Likewise, thanks for that - wasn't aware of the acquisition....

  1. 58 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Likewise, thanks for that - wasn't aware of the acquisition. Just had a quick 20 min glance over the deal and GBG and a few things popped up that made me wary.

    1. "eSports". That's how they write it. If you're an esports company and call yourselves an eSports company... it instantly makes me discredit you. What I'm getting at is that it's no different than seeing someone write email as E-Mail or double spacing after a period. It's old. So if you see anyone talk about esports but writes it like eSports, ESports, e-Sports, E-Sports, etc... take everything that follows with a grain of salt.

    2. From AR1's announcement: "The majority of gamers are based in emerging markets (including, Africa, Asia and Latin
    America which represent 74% of the 2.1 Billion gamers globally).". This is amusing and shows a lack of understanding. There's a night and day difference between someone who plays games and someone who's into esports. It's like equating someone who owns a car as the same as someone who follows motorsport. Also, the listed markets are irrelevant in this case (not to mention wrong). GBG services the Australia esports market. Esports is a highly regionalised activity because, in order to be competitive in your chosen game, it requires you to have a good connection to the game server. What this means is that you won't find people in Australia playing against anyone in other regions because the latency of their connection will render the playing field unbalanced.

    3. The overall feeling of this acquisition coupled with the above and smaller things like the fact GBG has <1,000 twitter followers (which is pathetic for an esport company that supposedly thrives in the digital world) would make me hesitant. The very first line of the announcement gives away their intention: "Arrowhead Resources Ltd (ASX: AR1) is set to exploit the growth of the eSports market". They've heard esports is big and want a piece of the pie and see anything with the word esport attached to it as a means of entering the market.

    Didn't look into it too much but that's what stood out at a quick glance. Not to worry though mate, lots of people are getting their heads around it. I could give you endless context such as big money acquisitions, turner creating televised leagues, venues like Madison Square Garden selling out, esport athletes earning $2m+ per year, >$20m prize pools, >100m viewership, etc but we'd be here all day If you do get your head around it though, there's definitely money to be made.

    Although my stance on this acquisition might now be clear, it's a perfect example of why you could still make money on this and similar. Esports is increasingly becoming a buzzword and hypetrain (like various resources or BTC this year) and people with little to no knowledge of it will see this acquisition and pump it to the moon without realising the fundamentals of it.
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