Short Term Trading Week Starting: 26 Sept, page-11

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 25th Sept 2016 (No. 234)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided by the Hotcopper posters that have contributed leads/tips to the Short Term Trading Competitions below as I do not have the time, nor resources to research and verify the information that has been provided by them. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    KSN - Copper Lithium and Copper in Australia [26/09/2016]
    MC: $ 9.9 M current SP: $0.015 Shares on Issue: 660 m Cash on hand: $6m AUD ?previous raising & placement was done at 0.021 via Bell Porter) My STT FA long entry is based on KSN's current portfolio on hand, as shown below. Bynoe: Near CXO, right in the same area Kingston controls one of the largest lithium tenement portfolios in the Northern Territory, with over 2,000km2 of tenure at Bynoe, Wingate and the Northern Arunta. The Company is expecting the majority of the remaining Bynoe applications to be granted in the coming months. Mt Cattlin: Near GXY, right in the same area Greenbushes: right next to the biggest known lithium reserve in the world is ‘Greenbushes’ in WA imo the best candidate right now after KDR, CXO is KSN. KSN has got much more to offer, the news flow would be really kicking in right from beginning of October, KSN's management seems known what they are doing more importantly they know what the right areas are. Drilling and all exploration activities are starting, the best story in the wave I think is not KDR or CXO, it would be KSN. Disclosure: I have been buying all the supplies at 0.015 price level and I will be buying more if they show up on the offer side again. 2.PNG5.PNG3.PNG4.PNGCapture.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.27 ) (Mcap: $10.6m)

    KPO - Energy From, Waste Industrial Heat [26/09/2016]
    Kalina Power SP: 5.7c Market Cap: ~$23m (fully diluted) Cash: ~$10m "PO owns the Kalina Cycle technology which is a binary power generation system that generates power from geothermal and waste heat across a range of industries – the technology was developed as an alternative to the Organic Rankine Cycle as is ~20-40% more efficient Technology can be used across a range of industries and is most effective for low temperature heat sources or less than 500F – it is a closed loop system and the working fluid used is a mixture of ammonia and water, the system has the ability to vary the ammonia to alter ratio throughout the cycle which provides greater efficiency and allows the system to continue to operate with a fluctuating heat source It is commercially viable currently being used or deployed in 15 plants across the world with a total nameplate capacity of 24.9MW with a further 4 plants planned or under construction with an expected capacity of 13MW - the largest Kalina Cycle plant is at the DG Khan cement plant in Pakistan with a nameplate capacity of 8.6MW A 4MW Kalina Cycle plant can offset upwards of 19k tonnes of Co2 per year compared to a coal fired power plant which releases over 500kg/MWh The company has over 140 patents for the Kalina Cycle technology in US, Canada, Japan and China with pending approvals in Europe, Indonesia and Philippines The technology is currently under construction at Sinopec’s petrochemical plant on Hainan Island in China – Sinopec are expected to require 7 more plants at Hainan Island and have over 1,000 sites in which they are looking at to achieve power generation efficiencies An explanatory video of the technology can be viewed at" -- Source: Hartleys TS Recently completed a monster raise by Hartleys for $8.50m with both of its major shareholders increasing their positions (Harrington Global Opportunity fund 27% and John Bryne with 20%) Looks like the placement flippers are almost done with supply looking thinner than ever.
    Poster: NightWatchman (STT Accuracy: 53.8% - Ranking No.12 ) (Mcap: $8.5m)

    MKO - Gold in Australia [26/09/2016]
    Gold Explorer / Future toll treater WA SP: 7.0c M/C: Approx $30m SOI: 414m T20: Approx 90% Owns 2Mtpa Bronzewing mill. Has entered a toll treating agreement for up to three years with unlisted Bullseye mining for up to 1Mtpa. Bullseye to bear all refurbishment costs for Bronzewing. Highly likely that EAR will also process their ore (around 400kpa) through Bronzewing given shared MD. The MD likes to run things on the smell of an oily rag. Significant gold resources in its own right: Capture.PNG The Crazy Forkman Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts
    Poster: nambo1 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $30.9m)

    VRI - Tech Predictive analysis software [26/09/2016]
    Predictive analysis software, Aus. Shares - 359,104,059 Cash ~ $3m M.C ~ $28m at last closing price. Perf. Shares - 40,000,000 Total number of Options - 70,296,176 Listed Options - 34,375,384. Exercise = 0.050. Expiry = 30 May 2017 Top 20 ~ 55% Capital raising at 0.070 S.P at the time of suspension 0.079 The relisting of PML as VRI (Veriluma). The Veriluma software provides Predictive Intelligence capabilities. It is a disciplined software-driven approach to reduce the complexity and guesswork in decision-making. It takes known factors and associated unknown factors and applies an algorithmic framework to reach conclusions about a stated hypothesis. The Veriluma software allows an information gathering interface to be developed to enable data to be gathered and assessed against specified questions or issues of probability. By this means, very large volumes of data may be provided and processed. The Veriluma software can and has been licensed with support and maintenance services. Veriluma intends to add functionality to the Veriluma software. Veriluma's business plans include offering automated work-flow, problem reasoning interfaces, machine learning, structured and unstructured data feeds/integration and data mining/analytics. Veriluma may itself develop this added functionality or it may license or use synergistic functionality offered by third-party software providers. Conversion of performance shares. Class A Performance Shares = 10,000,000. If within 2 years Veriluma's business achieves annual sales of not less than $2.0 million Class B Performance Shares = 15,000,000. If within 3 years, Veriluma's business achieves annual sales of not less than $3.0 million Class C Performance Shares = 15,000,000. If within 4 years, Veriluma's business achieves annual sales of not less than $10.0 million Listing likely to be on Tuesday, 27th Sept. A couple of reasons for my tip. 1. Gartner awarded Veriluma as one of their Cool Vendors 2016. Given to small tech co’s that are innovating in their field. Gartner states that 60-80% of their Cool Vendors will be acquired at some stage. Showing that the Cool Vendors generally have substance and do not fall into the hype/fad category. 2. Machine learning and big data are two key topics I’ve notice popping up lately in regards to the future. Veriluma ticks both boxes. 3. Tech is doing well of late as well as tech IPO’s. 4. PML was suspended from quotation on July 12th and will re-list as VRI 11 weeks later. Which I feel is an excellent turn around for an RTO. An indication to me of a really switched on management team. It's 5 o'clock somewhere... Warren Buffett 10
    Poster: Chev88 (STT Accuracy: 37.5% - Ranking No.26 ) (Mcap: $0m)

    PLH - Lithium in Spain Potash in **on [26/09/2016]
    Lithium, Spain & Potash, **on Shares - 137,684,092 Ca$h ~ $9m M.C at 0.200 ~ $27.5m E.V ~ $18m Perf. Shares – 25,000,000 (2 Tranches) Options, various unquoted – 12,875,000 About Plymouth Minerals Lithium Project Plymouth has partnered with the large Spanish company Sacyr and its wholly owned subsidiary Valoriza Mineria in an earn-in JV over a large, lithium-tin project (San Jose) in central Spain. Plymouth can earn up to 75% of San Jose by completing a Feasibility Study within 4 years. About Plymouth Minerals Potash Projects Plymouth owns 100% of the Banio and Mamana Potash Projects, which are drill proven, high-grade, shallow potash deposits that are favourably located on the coast of **on, and on major transport river ways (barge) with direct access to export ports. Plymouth retains an 80% interest in the Morille tungsten project in Spain which was extensively explored by Plymouth in 2013-2015. Plymouth has Tungsten and Potash but they’re just the backup singers, they may have their day in the spotlight but the front man of this band is the Lithium. While this foreign resource is not reported in accordance with the JORC 2012 Code, it is Plymouth’s opinion (and the opinion of the Competent Person for the study), that the data quality and validation criteria, as well as the resource methodology and check procedures, are reliable and consistent with criteria as defined by JORC 2012. The Company currently has a programme underway to obtain additional information which will satisfy this resource under the JORC 2012 Code. Extensive exploration work carried out between 1985-1991, including approximately 8,400m of drilling, mining feasibility studies and metallurgical test work has been completed. This has added to the database developed during previous underground tin mining at the deposit. It is Plymouths estimate that this work would have cost in excess of A$12 million in current value. Metallurgical flotation concentration tests and hydrometallurgical processes were evaluated as part of the feasibility work on mineralised material by a BMSA (England). These have examined use of various solvent reagents, calcining and processing to produce a market-ready end product. A process of beneficiation has been developed to extract the lithium and other minerals with sulphuric acid at normal atmospheric pressure from an ore milled to <25mm, obtaining recoveries of 90% for Li and 80% for the sulphuric acid as the most economically attractive. This metallurgical testwork is significant and is highly advantageous to the commercial value of the project as in this region of Spain a plentiful supply of acid is available at low cost (the project is located near the Iberian pyrite belt). In addition, neutralisation of acid is readily possible with locally sourced limestone which is in plentiful supply. The Earn-in and Joint Venture agreement is the result of discussions that commenced in early 2015 between the Company and Valoriza Mineria, which selected Plymouth as a partner to evaluate the extensive exploration data and historic feasibility study on San Jose, and conduct further work to evaluate the potential of restarting mining operations focused on lithium with a tin by-product. Plymouth will be seeking to conduct confirmatory drilling, metallurgical and mining studies based on previous parameters under Stage 1 of the agreement between Valoriza Mineria and Plymouth. Stage 1 of the agreement is anticipated to commence in H2 2016 following granting of regulatory permits. plh.png The exploration area in the white square has been granted as of September 7th. It has increased the land holding of the San Jose project by 300%. Reasons for the tip 1. Lithium is kind of a big deal I hear. 2. Taking into account time and costs. Plymouth is miles ahead of most of the lithium riff raff on the ASX. 3. Cap raise done at 22c. (How pertinent to the weekend topic) No wondering whether it will retreat. It has and is now rebounding. It's 5 o'clock somewhere... Warren Buffett
    Poster: Chev88 (STT Accuracy: 37.5% - Ranking No.26 ) (Mcap: $27.5m)

    TTL - Shell Tech [23/09/2016]
    Shell (tech) FPO: 155M T20: 74% MC: $4.65M @ 3c Cash: $3,4M EV: ~$1.25M @ 3c # Recently listed tech shell, which, like OOK, re-listed with an existing tech biz to (potentially) avoid the Ch 1&2 provisions with a significant tech acquisition (subject to the company not failing the “significant scale” test, which we know is always a possibility). In other words, the existing business should not be taken too seriously imo. # Two of the top 3 s/h have increased their holdings since re-listing. # Listed loyalty options recently issued (TTLO) which will be a big sweetener if this thing pops and the long-dated expiry (3 years) provides some excellent time value, hence would expect them to trade at a decent premium to heads if TTL starts moving. # The only thing to be aware of is the escrow release, with some tranches now live; but by the same token, even if some holders wanted out, you're not going to move a big bunch of shares without a decent liquidity event. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what
    use was the rule? 11
    Poster: Anton Chigurh (STT Accuracy: 63% - Ranking No.7 ) (Mcap: $5.2m)

    FBR - Brick Laying Robotics [22/09/2016]
    FastBrick Robotics Market Cap $92 million. SP 12c Catalyst for decline, mainly profit taking. The start today after an epic run, in an extraordinarily short period of time.. a good chance that those who have double and tripled their money in the last couple of weeks will try to lock in some profits. Close to $100m market cap and a long time before the company brings in any cash will likely mean a correction before a possible pump again.
    Poster: webbj (STT Accuracy: 46.3% - Ranking No.20 ) (Mcap: $86.1m)

    MTH - Lithium and Cobalt in NT [22/09/2016]
    MC: $ 3.4 m current SP: 0.006/0.007 Shares on Issue: 566.8M Cash: $ 0.628m (as at 30 June 2016) MTH and its joint venture partners are exploring for gold, nickel and copper throughout the Kalgoorlie and Meekatharra Districts of Western Australia. During the 2015-2016 Financial Year (the “Year”) Mithril doubled the strike length of the Stark copper-nickel-Prospect at Nanadie Well (Meekatharra), developed new gold targets at Lignum Dam (Kalgoorlie), evaluated the lithium prospectivity of Leaky Bore (East Arunta), and entered into an agreement with OZ Minerals Limited to explore South Australia’s far western Coompana Province for magmatic nickel – copper deposits. Mithril also attracted funding partners for three of its wholly owned projects - Spargos Reward, Duffy Well and Kurnalpi In the near term I think it is expecting news from Duffy Well Gold Project, news is due on that on ( in Sep 2016 it says) Given all the projects and funding agreements on hand I think MTH is being very much undervalued On the other hand, the slow moves from management is dragging the share performance without any doubt however value is value, it shall be sitting at at least a 8-9m MC given the projects/tenaments/farm-in/fundings avaliable. Of course this is only my opinion & my STT entry please DYOR. 1.PNG2.PNG3.PNG4.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.27 ) (Mcap: $4m)

    ADV - Lithium and Graphite explorer in Canada [22/09/2016]
    Lithium & Graphite in Canada MC: 13mil current SP: 1.6c Shares on Issue: 818M Options: 21M few months back did $2.9 mill CR @ 3.2c Current Cash at Bank: $3.20M SP has been willowing since june on the back of some "perceived director hole drilling down-dip" on the basis of reconfirming old results (due diligence). Whilst this may have been the case, ADV have acquired 100% of Seymour Lake Lithium Project, and todays announcement looks like they're on some decent ground! ADV have 2 100% stake lithium projects, and a 100% stake graphite project, all turning up decent inital results. With Teslas battery facility in canada, ADV are looking more and more promising
    Poster: bond00what (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.28 ) (Mcap: $15.9m)

    RSH - Tech - Medical software/mobile phone apps for respiratory problems [21/09/2016]
    Respiri Limited (RSH), Market cap $30m, $4.5m cash (30/6/16), Based in Melbourne Medical technology co that has software/mobile phone apps that detect and manage respiratory problems, especially Asthma I am tipping this based on peer comparison between RSH and ResApp (RAP). RSH has a market capitalisation of $30 million compared to RAP with a market capitalisation of $286 million. Either RSH is seriously undervalued or RAP is seriously overvalued. I do think that RAP is overvalued for the stage that it is at however I also think that RSH has a lot of catching up to do. RSH v RAP Products It must be noted that RSH has a few different products on the go of which some are for personal home use or hospital use. It must be also noted that RSH has four different devices versus RAPs one mobile phone app. *RSH Products* Home Use: AirSonea® The convenient and easy-to-use AirSonea device connects via Bluetooth® with a sophisticated smartphone app to detect and measure wheeze. The app features asthma management diary
    features; medication usage and reminders, and symptoms and triggers to help asthma sufferers gain a better understanding of how their condition affects them and importantly, help them better adhere to their treatment plans. Further features including weather conditions and pollen count are planned. SonoSentry™ SonoSentry is the first over-the-counter wheeze detection device cleared by the FDA. It is a stand alone device with on board computation. Currently USB connected to PC, but data can be uploaded to cloud via web portal. Wholter™ Symptoms of asthma, including wheeze, are generally worse at night and early morning. The FDA cleared Wholter is designed for 8-24 hour home ambulatory recording (nocturnal wheeze, cough). This option of monitoring asthma patients and collecting data for a period of time in the patient’s own home is important for both doctor in their design of treatment plans and patient, particularly parents of children with asthma. Respiri is currently exploring an upgrade to wireless capability and app function. Hospital / Clinic: PulmoTrack™ Computerised Wheeze Detection PulmoTrack is Respiri’s foundation product, designed for hospital/clinical based real-time monitoring of wheeze and cough in the management of acute, sever asthma in the ER and ICU, and for Pediatric Pulmonary Function Testing and Sleep Labs. The PulmoTrack module has a wireless connection to a PC. PulmoTrack is FDA cleared. *RAP Products* RAP has only one product: ResApp mobile phone app that uses highly developed algorithms to identify respiratory problems such as pneumonia, Asthma, bronchiolitis etc. Regulatory RSH's technologies have Australian TGA and European CE mark, US FDA is pending RAP is currently under US FDA review Revenues - Final Report Revenues show that RSH is streaks ahead: RSH $683k RAP $82k I think that it is only a matter of time before the market recognises the market cap discrepancies between the companies and starts to mark up RSH's share price accordingly, it is already starting to occur as seen in my
    TA tip explanation.
    Poster: OnePipWonder (STT Accuracy: 33.3% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $28.1m)

    BSM - Graphite Producer in Madagascar [21/09/2016]
    Graphite Producer in Madagascar – only ASX-listed graphite producer SOI: 1.19b (excluding options – majority of options are ex 2.5c) Last traded SP: $0.014 Market cap: $16.7m Cash at bank: approx. $7m EV: $9.3m Bass recently completed acquisition of the Graphmada large flake graphite mine in Madagascar from Stratmin Global, an AIM listed company. The mine is fully operational and product is being sold to India, USA and Europe. The mine comes with a 6,000tpa processing plant and full support facilities including accommodation, medical centre etc. The mine has 4 known deposits within its permit: Loharano – the flagship deposit where main operations are being Mahefedok – trial mining underway with product already being sold to market Mahela – to be developed Ambatofafana – to be developed The main operation goal is to make this mine profitable. When Stratmin was running it, they did not have the funds to improve on the mine (well documented if you visit the AIM forums that Stratmin have minimal cash available and hence had to divest). As such, they only managed to produce 1,500t in 2015. Of all the product sold in 2015, 60% of the product was large to jumbo flake. What Bass is currently undertaking is an enhancement and expansion product. What I like about them at the moment is that they have a clear path to profitability, which includes a full implementation of Operational Optimisation Program. This includes improving processing infrastructure and increasing quality of graphite produced (>94% purity which attracts premium pricing). They will also be undertaking drilling next month to update their JORC resources. At the moment, all mining is done within 8m of the surface but the deposit is known to go past depths of 30m with grades increasing with depth. Depending on JORC update and the subsequent study, their aim is to construct a 2nd processing plant at Mahefedok, with a capacity of 12,000 to 20,000 tonnes per annum. Tim McManus, the CEO of Bass Metals just recently in an interview at the Africa Down Under Conference mentioned that they have also achieved 3,600tpa which is already a 140% improvement. In addition, the quality of the product is also expected to increase with improvements in infrastructure. Funding for the acquisition is to be done in 3 tranches, the first of which has already gone through. The 2nd tranche is $3m in Bass shares (when 1,250t is achieved over 3 month period = 5000tpa) and the 3rd tranche is $5m in Bass shares (when 2,500t is achieved over 3 month period = 10000tpa). Initial cap raising of 7m at 1.2c was led by Paterson Securities and Bizzell Capital. Noting that future tranches are in Bass shares, they would want this SP as high as possible to limit dilution. Reasons for SP movement shortly Patersons Securities and Bizzell Capital heavily invested at 1.2c Over 300m options with ex price of 2.5c Future payments to Stratmin Global are in shares and hence management would want this SP as high as possible to avoid dilution Mining to update JORC resource to commence Oct 2016 Improvements alr
    eady evident in production Only graphite producer on the ASX Highly undervalued compared to market peers [?IMG] Sit patiently on a potential multi-baggers - BSM, BGS
    Poster: Charterrierist (STT Accuracy: 58.8% - Ranking No.8 ) (Mcap: $7.4m)

    BUD - Tech - Cloud based IoT Platform [20/09/2016]
    SP 8.6 cents MC $69 million 1) At 8.6 cents SP is at a distinct low - i see easy rise of 25%+++ over coming weeks 2) Major catalytic event is completion of 2 purchases - Noveda and Zentri - by October 19, 2016 3) Additional catalyst is Parse by Buddy - migration from Facebook expected from November • I believe the SP will start to move very soon as we get closer to Oct 19. • Both acquisitions are revenue producing. • Together the 3 businesses - Buddy, Noveda, Zentri - dovetail strongly - pointing at the utilities sector - helping companies make significant savings on all utilities thorough monitoring and dashboard • Some impressive contracts underway - with major govt projects • Parse offering also revenue producing - could be $10's millions PA XPE + BUD + SYT = $$MMM
    Poster: Techmeister (STT Accuracy: 22.7% - Ranking No.42 ) (Mcap: $74.8m)

    NIU - Gold and Silver producer PNG [20/09/2016]
    Gold and Silver producer with Tin/Tungsten assets m/cap- $11.8m Independent asset valuation- $12m as at 2013 (subsequent maiden jorc on tin assets and maiden jorc on gold in progress) shares on issue- 1.475bn Top 20- 74.6% free float- 373m (tiny for lines of stock available) share price- .008 They procured key infrastructure to increase production rate. Its positioning itself to increase throughput of ore through its plant by over 600%. With new infrastructure in place, it is anticipated Edie Creek will scale up to run at +40tpd – a 3.0x increase over June’s record production rate. Now they did indicate the reasons for the equipment upgrade were to ensure they could operate profitably at lower grades. Though they did not say lower grades would be forthcoming. Probably more a hedge in the event the grades drops off. Break Even Production costs at Edie Creek is 76 oz/month. Increased production expected to bring in 200+ oz/month. At current gold prices, that gives $2.5m cash annually after costs! But let's do the calculation based from Average grades over the last 18 months. [?IMG] Average Grade is 11.74 Processing expected to be increased to 40t/day = 1200t/month Let's do some calculations based on different grades. [?IMG] Annual Cash after Production at Average grade... $7.9m Interestingly- I got stuck in a raise with this.....but raise announcement is as interesting as it is shrewd. The SPP is based on the price in a month, with progressive drilling results and production numbers (which are running at records) due in the meantime. So sure, I can take up stock at 20% discount based on the 5 day vwap in a months time, but what will be the share price then? So I made my mind up to add some more today .008 because my gut says the $15k maximum allotment (which I am confident will be very scaled back) is better spent now, and not in a month. So DYOR on that one graphs compliments of @NewToItAll (clever cookie) dyor crunch crunch crunch and do it again they say never look a gift horse like this in the mouth...but I did on this one Thanks @FixItDad for EMA chart 100 & 200 day (another clever cookie) [?IMG]
    Poster: specgoldbug (STT Accuracy: 35.3% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $11.8m)

    AGX - Tech - internet of things [20/09/2016]
    RTO completed and started trading Friday. Consolidation was 1 for 5 and now has 202M shares, CR at 5c for $3M oversubscribed 26/7 Investor Presentation: TECH acq - CCP: - established in 2012 to create a world-leading Internet of Things (IoT) solution for Critical Control Point management - points where failure of standard operating procedure could cause harm to people and/or to the business, or even loss of the business itself. Standard critical control points and management issues include but are not limited to: • Temperature – perishable food safety, biological material safety, regulatory compliance reduced wastage, underpinning supply chain quality and risk management; • Energy – usage, continuity of supply, identification of appliances; • Environment – air and water quality, pH, chemicals, noise, acoustics and gases; and • Movement – location monitoring including goods and mobile assets to underpin spatial information systems, security and usage. CCP’s first market offering targets the food service and retail sectors. CCP is in a Commercialisation Phase. Major trials underway – large multi-site domestic and international customers. Significant competitive advantages • No upfront cost to customers. • Plug and Play – simple installation • Global rollout already underway • Sales pipeline growing with major enterprise customers 16/9 - announced strategic partnership with Icon Global Link dyor
    Poster: mogo77 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $2.2m)

    JCS - FinTech [19/09/2016]
    Market Cap: $7m at 2.1c Cash: ~$2.4m Highlights: - 2016 revenue was around $9.5million which was larger than its current market cap - The JCurve software ERP product division itself experienced impressive growth of 24% in FY2016 - Recently just signed additional agreement with NETSUITE and expands beyond the SME market - The CEO just won the Australian Business Awards - The cash position is very robust: Untitled.png - AND The board is currently reviewing another acquisition "in both the Australian and Asian markets". Disclosure: I'm holding . . . and JCS is another massively undervalued company in my portfolio apart from TMP who I tipped at low 20c last week. TA-wise, 2.1c looks solid so far and should test high 2c by end of the month. Untitled.png Again, all IMHO and GLTA "Sharing is Caring" but DYOR and Caveat Emptor
    Poster: zym (STT Accuracy: 46.7% - Ranking No.19 ) (Mcap: $6.7m)

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    KSN - Copper Lithium and Copper in Australia [26/09/2016]
    Kingston Resources (KSN) / Market cap ~$11m ~$7m cash / Lithium exploration - Head office Sydney KSN started a move on Friday following on the coat tails of the CXO Lithium discovery. KSN has ground nearby CXO in the N.T and also ground near Mt Cattlin (GXY) and also Greenbushes From a technical point of view, the chart shows a down trend which was broken on Friday. Friday's price action is bullish in the fact that the volume surges, price is up 0.5 to 1.6 and the stock closes on it's high. ksnHC.PNG
    Poster: OnePipWonder (STT Accuracy: 33.3% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $10.6m)

    KPO - Energy From, Waste Industrial Heat [26/09/2016]
    Kalina Power SP: 5.7c Market Cap: ~$23m (fully diluted) Cash: ~$10m Has soaked very well since the placement. Looks like she's ready to move. Friday's price action and volume was very positive. +3m shares going through -- biggest day in over a year. KPO_Daily.png
    Poster: NightWatchman (STT Accuracy: 53.8% - Ranking No.12 ) (Mcap: $8.5m)

    MKO - Gold in Australia [26/09/2016]
    Gold Explorer / Future toll treater WA SP: 7.0c M/C: Approx $30m SOI: 414m T20: Approx 90% Ignoring the spike in Feb, price has been in a steady upward channel for the past 12 months. Chart appears to have put in a C&H and is slowly ticking upwards. METALIKO RESOURCES LIMITED.png The Crazy Forkman Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts
    Poster: nambo1 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $30.9m)

    NOR - Telecoms - Global Roaming Voice over IP [26/09/2016]
    Tech CO with World Phone and Corona (bus) and launch of World Wi-fi and World Messaging pending (Q3 is the last timing I have read). Chart - some may recall the epic run that started about this time last year. It has returned to Sep 2015 low and found Support. A hello 18M Vol 15/9 caught my attention, a possible signal of a change in trend. 21d eMA now turned up and price closing above the eMA. Screen Shot 2016-09-25 at 8.47.57 am.png dyor
    Poster: mogo77 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $2.9m)

    ICG - Gold Zinc Silver and Copper in Peru [26/09/2016]
    Inca Minerals is drilling for Zinc in Peru. MCap~$11.9m Cash on hand ~$?m plus $4.9 from the recent rights issue. Technical Analysis - Crossed above the 200 day sma Enough cash on hand to fund the planned drilling process at Humaspunco and Riqueza prospects. Assays of the vein hosted mineralisation reported at 34% Zinc and many of the veins are visible at the surface. Humaspunco has 36 known mineralised veins and Pinto has 5. Drilling permits are slow to be approved in Peru, but once obtained this should provide some uplift and the drill results will follow on. It is not a matter of whether there is Zinc there, but how much. I'm not in it for pips. icg_ax29mar16_to_30sep16.png Announcement.JPG [?IMG]MOD Resources
    Poster: markeewan (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $11.8m)

    MLX - Gold and BaseMetals [23/09/2016]
    MC: $ 836M current SP: $1.47 Shares on Issue: 605 m STT entry based on the trading pattern and breaking of 10, 20, 100 days moving average (3MAs system that I use for STT), it looks like it wants to go for a wave, with a tight stop loss at $1.20-$1.30 range I am looking at a possible $1.80 re-visits and higher after that. On the Broker activity side, Canaccord had been net buying 23m shares since 1st Augst and they have a SP price target of $2.25 in place. Worth a try here. MLX BR.PNGmlx.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.27 ) (Mcap: $861.6m)

    RDM - Copper, Cobalt, gold and BaseMetals in Australia QLD [23/09/2016]
    *Lead-Silver-Copper-Gold-Zinc + (AUS) *Potash (USA) SP > .09 SOI > 174,771,919 MCap > 15.7 Cash > $1.8M (30th June) After the disappointment of first pass drilling at the Irindina copper-cobalt project RDM has retreated to its previous sideways consolidation range and appears well supported at the current lower level (illustrated by the increased volume). MACD is on the turn, Stochastic indicator has crossed and coming from oversold levels..... RDM.png With the exploration team focus now on advancing the company's zinc targets on the Lawn Hill project, and the current market cap arguably more than underpinned by the company's Maronan Deposit (JORC 2012 compliant Inferred Resource of 30.75Mt @ 6.5% lead, 106g/t silver (using a 3% lead cut-off grade) and 11Mt @ 1.6% copper and 0.8g/t gold (using a 1.0% copper cut-off grade). This equates to about 2Mt of lead metal, 104.9Moz of silver plus 170,000t of copper and 300,000oz of gold.) RDM is worthy of a watchlist in this rising metals/zinc environment (imo) Further project info --> Cheers * Please be sure to do your own research.
    Poster: Lucror (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.29 ) (Mcap: $15.4m)

    DKM - Nickel, Gold, PGE and base metals Explorer [23/09/2016]
    *Nickel, Gold, PGE and other base metals (WA) SP > .24 SOI > 103,156,012 MCap > 24.7m Cash > $9m (Approx) DKM.png Back to a sloping level of support which has provided good entries previously. Placement of 20.6 million shares completed at .235 mid august. Drilling ongoing with assay results imminent with JV partner RRL. Drill also turning at 100% owned tenement next door to RRL with active schedule to follow. Great address, active, low to watch imo dkm.png dkm1.png Cheers * Please be sure to do your own research.
    Poster: Lucror (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.29 ) (Mcap: $25.3m)

    PAK - Graphene coatings for industrial textiles and fibres [23/09/2016]
    Breaking out of RSI down trend. Price has settled after spike, Ready possibly for Trend reversal. Probably about a month early, But see how we go? pak_ax29mar16_to_29sep16.png The Price tells the Story
    Poster: Dazzle101 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $14.5m)

    TV2 - Online tv platforms and karaoke Media [21/09/2016]
    TV2U is a global complete entertainment platform that enables businesses, such as telecommunications companies, to quickly and easily offer streaming content to their customers. The service includes movies, television programs, karaoke content and games through an encrypted channel for enhanced copyright protection. Market Cap $19m (Bloomberg) Cash $2.6m (Quarterly) Probably not for the faint hearted, today indicated a large sell off followed by some buying at around previous support levels (or there about's).. closing above mid of the bar. Worth monitoring at least. tv2.JPG This post is my opinion and should not be interpreted otherwise.
    Poster: ST (STT Accuracy: 14.3% - Ranking No.43 ) (Mcap: $20.2m)

    NOR - Telecoms - Global Roaming Voice over IP [21/09/2016]
    Norwood Systems was founded in 2011 to develop and supply the best possible global voice, data and messaging solutions using Over-The-Top (OTT) technologies. Market Cap $21.3m (Bloomberg) Cash $3.89m (Quarterly) Another unloved tech stock.. been monitoring this for a while. Appears to have found previous support and a return to low volume accumulation. Worth monitoring at least. nor.JPG This post is my opinion and should not be interpreted otherwise.
    Poster: ST (STT Accuracy: 14.3% - Ranking No.43 ) (Mcap: $2.9m)

    RSH - Tech - Medical software/mobile phone apps for respiratory problems [21/09/2016]
    Respiri Limited (RSH), Market cap $30m, $4.5m cash (30/6/16), Based in Melbourne Medical technology co that has software/mobile phone apps that detect and manage respiratory problems, especially Asthma Looking at the daily chart you can see that the stock has been in a downward trend from about 7.5 to 4.5 The trend has recently been broken with a DWC on 12th of September on high volume resulting in spike in share price to a close of 6.2 Subsequent to the DWC there has been 4 trading days where price has more or less held and confirmation of supply easing has occurred today with price and volume returning to the stock seeing it close on its high at 7 RSH.png
    Poster: OnePipWonder (STT Accuracy: 33.3% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $28.1m)

    JKA - Oil & Gas shell [21/09/2016]
    Jacka Resources Limited Africa - Oil Explorer and Producer SP 0.006 SOI ~ 460 mill Cash & Listed Shares held ~1.6 mill? MC ~ 2.7 mill EV ~ 1.1 mill Another smokey volume one.....couple of big volume spikes with no news.....close on high today with a solid candle albiet on lighter volume.....seems to be plenty of demand at 0.004 – 0.005 On Balance Volume looks very bullish over the last 6 months or so. JKA.jpg JKA_Vol and OBV.jpg Cheers Discretion is the better part of valour
    Poster: gtrade (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $2.3m)

    PLP - Lithium Explorer in Canada & NSW [20/09/2016]
    Been keeping an eye on this one since it broke down past the 61% fib line in Jul. - Bounced of support at 1.2c - MACD Crossed - bullish divergence (rising MACD, dropping SP ) - OBV still strong and starting to tick up again - been trading sideways for about 2 weeks now, but the HK candles are showing the start of a new uptrend. If the HK candle closes above 1.4c in the next few days we have a new uptrend at work and was hoping to put a TA tip in for PLP but the firewall wont let me post pics. Hopefully post some tonight
    Poster: bond00what (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.28 ) (Mcap: $7.9m)

    SAS - Tech - Nano Communications Satellites [19/09/2016]
    Market Cap $15.72m Cash: $3.8m Current share price? $0.025 SAS.ASX owns 100% of Sky and Space Global (UK) Limited, a UK incorporated company with European and Israeli centres of Aerospace, Satellite and Software Industry Experts, plans to deploy nano-satellites constellations in orbit to provide global communication infrastructure and services to the telecommunications and international transport industries. The Company is now fully funded beyond the Q2 2017 launch of its “3 diamonds” pilot network with the Indian Space Research Organization, following the completion of the Company’s recent oversubscribed $4.5 million fund raising My entry is based on the TA chart of SAS, with some recent big announcements by the company such as binding agreement with Virgin Galactic signed, I see the share price is moving out of the consilidation range, which could be a very possible base. The downside is pretty limited therefore I believe the entry at this level justify the risk/reward ratio. I have witnessed some money entering into these stock and lets see if it holds the mid 2-3 cents at least as a starting point of something. sas.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.27 ) (Mcap: $5.5m)

    INL - Coal - Pollution Monitoring Tech [19/09/2016]
    Intec Ltd Markep Cap $2.5m approx Cash $480k approx Coal Technology Highest daily volume since Dec 2015 Highest weekly volume since Dec 2015 Highest closing price since Aug 2015 Dooley™ for P.M [?IMG]
    Poster: speckledjim1 (STT Accuracy: 56.5% - Ranking No.11 ) (Mcap: $1.8m)
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