 month basing patter with 1.7c resistance looking imminent, higher lows, rising OBV, Gap to 2.6c, all volume at 1.6c being soaked
    Spotted by: McKagan©

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    ARD - Silver in NSW,

    After a year in doldrums it's had recent run and retrace on falling volume. Today making a classic bounce off a fib and SAR confluence. Cracking 10.5c on this leg will confirm long term trend change.
    Spotted by: Shadders

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    Links to Previous Weeks Lists

    No.60: Short Term FA & TA Leads (8th - 12th Mar) Click HERE

    No.60: Short Term FA & TA Leads (8th - 12th Mar) Click HERE

    No.59: Short Term FA & TA Leads (25th – 29th Mar) NOT AVAILABLE

    No.58: Short Term FA & TA Leads (18th - 22nd Mar) Click HERE

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