Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week...

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 5th Aug 2013 (No. 77)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects
    MAT - Nickel Frazier range WA,

    Over the last few days Matsa has sold down on very minimal volume as delays in heritage clearances have tested holders resolve. I think those heritage clearances will be completed shortly and drilling will commence on 4 projects: Symonds Hill, Killaloe, Fraser Range North, Mt Thirsty/Mt Henry .When a start to actual drilling is announced I am confident we will see renewed interest in MAT and buyer return. Furthermore I am encouraged by something I spotted in the quarterly where MAT said they would first do aircore and RC drilling at Symonds Hill, basically old fashioned geology following the same path of SIR in their initial exploration at Nova. The following quote is from an October announcement by SIR" The Nova nickel-copper discovery regolith expression(as described in Sirius Resources NL ASX release 10 May 2012) is characterized by laterite with 4-32m of consistently anomalous nickel(typically 0.2-0.3%),copper(typically 0.02 to 0.15%) and cobalt(typically 0.02 to 0.09%). Peak laterite intercept was 52m at 0.61% nickel,0.06% copper and 0.07% cobalt. Significantly, deeper intersections in weathered ultramafic bedrock included 8m at 1.06% nickel and 0.12% copper" That's the type of announcement I will be hoping to see from Matsa in coming weeks after their initial drilling at Symonds Hill. Old fashioned cost effective geology at it's best!
    Spotted by: John435©

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    GTE - Copper Exploration in Western Australia and Kazakhstan,

    The company reported broad zones of visible copper mineralisation at the Spasskaya mineral field on the 17th of July, 2013.Niton XRF analysis confirmed that there are at least 3 mineralised zones that contain copper in the RC drilling. The company reported in the same release that the width of the main zone and the XRF analysis are in line with what was predicted from the historic data. Historical trench sample results from the company using XRF included 24m @ 8.3%Cu, 16m @ 6.24% Cu and 8m @ 4.96% Cu at Sharyktinski, 16m @ 3.34% Cu and 14m @ 3.28% Cu at Spassky, 32m @ 4.3% Cu and 42m @ 3.4% Cu at Hadzikongan, 12m @ 7.22% Cu, 12m @ 8.98% Cu and 12m @ 7.23% Cu at Burnak 1 and 4m @ 21.15% Cu, 4m @ 7.8% Cu and 6m @ 23.6% Cu at Burnak 2.Directors have bought a substantial number of shares in the rights issue which has just closed. Jordan Luckett bought 830,000 shares, Craig Mathieson bought 1,233,374 shares, Frank Cannave bought 375,000 shares. You could not ask for a better sign of confidence in upcoming results than when directors dig deeply into their own pockets to take up shares. I await drilling results with great anticipation.
    Spotted by: Aksier©

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    SEO - Copper in Mongolia
    Gold in WA,

    Large copper-gold porphyry project in Mongolia. And not just any porphyry project, but one located in the same copper-bearing belt as Rio Tinto's giant Oyu Tolgoi porphyry project. Rock chip samples of 21% copper and 34g/t gold have been retrieved from the tenements, and Sentosa are currently reviewing data from an airborne survey just completed to assist in selecting drill targets. large copper-gold porphyry project in Mongolia. And not just any porphyry project, but one located in the same copper-bearing belt as Rio Tinto's giant Oyu Tolgoi porphyry project. Rock chip samples of 21% copper and 34g/t gold have been retrieved from the tenements, and Sentosa are currently reviewing data from an airborne survey just completed to assist in selecting drill targets. You also get the Jaurdi Hills gold project in the premier gold producing region in Australia. Drilling results from a few months ago include 17m @ 5.5g/t gold. So it's far from a dud. This description from Sentosa's website www.sentosamining.com.au'The Jaurdi Hills Project tenements are centered about 40 km northwest of the town of Coolgardie, within the Kunanaling District of the Coolgardie Mineral Field, Western Australia. In total, the Jaurdi Hills group of tenements currently comprises 39 live prospecting and mining licences (7,609 hectares), 3 applications for prospecting licences (427 hectares) and a single granted Exploration licence (E15/1061) comprised of 4 licence blocks (1,180 hectares) in application.' For $500k market cap you get:- $500k cash
    Spotted by: Fibonarchery

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    FIE - Gold in WA,

    Firestone Resources Down to 1.1c!$350k market cap still with $800k cash! Reverse 16 bagger in 9 months Its so cheap I chuckle when I think about it. Just 32 million shares on issue and no options At negative $500k EV, and market cap of $350k, a price catalyst would be finding an aluminium can or a half-full packet of ciggies on one of their tenements
    Spotted by: Fibonarchery

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    BLT - Biotech Gene Silencing Australia,

    Benitec . Aussie bio with groundbreaking ddRNAi gene silencing technology which is about to trial p1/2 for HCV, a multi billion dollar market. There has been a consolidation but it is tradable on the above code. Directors taken there SPP and new sub holder notices are out. This is really starting to look good IMMHO. Sure, a few will bail for quick buck here and there but unless there is some unforeseen delay everything is in order. I don't think the current price will last, the threads are full of worrying about dumping but I disagree. Totally undervalued and seemingly unnoticed by the world but I assure you a one shot cure for HCV will open eyes and wallets. There are far too many ducks lining up here for this to be dumped incessantly .... as has been the case in previous years. There are options but they are quite a risk. DYOR there but I am only banking on the heads.
    Spotted by: J8

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    PRL - Oil/Shale Gas in Uruguay, Canada, Spain and the USA,

    Proven management with skin in the game. Piedra Sola & Salto Concessions, Norte Basin, Uruguay (PRL 25%, up to 60%) Targeting unconventional and conventional oil targets in Piedra Sola & Salto Concessions (3.5M acres). Lochend Cardium, Alberta, Canada (PRL 40%) - Targeting ‘tight oil’ in lower siltstone and sandstone. Fort Worth Basin Texas – Barnett Shale, USA (PRL 25%) - Targeting unconventional liquids rich gas in 3,710 net acres in Erath County, Texas. Tesorillo & Ruedalabola, Beltic Alps, Spain (PRL 21.25%) - Targeting conventional sandstone gas reservoirs in 94,000 acres in Southern Spain. First mover Uruguay, company making asset Catalysts for CY13 include:- Core hole program at Uruguay commences June with interpretation of results Q3CY13;- Seismic survey in Uruguay Q4CY13 and prospective resource Q1CY14.- Farm-out to drill Spanish asset Q4CY13; and- Ongoing production flow rates for Cardium.
    Spotted by: Tobyjack

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    TTE - WA Based Shale and US Based Oil,

    Each of the last 2yrs stock has fallen to 0.8c level consolidated a little and then charged up aggressively to over 2c and technically stock is setting itself up for a repeat move 3rd year in a row
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    LNG - Patented LNG technology Australia,

    Just got funding worth 660million for 50% of its project. Fully funded into production. Still retains 50%.Should easily be worth triple current MC on this deal alone.
    Spotted by: Nihilism

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    GSE - Copper in Queensland,

    Drill results Blue Caesar Phase 2 due this week. Best results of Blue Caesar Phase 1, completed at the end of June, wereMKBC002 25m @ 1.62% Cu8m @ 3.63% Cu1m @ 17.30% Cu2m @ 2.79% CuMKBC00310M @ 1.13% Cu The Phase 2 Blue Caesar program comprises 1 000 metres of diamond drilling targeting a 400 m by 100 m surface area within a further 6-8 drill holes. A quick turn around for Phase 2 drilling, always a good sign. On July 16 the CEO of CYU, Paul Williams, stated "...while we have already encouraging signs of mineralisation in the core samples, we should wait for the first assay results which are expected from the lab by the end of July". Tissuebox a poster on the CYU thread states "talk is that they (results) will be pretty good from the initial results and new locations." I acknowledge this is hearsay but it could be valid. The share price of CYU increased by 33% and GSE 16%, all be it on small volume, on Friday 26. However, they still both increased. The key word being both. If, and I stress if, Tissuebox is right, the CEO is right and the share price increase is right and they average out 100 m+ @ 2%+ Cu then this is looking big. Interesting few days ahead.
    Spotted by: Gregke

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    CYU - Copper in Queensland,

    Drill results Blue Caesar Phase 2 due this week. Best results of Blue Caesar Phase 1, completed at the end of June, wereMKBC002 25m @ 1.62% Cu8m @ 3.63% Cu1m @ 17.30% Cu2m @ 2.79% CuMKBC00310M @ 1.13% Cu The Phase 2 Blue Caesar program comprises 1 000 metres of diamond drilling targeting a 400 m by 100 m surface area within a further 6-8 drill holes. A quick turn around for Phase 2 drilling, always a good sign. On July 16 the CEO of CYU, Paul Williams, stated "...while we have already encouraging signs of mineralisation in the core samples, we should wait for the first assay results which are expected from the lab by the end of July". Tissuebox a poster on the CYU thread states "talk is that they (results) will be pretty good from the initial results and new locations." I acknowledge this is hearsay but it could be valid. The share price of CYU increased by 33% and GSE 16%, all be it on small volume, on Friday 26. However, they still both increased. The key word being both. If, and I stress if, Tissuebox is right
    , the CEO is right and the share price increase is right and they average out 100 m+ @ 2%+ Cu then this is looking big.Interesting few days ahead.
    Spotted by: Gregke

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    OXX - Oil and gas explorer NW shelf and NZ,

    OXX recently made a discovery in a joint venture drill with SANTOS. They are free carried up to discovery in this well and are proceeding with their 25pc share of costs in a deeper drilling of the prospect. The deeper drilling could well involve a liquids rich portion and there are three more zones to drill through. A further discovery will see the current market cap surge ahead further. Recent gains of one hundred percent have seen the SP retrace a bit to 35c ... which is fair value but does not make any allowance for the likely further intersections of pay. They have a one percent net royalty in the enigmatic Palta drill ....a huge 13TCF target which has been going on for nine months or so ! They are also free carried 35pc in partnership with NZOG in an offshore NZ drill with huge oil targets. This drill is only two months away. The OXX is a well held company and extremely well managed , offering very little downside from here. Upside from success at any of these drills is massive. They have heaps of cash and the OXXCB partly paid shares will provide more funds in the early part of next year. Capital raising is no issue
    Spotted by: J8

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    GBA - Investment Company Australia,

    Grandbridge is a corporate and investment company holding shares in Advent Energy, MEC Resources (MMR) and BPH. These are all David Breeze companies with a web of intertwining investments in each other. The main project was the failed offshore drilling of PEP11 in the Sydney basin. 3D seismic will provide better targets for future drilling. Currently they have discovered gas in RL1 in the Bonaparte. This is adjacent Kununarra and they have signed a LOI for gas supply to a fledging and very large aquaculture industry. Grandbridge has a minuscule 28m on issue and its market cap is less than one million dollars . The have money (over a million) owed to them and keep the coffers filled by doing the corporate work for the above mentioned companies. They have (roughly) ten percent of the total worth of the other companies (through share issues). At 3.5c the market cap is below asset value when you consider the Bonaparte discovery and cash plus the share assets. The Sydney Basin is a multi TCF target but the next drill is way down the track. Rerating of the "parent" company MMR has not rerated GBA. I believe MMR will raise money soon and GBA will avoid dilution again by doing the corporate. It is actually a prime LT investment and smart accumulators will reap reward, however right now it is just too cheap. Tightly held and not liquid.
    Spotted by: J8

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    WIN - Nickel/Copper in Frasier Range,

    Separately, Windward is raising around A$10 million, at A$0.25 a share, that represents a 6.4% premium to the stock’s last-traded price of A$0.235. Funds will be used to pay for the acquisition and future exploration of the assets. The Creasy factor/ Nova nearology could see a spike in the sp.WIN’sinitial project portfolio is the Fraser Range South Project. The company has the right to earn up to 70% in the project located approximately 30 km south and south east of Jerramungup and 40 km north west of Bremer Bay in Western Australia. The company intends to explore for commercially significant mineral deposits, the project was identified by NBX Pty Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of Yandal Investments Pty Ltd. The Project area is close to the boundary of the Yilgarn Craton and the Albany-Fraser Orogen.
    Spotted by: Tobyjack

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    WIN - Nickel/Copper in Frasier Range,

    With WIN having the business manager of Mark Creasy as their MD and the recent announcement of WIN that they are going to be acquiring tenements in the Fraser Range(possibly from Creasy) then I think this is a good chance of a quick rerating upwards when it comes out of the current trading halt
    Spotted by: John435©

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    RNU - Iron Ore Copper Gold in S.Aust.,

    Drilling multiple IOCG targets in Sth Aust -Renaissance’s Gairdner Project, which is located in South Australia’s Gawler Craton, southwest of the Olympic Dam IOCGU deposit (see Figure 1), consists of Renaissance’s 100%-owned EL 4675, as well as EL 4836, in which Renaissance has an option to earn an 80% interest. Renaissance considers the Gairdner project area to be a favourable setting for epithermal silver deposits similar to Investigator Resources’ recent Paris discovery.-The Eastern Eyre Project, which is located in the Southern Gawler Craton’s Eastern Eyre Peninsula, is focused on locating large IOCGU deposits along the southern portion of the Olympic Dam IOCGU corridor. The Olympic Dam IOCGU corridor is a well-defined, richly endowed region hosting large areas of Hiltaba granites and related Gawler Range volcanics, which are associated with the IOCGU deposits at Olympic Dam, Carrapateena and Prominent Hill. The project tenements, located at the southern end of the Olympic Dam corridor, display several characteristics that confirm their prospectively, including:
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    ADD - Uranium in Australia, Coal in Indonesia,

    Tricky to buy any at current bargain prices but its cheap - reverse 10 bagger in 6 months, down to $630k market cap. Chairman is personally funding the company through to production (informal commitment, and for a return of course - convertible note structure) Price catalyst would be resolution of some project complications in Indo.
    Spotted by: Fibonarchery

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    RTD - Oil & Gas Alaska,

    Has entered into an agreement to earn into 38,000 net acres in the prolific North Slope of Alaska – surrounded by majors such as BP, Shell, ConocoPhilips, ExxonMobil, Anadarko. Focused on dual plays with conventional and unconventional oil and gas. Rampart already fielding interest from companies looking for an entry. Downside 2bil shares on offer and possible cap raising
    Spotted by: Tobyjack

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    JKA - Oil/Gas in Northern Africa,

    The Hammamet West-2 vertical well recovered oil from the Abiod Formation, and demonstrated the presence of an oil column in the target formation. The Abiod reservoir has proven productive in fields adjacent to theBargou Permit, including the Maamoura field operated by ENI. During 2012 the joint venture conducted aseries of studies using recently acquired 3D seismic data to identify areas of best fracture development and toselect an optimum well path to intersect fractures and test a representative section of the reservoir. Currently drilling deep off shore well. Several oil bearing zones already hit. Will be flow tested after reaching td. Huge upside if oil flows in commercial quanities. Expecting 20/25 cents if successful
    Spotted by: Malmoe

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    TNP - Gas exploration china,

    Recent drilling program had positive gas shows from 2 zones and next well is supposed to be drilled soon, after data from current well is analised. Share price sold down heavily when no gas shows were found in last zone in last well. Expecting a decent rise in share price with new well about to spud soon and future announcements in regards to the well which was just completed. Sp 1.1 mc 10 mil cash 3/4 mil ?
    Spotted by: Malmoe

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    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    CDY - Biotech -Holds signif IP for nflammation, autoimmunity and cancer.,

    ellmid holds the largest and most comprehensive portfolio of intellectual property related to midkine, an extensively validated therapeutic and diagnostic target in inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer. Coming of a very wide base I believe this is the next BIO to play catch-up with the sector. Recent initial move, full retrace to test the 200Week average and a close last week back above the 35week average.
    Spotted by: Pilsner

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    BLT - Biotech Gene Silencing Australia,

    Going to be hard for Chartists to follow because of the consolidation and I will appreciate any help . Technically BLT is set to run from its current 32 cents. It has had it's necessary false starts. I don't believe it will retest the SPP price for very long , if at all. First stop 55 cents when it does get going, then 70 to 77. Then ..... later, eighty five cents to one dollar twenty five in a real hurry ..... Footnote: Trading until the second of August on a deferred basis then the new shares are on the market . Expect strong news.
    Spotted by: J8

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    RTR - Gold/Base metals in Africa and WA,

    Recent buy sig in my favourite buy zone (-61.8% below current distribution. 10 Wema week just crossed above the 35 wema (start of long term uptrend) Retest of the 35 wema at the time of writing, look for continuation off this level on + vol. Initial Target into that 9.6c-10c area to close the gap, closed today at 4.1c (potential bagger) other longer term targets are the white lines of the previous distribution. Rumble has 5 project areas in Western Australia and 1 project in Burkina Faso, West Africa exploring for gold and base metals.
    Spotted by: Pilsner

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    LRS - Mineral Sands Iron Core Copper Gold,

    Continued delays , and a shortage of cash has seen LRS fall completely out of favour to the point on the close of business Friday they announced a cap raise at 7c , an all time low to sophisticated investors I may be being naive but I sense this is a friendly placement before the events predicted on their 3 projects move from exploration to production or joint venture The stock was 40c and the chart looked great when the company announced a JV with a major Chinese mining house a few years back ,the same mining house put money in at 15c just a few months back , and I suspect will be a part of this again at the miserly price of 7c On a pure TA basis I suspect nce the stock is issued at the all time low the stock will bounce back to its previous support between 13 and 17 I hold LRS and am disappointed to be diluted at such a price and would have preferred another SPP , but will buy on Monday if this creates further weakness and exit fro long term shareholders that are Pi... off with such a low price raising

    Spotted by: Firsova

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    WHN - Oil/Gas in Seychelles,

    Huge gap down recently after bad news on Flagship Oil Asset in Seychelles farm out falling over. So big gap to close however stock bounced off 1.4c which is the 5yr low and looks to have based well around current levels. Stock looks like its been accumulated around the lows and looks set to move back up and maybe even make an attempt to close that big gap? See charts in Link
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    RNU - Iron Ore Copper Gold in S.Aust.,

    Technically stock is at its lows and looks like it could make a move back up too as drilling is happening towards the top of its trading range around 8c
    Spotted by: Strauss©

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    BTR - Copper Zinc in Africa,

    Blackthorn Resources Limited (BTR) is an Australian-based resources company with a diverse portfolio of African assets including zinc, gold, copper, nickel and platinum group metals. The company focuses on production at the Perkoa, development at the Mumbwa, and exploration at its tenements in Burkina Faso Showed support in the market around fifty cent mark in early May before falling down in mid June .Two high volume days signalling a change of guard here with a strong red candle and followed by green with higher volume .Has traded flat from here in the upper levels of charts but the trix has shown the cross and has steadily risen to pass on the bias line signalled by series of green candles and doji star being bought up to the market price by the tail. And price intersecting with a ten day moving average. The fifteen / nine trix showing strong separation from the signal line as buyers enter the market. Looking for short term target of 50 cents where first resistance was met in the falling market price.
    Spotted by: Valen1828

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    AMX - Gold assets in Burkina Faso, West Africa,

    Ampella Mining Limited (AMX) is a near-term gold production and development company with gold assets in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Looking for turn here in market sentiment .Amx has shown some indecision in the sell off around 18 cent mark and began to flatten in chart forming a bottom . A couple of times has shown volume nearing this stage as value is being sort by the market .The trix has crossed signal line around this volume and has begun its up ward curve signalling the bottom. Is now crossing the bias line on a five five basis with confirmation of a turn in market sentiment by the 15/9 trix beginning an upward curve also. The ten day moving average of price is right on the money and being confirmed by stronger green candles that the price may have reached value where sentiment will change in the market. Looking for a small cup and handle pattern to form here with first target around that 18 cent mark with a higher target of 24 cents possible short term
    Spotted by: Valen1828

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    REY - Oil/Gas in Canning Basin and Coal,

    Ex Coal play, now in bed with BRU and Mitsubishi in the with a canning basin shale Oil play. Breaking here off a 12mth base, recent ann regarding above comment. Bullish hammer on the weekly Macd confirming the crossover from just below 0. Initial Target marked on the chart.
    Spotted by: Pilsner

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    PVD - Oil/Gas Africa,

    By my calculations the sellers have just about left the building. However I do see one last squeeze into support around the 63DEMA. I put this tip up now because I have interstate commitments next week and will not be around here. Perfect if you can it pick up in that support area (My bid is in) Look for 2 days of further red down on lowish vol into that support area @48-50c. Look next for the Buy sig that I think will follow on Wed/thurs I would expect it to come with follow through vol of +1.3mil. Target would be 72c in an approx. 7-10 day period.
    Spotted by: Pilsner

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    KSN - Iron Ore Copper Gold in South Aust,

    Due to finally drill its exploration targets that sat untouchable on the US navy base at Cultana SA in the Gawler crayton area in the next 3-4 weeks The program had a number of delays and the stock suffered tax loss selling , and a massive effect from a change of business that saw old shareholders exit over the last few months Seems as though as the date of drilling approaches the stock is showing early signs of recovery , and appears all the sellers have dried up , worth keeping an eye on , any drilling success so close to the BHP prominent hill project would get major following . I hold SER and KSN but think even though KSN holds only 25% of cultana I think with less shares on issue there is more bang in them if cultana is a winner
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    NXS - Oil/Gas in Vic and Northwest WA,

    Nexus Energy Limited (NXS) is an energy company focusing on exploration, development and production of oil & gas. NXS holds a portfolio of energy assets in two regions, namely, Gippsland Basin, off the south east coast of Victoria; and the Browse Basin, off the northwest coast of Western Australia High volume day following bottom followed with a higher again volume four days later. Late runner perhaps in the oil gas sector. The trix has made a crossing on a five five signal on the first high volume day before the bias line and is now hitting the bias line with a strong separation from the signal line. This is confirmed with green candle bullish and showing green today with small spike .The bias line crossing is used as a buy signal although confirmation of the cross below this is backed buy the green candles moving across the bias line .Looking for a cup and handle type appearance in the chart with a target of around 14 cents. Firstly a small one with resistance at 9.5 cents and then a breakout above that with confirmation of the 15/9 Trix crossing the bias line.
    Spotted by: Valen1828

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    Links to Previous Weeks Lists

    No.76: Short Term FA & TA Leads (for week starting: 29thJuly) Click HERE

    No.75: Short Term FA & TA Leads (for week starting: 22nd July) Click HERE

    No.74: Short Term FA & TA Leads (for week starting: 15th July) Click HERE

    No.73: Short Term FA & TA Leads (for week starting: 7st July) Click HERE

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