Short Term Trading Week Starting: 7 Aug, page-50

  1. 22,120 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    I really want to hear your rebuttal to this, or at least explanation or justification for posting it

    "QNL (adding weight to my thoughts that their deposit isn't high enough grade, or large enough to be economical)"

    Here are the facts

    TNG JORC [email protected]%V2O5+5.3%Ti+23%Fe

    QNL JORC [email protected]%V2O5+6.73%Ti+25%Fe

    So please rebut away, on why QNLs deposit isnt high enough grade or large enough to be economical when its nearly the same size and higher grade than market leader TNG thats shown a $5b NPV
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