Short Term Trading Week Starting: 5 Feb, page-182

  1. 3,620 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 164
    Is the value of the Crypto Kitties linked to anything? i.e Bitcoin/Crypto's? or just based on who's stupid enough to pay for one....

    Crypto Kitties lol - still makes me laugh.

    Tough break, but these are the greatest lessons to be learnt - next time maybe you/we/us will be more prepared. Even just being a day or 2 earlier in liquidating can make a huge difference. As discussed yesterday, I exited my larger holdings yesterday morning, but even so, still could've been a day or 2 earlier with the warning signals around - but I guess to a degree, we want to be sure it will be a bloodbath so as to not make any rash decisions. We humans are reactive by nature - live and learn.

    This won't last forever and soon enough it will all be forgotten about. So now is a good a time as any to be researching the best value plays around and those with quality assets that have showed resilience. All in the name of being ready to pounce when the tide turns.

    Seeing a bit of talk around about the sharp dip on the DOW being a result of 'rise of the machines' - wouldn't doubt it for a second. Highly engineered and programmed to spread as much fear 'machinely' possibly imo.
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