Short Term Trading Week Starting: 25 Nov, page-64

  1. 17,258 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    Well yes i call them flat earthers as they just show up with a flatline . One scan i do which was for trix crosses would sometimes pick up a stock come through that has been just flat chart wise . Ie trading halt etc no trades etc then starts trading again .

    I like your style of that and like few months ago the stt should get together and design some stuff around stocks like these on weekend thread etc .

    Out of the usual kind of stocks most stuff probably overlooks .

    The biggest fear with them is if they relist then go bust !

    Bnb comes to mind and a few others you have be really cautious if technical trading and have been saved from entering a stock before like this on technical stuff .

    Cant remember the stock or poster saved me once from one we picked up in our trix scan . Thinking was dml a copper stock .

    Im still waiting for court decision from some subordinate ie notes i bought in Babcock and Brown in the gfc .

    A lookalike at dml and class action taking place so my arse was saved at the time by Brookesey i think ?

    Yeh im a bit shy with stocks like this come through why they can get pumped and maybe more astute listing has been for the market to get out ?

    Just another reason to be wary sometimes all is not what it seems maybe in the fickle world of technical trading and scanning for it .

    I bought four dollar notes worth a hundred dollars .

    If bnb had of made it perhaps i would have been a lucky punter but never happened .

    Deloitte now just making cream and the judges and legal wigs milking every cent now as still ongoing from the gfc ?

    Not mention the trust boss possibly getting a gift each year maybe for overseeing it all i guess ?

    Who knows maybe one day i will see a couple of grand from it as only put in a few as a punt on potential.

    So not saying good or bad just cautious note on stocks that relist if they are in trouble etc .

    There are mangoes and no mangoes .

    Toilets in Cardwell has them at the service station for ladies and gents .

    Now shorting just became legal when bnb relisted then closed out trading after opening for few day from memory .

    Liquidity of the market mechanisms i guess is the reason touted at the time ?

    ie it reopened shorts closed out and some made money some lost it all ?

    Be interested though if there is a mango smoothy with figs in it thats for sure .

    Who has a fig smoothy ?

    A google search of mango and fig smoothy is thought provoking as i know you like figs .

    Me i will just sink myself into my rum and think about turning four dollars into a hundred dollars and wonder why i get into some crazy stocks at times?

    Rags to riches John Farham did how many last concert tours ?

    They probably all made appearance money for him and the punters thought they were at the last concert !

    I think my wife is weird and she probably thinks i am .

    At least we know we are

    I dont wear high heels though !
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