short term trading - week starting 25 feb

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 25th Feb 2013 (No. 54)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    MOD - Gold in NZ, Copper in Botswana, Raised $2.5m via a placement to 1 investor at 5c on Friday, above the Thursday closing price..Appears to be close to offloading its African interests to concentrate on Sams Creek in NZ.......already over 1M ounce deposit in early stages of exploration..Management hold close to 30% of outstanding issue. . (Mcap:$24.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Sck Date: 25/02/2013

    NRT - Pharmaceutical Industry dual listed on ASX/Nasdaq., Very volatile share price currently and trading at 25 % discount to Nasdaq price 30.5 Nasdaq 37 cents Released results of a drug cs-6 which is highly active against ovarian cancer stem cells. Further results imminent and further positive result would be huge for the share price. (Mcap:$31.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Malmoe Date: 25/02/2013

    IXR - Iron ore miner in South Aust cairn hill. Nickel graphite, copper and gold tenement in Tanzania , Estimated profit this year 26 mil Monthly free cash flow 2.2 mil Jorc nickel in Tanzania last results include 16.3% Ni and .8% copper. Describe in RCR latest research as a globally significant Nickel sulphide project. RCR report released 2 days ago values at 60% discount 38 cents. Worth a read. Nickel sulphide trend 8km x 3km Spent 12 mil last year on exploration. Intends to spend 18 mil this drilling season in Tanzania. Has a 1 bill tonne iron ore project looking for jv with azure capital giving corporate advice. JV with OZL, oz spending 20 mil for 51%. Has done pea study on Tanzania and costs are Ni us$5 a pound. For a 15 year mine life at 15,000 tonne a year. Jorc upgrade expected on Tanzania in 2 months 12000 m of end of season drilling due around a week. Downside is cairn hill has a shelf life of another 3 years, but drilling is about to start soon, to extend mine life. The kicker is the results due in 2 weeks after last results it went to 18.5 cents and drilling was in the same area. Got me stumped if RXL had come up with the 3m of 16% nickel it would be 30 cents. Let alone it is self funding a massive program trying to get the nickel up in 2015. But the kicker for short term is the results due in around a week. (Mcap:$49.50m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Tcisboss Date: 22/02/2013

    OGY - Cooper Basin Australia Oil/gas exploration producer, oil Texas USA, Senex are currently completing a large fracture stimulation program of 5 wells in the cooper basin,2 of these are with OGY. 1st one. Kingston rule 1 53 m of net gas pay. Mud logs confirmed liquid rich hydrocarbons. OIL. and by wells situated close by they prove to be very profitable. 2nd well Hornet 1. 28 m of net gas pay. gas flowed to surface during drilling. Pel 110 OGY and sxy are currently completing further 2d mapping. Upside sp potential is huge, downside sp risk is very limited. Senex bought 20% 12 months ago for double current sp. Both wells have proven gas and or oil shows and are surrounded by proven wells. Frac and flow rates should be available soon as they have started frac a few weeks ago. (Mcap:$12.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Malmoe Date: 22/02/2013

    MOU - Coal in Mongolia, Has a JORC upgrade and mine reserve due as well as a mining permit all due in Feb so one more week for company to keep its word Has a history of spiking hard and seems to be getting accumulated around the 1.2c level, expecting a test of 1.6c then 2c on those bits of news . (Mcap:$10.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 25/02/2013

    SEH - Gas company in the Ordos Basin, China, Fully funded to production with a farm-in from MIE, a HK listed energy company. Mgt expect to have 2P reserves of 500BCF (net to SEH) of gas by 3Q 2013, which is huge. In March we can expect a reserve update, deep drilling on the 40% unexplored portion of its permits, and the start of fraccing with flow rates to follow. Test flows on historic wells averaged 640 mcf/d and decline rates are expected to be lower than shale due to this being tight sandstone. Commerciality is as low as 125 mcf/d using a $7.60 mcf price. Ordos Basin is the largest producing basin in China and has infrastructure in place already. China desperately needs alternatives to coal - have you seen the smog in the northern Chinese cities such as Beijing.. (Mcap:$174.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Umizoomi Date: 25/02/2013

    AZY - Targeting copper and gold Telfer look-a-like north of Telfer in WA, Currently drilling 2000 m of diamond holes to test the Calibre magnetic anomaly. What most people are unaware of is that most of the ground around AZY is covered by ELA's from a company called Kitchener Resources Pty Ltd which is a private company belonging to Mark Creasy. It seems apparent that Creasy reckons the ground around AZY is highly prospective.. (Mcap:$7.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: John435 Date: 25/02/2013

    TGS - Copper in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sovereignty risk exists (Democratic Republic of Congo) but Kipoi is thought to be one of the highest-grade copper mines in the world. Fully funded with $80million in the bank. Set to become a very low cost producer. Ripe for a takeover. (Mcap:$218.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Tobyjack Date: 21/02/2013

    CUU - Copper Gold Uranium in Australia, Entered into agreement to purchase 80% interest in 6 “mining convention” areas and 100% interest in 13 other exploration concessions in Morocco. New investor, Hong Kong based Wealford Investments Limited - seems to be vehicle for Gregor Theiser (who previously worked for Glencore & Noble Group) He heads up Element Morocco Limited which is financially backed by Wengfu Intertrade Limited - part of the Guizhou Wengfu Group, a Chinese State Enterprise. Also have some interesting projects (Au, Cu & U) in Georgetown Qld. In discussions with a jv partner who has been undertaking DD for a few months, so news soon - expect it might be JKO Mining who bought Deutsche Rohnstoff Au plant/tenements, also PNN's which suround CUU. Also East Frome. Might be a rockstar this year? Can only hope.. (Mcap:$3.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Tobyjack Date: 21/02/2013

    TPT - Oil/Gas in Morocco, he 3 Moroccan Oil plays of TPT PVD and TEG TPT was actually the first to move into Morocco and is arguably the most advanced. Technically its has a history of bouncing well from the current level of 30c (give or take 28c/29c) and looks to be forming a triple bottom. (Mcap:$34.6m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 20/02/2013

    INQ - Stock broking firm and a funds management business/administration business, Presently undergoing a transition from owning a stock broking firm and a funds management business/administration business to sticking with the latter Companies like BT , Iris , WAM and many others in funds are doing very well , but only once they got it right . This business has a tie up with Ord Minet and over 30c + in cash. Trading just above cash backing , looks like a corporate target for one of the banks to pick up a good admin business for very little . (Mcap:$436.2m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Firsova Date: 20/02/2013

    EQE - Copper exploration in Chile, Promising surface channel samples. Have been selling off assets which should total around 7m. This should see them through the 2013 drilling program. Waiting on drilling approvals from the gov and have a drill rig ready to be deployed once they have been granted. Director has been buying up on market over the last couple of weeks.. (Mcap:$18.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Abss Date: 19/02/2013

    VOR - Mongolian Copper project, Fundamentals drilling at its flagship Mongolian Copper project, drilling started in December and so its been 3months could expect assays soon. Given the phenomenal rise and rise of ICG on a discovery of a Cu Porphyry system I think VOR stands a very good chance of a huge rise if drilling turns up any good results. "Recent assay results, supported by compelling alteration signatures, provides the strongest indication to date that the Khul Morit Project has the potential to host a significant copper porphyry system, and the initial targets identified within this drill programme will target this system. These targets are the result of the extensive audit the Company completed on the Project in recent months.". (Mcap:$17.4m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 18/02/2013

    TNP - Targeting Coal Mine Methane Gas in Northern China., The acquisition of CFT resulted in Triple Energy having an 80% interest in a Cooperative Joint Venture with LongMay Coal Mining Company, one of China’s largest State owned coal mining companies. The CJV has the objective of degassing the coal mining leases held by LongMay and has a life of 45 years. Estimates provided by CFT indicate that the greater CJV area has multi-Tcf potential. Given the initial estimates of Gas in Place, providing the upcoming drilling campaign is successful in establishing commercial flow rates and gas quality, there is potential for meaningful scale gas production in the near term. There is understood to be an immediate market for any gas that may be produced at a price, of around A$7.00 to A$8.00/mmscf. Drilling is expected to commence in February or March 2013 with each well expected to take around 15-20 days to drill and test. (Mcap:$8.6m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: kellbys Date: 18/02/2013

    PYM - Oil/Gas in the US, Short and simple really, have they drilled a 1000 bopd well or not? They have massive gas flare and 20% of the drilling mud coming back was the oil. Just moved to complete the well as too much oil and gas was coming back so they have had to stop drilling. You will have your answer by Friday next week, its a conventional well, no frac fluid flow back to wait for. Other important fact is they are good for cash, Big Mac has just given them a $100 million line of credit.. (Mcap:$28.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: V8 Date: 18/02/2013

    PGS - Oil/Gas exploration cooper basin Australia, 917 sq km permit Pel 514, SXY partner in permit Currently processing 3d seismic survey Results due very soon Likely positive well sites will be shown. SXY required to complete 3 wells by Nov 13 to conform with farm in agreement. (Mcap:$10.2m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Malmoe Date: 18/02/2013

    MRY - Providing financial services specializing in the delivery of small cash loans, personal loans, cheque cashing and international money transfer, NY short sell to under 5c from last sale price over 7. Placement then a rights issue spells doom for most shares from my experience. MNY are doing this and in my view will FALL EVEN BELOW THE RIGHTS PRICE let alone the current price . . (Mcap:$2.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Firsova Date: 18/02/2013

    CXM - Iron ore junior South Australia, Exciting iron ore junior with off take agreements port approvals joint ventures and expansion through early stage bulk commodity projects. Offers opportunity to clean out the bottom draw and into a franked return. Boutique fund pressure on price possible ? Sneak in entry for 25% by 5c fully franked dividend 13/3/13 and if it does not rise in share price. Proven track record of securing foreign investment third joint venture signed January 2013. Former senior trade commissioner signed to help with marketing and future projects.. (Mcap:$62.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Valen1828

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    SMR - Mineral exploration company with coal projects across Queensland's Surat and Bowen basins, Flurry of volume activity between December and January whilst the stock is unable to make new lows. With the selling pressure abated, the stock could be set for an upwards run imo. The proximal high on 20/02/13 broke the proximal high on 16/02/13 subsequently the stock did not reveal much weakness in a retracement. A confirmed break of the 0.25 resistance in the coming days/week would provide strong impetus for the up move. The stock shows an early break on the P&Fchart. (Mcap:$44.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: N6412297 Date: 25/02/2013

    SXL - Australian media provider responsible for broadcasting of commercial TV and radio stations, Reversal of trend, the share gapped through support at 1.3, which was then tested and held firm confirming strength in the up move. The share maintained strong momentum on 22/02/13 surging through resistance at 1.435. The share has a very attractive P&F chart showing a positive breakout. (Mcap:$1046.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: N6412297 Date: 25/02/2013

    MOD - Gold in NZ, Copper in Botswana, The sharp pickup in volume of Friday, with the subsequent price increase is showing the punters are expected good things to come in the near future for MOD......I am one of them. (Mcap:$24.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Sck Date: 25/02/2013

    WLR - Oil/Gas in Brazil, Harpia Basin - Sergipu-Alagoas( Brazil )Onshore
    JV Partner/Operator - Gavea (Nord) WLR 40% Interest. New Director at the Helm MC 5 million and 390 million shares . Price .013c Just bounced off recent lows with little volume . (Mcap:$5.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Sunnyq Date: 25/02/2013

    GBG - Magnetite in WA, On the swing around. The supports walls at 26 & 26.5c 'need' to move up one or two. The accumulation over the last while is obvious, and volume has been magnificent. The buy/sell, pendulum swinging back when is that ann due....might be good!!. (Mcap:$324.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Doctor Who Date: 21/02/2013

    THX - Copper/nickel/chromium/uranium Explorer in WA, Broken out of massively long-term downward trend. Bowl formation since this time 2 years ago. Early price target of 13.5c with a preferred breakout target of 22c.. (Mcap:$21.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Nilhilism Date: 20/02/2013

    BCC - Oil/Gas explorer , Daily Showing bullish divergence from crossing the trix signal line still below the bias line detrended oscillator sitting right on bias line distribution still showing down trend. .Last attempt at the bias line would get a close on 25% move in price if it taps it again. Looking for around 5.9 cents area to get there and last tapping point. Lots of fundamental data around little technical .Has moved over 700 million shares before in a month showing a few spikes recently with no strength? Spiked two days ago 5,6 m shares 2.5 m today finished attempting to break re-stance third attempt in last month.. (Mcap:$62.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Valen1828 Date: 20/02/2013

    AQQ - Gold mining located in Western Australia, Aphrodite Gold Limited (AQQ) is a gold mining company with a focus on development of its flagship Aphrodite Gold Project, located in Western Australia. AQQ also holds an interest in Scotia Gold Project through its JV partner, Breakaway Resources Limited. Double bottom at 5.3c which is also historical resistance. Clear reversal day today post the run up to 8.8c 5 days ago Selloff has been on comparably small volume vs the breakout day Nice long white candle today Close on the high. More results due Could go back and test 8.8c easily imo Only 236M heads on issue. (Mcap:$13.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: McKagan Date: 20/02/2013

    ESI - Coldry Coal Process, Has been basing around the 1c level and has seen a huge volume surge on an update on its flagship Coldry assets It's Coldry assets were the catalyst for a major rerating 12months ago where the stock ran from 0.4c to 3.7c or almost a ten bagger. (Mcap:$17.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 19/02/2013

    TSE - Provision of operations and maintenance, asset management, project and capital management outsourcing and infrastructure development services;, Daily chart : Bullish candle 13/2 held 15/2 breaking December resistance .Trigs daily indicator broken signal line and touching bias line to positive trend . De trended oscillator bullish movement across bias line. Accumulation distribution showing positive to negative passed bias point Weekly chart : Strong morning star candle reversal from yearly down trend .Accumulation started 3/2 with high volume day 10/2 showing and a bullish reversal and confirming trend even though price still falling on daily chart. Chart has given three morning star patterns from week to strong since October. Twigs on bias line and accumulation distribution reversal confirmed and past bias .and de trended indicators. Monthly :The real challenge to test .Morning star pattern forming and close to GFC reversal and 2002 bull rise to 2007 highs . A late runner from the asx trend reversal of June 2012.Chart still forming for the monthly analysis.. (Mcap:$983.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Valen1828 Date: 18/02/2013

    TEG - Oil/Gas in Indonesia and Morocco, A few weeks ago broke up through 2c which was a very significant break out, has been consolidating since this breakout and even though it went as high as 3.2c it was too fast too soon. Here's the 6month chart shows the big run up and the consolidation and the longer term 4yr monthly chart which shows the significance of the break up through 2c and suggests that technically we may be seeing a repeat of the move in 2010 up to 8c. See chart in Link . (Mcap:$31.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 18/02/2013

    PEX - Precious, base and specialty metals resources in NSW and WA, and New Zealand., Long term ascending triangle breakout above 43c resistance Closed on the high last week channel depth approximately 35c Gives a profit target of 78c or thereabouts OBV very strong since the initial move last August A very very strong technical setup imo punters . (Mcap:$47.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: McKagan


    Links to Previous Weeks Lists

    No.53: Short Term FA & TA Leads (18th Feb - 22nd Feb) Click HERE

    No.52: Short Term FA & TA Leads (11th Feb - 15th Feb) Click HERE

    No.51: Short Term FA & TA Leads (4th Feb - 8th Feb) Click HERE

    No.50: Short Term FA & TA Leads (29th Jan - 1st Feb) Click HERE

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