Short Term Trading Week Starting: 7th Mar, page-14

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 7th Mar 2016 (No. 208)
    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided by the Hotcopper posters that have contributed leads/tips to the Short Term Trading Competitions below as I do not have the time, nor resources to research and verify the information that has been provided by them. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    WFE - Tech - Travel [7/03/2016]
    Market Cap 1.65 mill, Current SP .002 Total ordinary shares issued - 823,818,635 (half of these are yet to be issued and are part of a non-renounceable rights issue offer at .002 for ever share held on 16th March 2016) Winmar Resources has sold the northern part of its Hamersley Iron Tenement. It has recently entered into a Binding Term Sheet to acquire 100% of the total issued share capital of You-A-You (Tour & Travel) Australia Travel & Technology Pty Ltd This fin-tech acquisition is disruptive in the Chinese tourism sector, a high growth sector worth $5.7 billion in 2014 and $7 billion in 2015. YouAYou is already operating successfully in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia and the target customers are wealthy Chinese (Top 20% socio-economic class) visitors to Australia who currently can only convert small amounts of RMB into AUD. The use of e-wallets is very popular with the Chinese and the YouAYou Australia business will give tourists the chance to spend more money with less risk whilst holidaying here. Acquisition link here: Investor Presentation here: Excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a viable fin-tech RTO with a tiny market cap and huge potential. Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
    Poster: SelmaBouvier (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $0.9m)

    TTE - Oil in WA and Texas [7/03/2016]
    oil in wa and texas $7M cap with $350k cash and $400k annual revenue and some debt not sure how much dyor EP455 permit in WA 18.5% stake with AWE majority holder I think, TTE also has producing assets in USA salt dome focus oil price bottomed and edging up is catalyst for tip along with recent steep fall in TTE sharepprice
    Poster: Volcanic (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.5 ) (Mcap: $5.4m)

    REV - Realeste investment software [7/03/2016]
    real estate investment software $6M cap with $3M cash Revenues from ordinary activities up 6.0% to 1,952,966 Revenues from ordinary activities excluding interest income up 5.8% to 1,949,169 Net Loss for the half-year after tax from ordinary activities up 32.4% to (860,566) Software platform that allows easy monitoring and forecasting of property porftolio performance our accountant.
    Poster: Volcanic (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.5 ) (Mcap: $5.6m)

    RCF - Gold in WA [7/03/2016]
    gold in western australia market cap $700k with $50k cash merging with NTM The Redcliffe Gold Project is located near Leonora in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields within the Company’s licence area where previous open pits in the 1990s have produced over 90,000 oz of gold. Current estimated resources stand at 278,000 ounces of gold occurring as a series of deposits along the Mertondale Shear Zone within granted mining leases. The deposits along with the many other prospects (at various stages of exploration) are considered to hold substantial potential for adding to resources.
    Poster: Volcanic (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.5 ) (Mcap: $641m)

    HCT - Food Supplier [7/03/2016]
    Total ordinary shares issued - 158,168,216 Top 20 hold - 143,547,485 (includes placement to Grootes) Top 3 hold - 94,812,668 (Galen,DR Rajendran,Chan Hengfai) This is a whopping 90.76% Leaves free float of just 14,620,731, hence the liquidity or lack of Options/ rights not quoted 33,529,282 Stayed away from this in the last hc p&d, however after some research and ann yesterday on NadjaFoods partnership, it looks promising. Nadjafoods has been involved with Mcdonalds Canada for a number of years now and is well know in the US. Huge market for low Gi products in fast food, as these companies are always under pressure to produce healthier choices. Extremely tight register Galen took 38% off the MD who had 48% and now 10% but also working with Galen. Certainly not a day trade, good MT hold IMO. Cheers GL
    Poster: goin long (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $27.7m)

    GML - Copper and Gold in Australia [7/03/2016]
    copper and gold in australia GML looks like it has bottommed at current $3.3M cap and $650k cash Gateway holds approximately 140sqkm of tenements over the Gum Creek Greenstone Belt in the Yilgarn Craton, Gidgee WA (600km NE of Perth). The tenements have all the hallmarks of a significant new VMS province, along with existing gold mineralisation throughout the project As the second part of the Company’s strategy, attention has been focused on advancing the gold targets within the Gidgee ground. While not the focus of market announcements, the Company has continued to steadily progress the Montague gold area, to the point where we believe we will be able to announce a maiden JORC gold resource in the near future. This will provide an excellent platform upon which we can add further ounces through cleverly targeted drilling"
    Poster: Volcanic (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.5 ) (Mcap: $3.8m)

    CVT - Data Security [7/03/2016]
    Mcap $168m Data Security, hot sector only looking to get hotter with the development of IoT, forecasted by Gartner to grow from 75B in 2015 to $170B by 2020 Covata setting up new office in San Francisco and currently appearing at RSA conference. Highlights from Half yearly Signed a 3 year contract for 20,000 Safe Share end users with Germany’s largest public health insurer Barmer GEK ? Welcomed Fidelity Limited, part of Fidelity International, as a major shareholder (approx. 7%) ? Safe Share product accepted onto the UK Government G-Cloud Marketplace ? Active trials underway with new Telco partners in Europe, Latin America and Asia for the distribution of Safe Share. We aim to close a number in the second half of financial y
    ear 2016 ? Covata KaaS, a new product, which will initially be deployed with Cisco was introduced in Sydney in February 2016 ? 2 new patents lodged in February 2016, as part of the Covata KaaS, relating to “location based access for key retrieval” and “encryption key fragmentation And further on .... In early February 2016 Covata hosted an event in Sydney, alongside partner Cisco, addressing the future of IoE (“Internet of Everything”) and how it will be secured. This event was a resounding success and provided key insights into how both Covata and Cisco view the evolving world of IoE and security. The event was also important because Covata introduced Covata ‘Key-as-a-Service’ (“KaaS”) and announced that it will initially be deployed with Cisco. The service will eliminate the burden of encryption key and access policy management, as well as guarding against upcoming legal and regulatory issues, through patent pending techniques such as encryption key fragmentation and location based access for encryption key retrieval. With the amount of data due to increase exponentially as the IoE takes off, securing the keys and achieving data sovereignty will be absolutely vital to discourage hackers using these devices as a vehicle to compromise corporate and personal networks. Cisco and Covata are already looking into a range of IoE and cloud projects that will determine the first Covata KaaS customer to embed the service into their products. Good positive news flow, story appears to be building, Cheers HF
    Poster: Hold Fast (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $176.5m)

    TND - Tech - Facial Recognition [4/03/2016]
    SP is $0.047 Company is finalizing acquisition of leading Israeli facial recognition business Anyvision by 23 March 2016. Attractive acquisition terms - all scrip based with majority of new shares issues based on performance Capital raising at minimum $0.05 & can be @ $0.1 (both options are open as per previous announcement) Anyvision is in discussions with a number of parties in the homeland security and financial services sectors in relation to growth opportunities and discussions are well advanced. Price Catalysts Acquisition announcement Contract announcement Always DYOR
    Poster: fedcba (STT Accuracy: 35.7% - Ranking No.29 ) (Mcap: $6.6m)

    RFT - Electrical vehicle charging, renewable energy and power distribution [4/03/2016]
    MC: $9.3M @ 007 fpo: 1.3B Cash: $1.2M Cracking qtr from this little company; the best I've seen. A few highlights: - Revenues up 41%. - Gross Margins up 13.3%. - ebitda up 430%. - npat up 438%. RFT.png Outlook: The Company has continually optimised its operations and was able to report an improved profit in the half-year to December 2015. The company continues to improve its presence in the local market (Australia) and in developing markets in China, South East Asia, North America and Europe. Future increase in sales lies with current market segments and emerging market segments such as electrical vehicle charging, renewable energy and power distribution. There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune
    Poster: heraclitus (STT Accuracy: 53.3% - Ranking No.14 ) (Mcap: $8.7m)

    PRL - Oil + Gas in Spain and Uruguay [4/03/2016]
    Oil + Gas in Spain and Uragay Market cap $10M Cash $1M PRL has some very high quality oil and gas acreage in Spain and Urugay, looks fundamentally cheap now at current market cap especially with oil prices stabilising. Good management team with successful track records. Upcoming 4 well program funded by recent placement
    Poster: Volcanic (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.5 ) (Mcap: $9.2m)

    PLP - Lithium Explorer [4/03/2016]
    Market cap is $8m Company is finalizing acquisition of Lepidico or its assets by 14th March 16 Lepidico is also the 100% owner and licensor of the L-Max technology, a proprietary metallurgical process that has the potential to commercially extract lithium and other by- products from unconventional sources at a competitive cost. Lepidico is also actively pursuing other lithium project acquisitions and joint venture opportunities and is currently in advanced discussions with a number of parties to secure additional projects rich in lithium micas. Price Catalysts Finalization of acquisition (in next 7 trading sessions) Acquisition of additional lithium projects (as company is in advanced discussions with a number of parties) Always DYOR
    Poster: fedcba (STT Accuracy: 35.7% - Ranking No.29 ) (Mcap: $11m)

    MXC - Medical marijuana and cosmetics [4/03/2016]
    Medical marijuana and cosmetics Market cap: $16.24 mil. Cash: $1,060,904 Share price 0.031 After relisting they have hit the ground running COSMETIC PRODUCTSAND THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE The first sales of its initial range of cannabidiol (CBD) based cosmetic products should be on the shelves this month New CBD based cosmetic and therapeutic product development continues, with skin care formulas completing first phase of testing, successfully demonstrating relief for Psoriatic skin conditions MEDICAL USE AND LEGISLATION CHANGE New legislation for the use of medicinal cannabis approved in australia last month, which will help people with cancer, pain and many other problems Substantial progress of Australian Strategy, headlined with the appointment of renowned Australian cardiologist and media commentator Dr Ross Walker to the MXC Board Execution of strategic collaboration agreement with University of Sydney, and Australian research work programs are underway EPILEPSY AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED TODAY Announcement today that has huge potential imo as anecdotally Medicinal Cannabis has been helping epilepsy with great affect.I have followed many families' videos of their children before and after treatment and the results have been amazing to see. They signed a strategic Collaboration Agreement with Israeli-based therapeutics company SipNose Ltd, to develop an approved medical cannabis treatment of the symptoms of epilepsy Combines SipNose’s unique intra-nasal drug delivery device with MGC Pharma’s cannabinoid compounds to treat central nervous system disorders, including severe epilepsy and Dravet syndrome also secured the option to acquire the exclusive global license for the SipNose delivery device when used with any cannabinoid compounds for the treatment of epileptic seizures Epilepsy is a central nervous system disease impacting an estimated 65 million people worldwide Extensive R&D program to commence at Israel’s leading epilepsy research institute, the Hadassah Medical Center, marking MGC Pharma’s entry into pharmaceutical medical research sector Confirms their strategic business plan to secure key industry partnerships with potential to provide exponential value to the Company’s underlying asset base
    Poster: vindin (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $15.2m)

    MOD - Copper in Botswana [4/03/2016]
    MOD Resources is drilling for Copper in Botswana. MCap~$4.7m Cash on hand ~$0.45m $2M debt. Fundamental Analysis - MOD announced from 5-43 metres of visible Copper yesterday in the five drilled holes looking for resource extensions at Mahumo. Assays will be announced once analysis is complete. Possible near term news and cash influx is that PCF Capital Group have been called on to assist in the sale of Sam's Creek in New Zealand which hosts 1M ozs of gold. AIM listed Metal Tiger just invested in the recent capital raising and see great opportunity in this area of Botswana well known for the presence of Copper. MOD recently purchased the old Discovery Metals tenements in a 70:30 split with Metal Tiger. Discovery Metals were offered North of $600 Million and rejected the offer just before metal prices started to tumble. The ultimately they went into receivership. Based along strike from Cupric Canyon this looks a promising prospect to me. MOD.JPG
    Poster: markeewan (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $5.9m)

    IND - Shell Company [4/03/2016]
    MC $1.6 mil Cash $1.6mil Shell play, practically no trades for months and months, got volume today, may be something up.
    Poster: V8 (STT Accuracy: 34.5% - Ranking No.32 ) (Mcap: $2.2m)

    GNX - Genex Power is a power generation development company [4/03/2016]
    MC: 12.77M Shares: 158.39M (only) Cash Dec 2015: 3.4M; Also a term deposit of 3.8M Outstanding funding of 4M from the Aust. Renewable Energy Agency Genexpower purchased the old QLD Kidston Mine site for 175K and will build both a pumping storage electricity generation station using the two large old mine pits, as well as a photovoltaic solar array. The 330MW power supply will be connected to QLD grid, and as it can provide power at all times, it will play an important role in assisting the wind/solar supplies being developed to reduce Australia's Greenhouse Gas emissions to the 2020 requirement levels. The share price has risen about 40% today with the announcement that the QLD Government is backing/assistance streamlining the process. The small register will promote the rising price, especially once mum and dad and larger investors become aware in the public news space that will surely follow. Video link showing how the electricity is generated using the pumping station. "know thy trades"
    Poster: syzygy (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $17.4m)

    FGR - Graphite Explorer in Sri Lanka [4/03/2016]
    Ultra Grade Graphite Explorer in Sri Lanka. Market cap: $14 mil. Cash: $3.1 mil. Shares: 279 mil. 13 Exploration Licences all 100% owned covering total exploration land bank to 39,500ha, making it the largest holder of highgrade exploration licences in Sri Lanka. 1 of these (Warakopola - Pandeniya project) is in a Mining Licence Application pending approval, expected this quarter. Awaiting the first new mining licence in Sri Lanka in over 25 years. 1 Mining License, at Aluketiya project, 100% owned as well. Construction of the initial two headframes is being completed for production, expected underground in March/April with further drilling in unexplored areas to increase production potential. Approximately 50kg of high-grade Sri Lankan graphite was recently sent to the University of Adelaide for the next phase of graphene optimisation testing. This work is aimed at establishing the parameters required to construct a pilot-scale production plant in Adelaide!!! Six tonnes of high-grade Sri Lankan graphite has already been shipped to Adelaide for graphene testing and production. Graphene (graphene yield of >90% and Quality of the prepared graphene from Sri Lankan graphite was outstanding and comparable with the quality of graphene prepared by synthetic routes) Sampling provided to 1. a large Australian based drilling fluids manufacturer and supplier. ( 2. two separate European and South Asian based parties ( Announcement -Final.pdf) 3. Imagine Intelligent Materials (IIM). IIM has provided First Graphite with the material specifications necessary to manufacture its graphene-based product Imgne X-3 GT. Imgne X-3 GT will be the subject of field trials in February 2016 and subject to the First Graphite material meeting the price and performance objectives, First Graphite will become a Certified Supplier of graphite or graphene to IIM. ( Successful testing (with any of the above) may lead to potential future offtake agreements subject to (the) meeting commercial requirements. This is on the edge of massive re rate will happen IMO with any of the catalysts below 1. start of production at Aluketiya (March/April) 2. 2nd Mining Licence approved for Warakopola - Pandeniya project. 3. signed off-take agreements (with 6 possibilities in the pipeline) 4. making FGR the first potential Australian "graphene" supplier BTW. "price sensitive" Trading Halt today pending an "update update of operations in Sri Lanka" to me sounds like either points 1 and/or 2. and hopefully with more developments to flow from that catalyst for the rest of the quarter/month...
    Poster: atari (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $15.7m)

    CDU - Copper in Queensland [4/03/2016]
    Project is non-profitable from ann tonight. Feel sorry for all investors. Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. – Voltaire -
    Poster: herbalist (STT Accuracy: 41.2% - Ranking No.23 ) (Mcap: $365m)

    CCF - Dairy Producer [4/03/2016]
    Company is finalizing binding agreement with Green Lake & is expected to be completed by Q1 CY2016, so announcement due in next 4 weeks. Also company had already commenced milk production as per 8/1/16 announcement, so I am expecting update on this as well. As per Executive Director Mr Andrew McBain's comment (in ASX announcement dated 9/12/15), " The MoU serves as a stepping stone for the Company to develop into a larger agribusiness, firstly with the production and distribution of milk and with the potential to expand into other products" Company has appointed of key advisers to assist the Company execute its plans for a large scale dairy expansion in Western Australia. Also company is in process of change of name to "Alterra Limited". Price catalysts Completion of binding MoU Update on milk production/business update Update on increase in herds
    Poster: fedcba (STT Accuracy: 35.7% - Ranking No.29 ) (Mcap: $16.5m)

    ARD - Copper/Gold in NSW [4/03/2016]
    MC: $5.6M @ 2.2c fpo: 256.2M Cash: $913k eoq # A strong spec play on the current gold theme. # Recent Kempfield diamond drilling hit 1 metre @ 1,065 g/t Au, 143g/t Ag, from 97 metres. Follow-up work should commence any time now and will be revisiting the area to see if the hit is part of a larger body. The 1,065g/t hit is really just the flashy headline grabbing intersection but to understand the actual ore body, p.3 of the qtr shows what they've interpreted thus far and note this is one of the more conservative mgmt teams you'll ever find, so don't expect any flash marketing or exaggeration on intercepts or JORC potential. The West Wyalong project is another string to the bow for ARD, being a Cu-Au project, however I think the focus will be at Kempfield in terms price moving events this qtr and next. Most recent company presentation: There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune
    Poster: heraclitus (STT Accuracy: 53.3% - Ranking No.14 ) (Mcap: $6.1m)

    YNB - Tech - Courier App [3/03/2016]
    YNB- Yonder & Beyond MC-3.5 mill Cash-230k + 1 mill CN issue SP $0.051 Current business consists of 75% of GOPHR a courier app allowing users to book, track and pay through their smartphone. 45% of MeU Mobile which is Australia's first social mobile network. 72% of BOPPL a mobile ordering App with operations in London, Italy, Australia and in the process of deploying in USA. 60% of Prism Digital a digital recruitment agency based in London experiencing rapid growth. 100% of Wondr a photo and multimedia sharing App. 4,133,303 shares in MYSQUAR listed on London's AIM. 10% in Playmeet a social media App in collaboration with the estate of Michael Jackson Some very smart operators with plenty of skin in the tech space running this conglomerate. Cheapest Tech play on the asx?
    Poster: ormond (STT Accuracy: 41.7% - Ranking No.22 ) (Mcap: $3.7m)

    AQI - Gold Explorer in Guyana [3/03/2016]
    Massive re-rate due to Barrick entering an earn-in agreement worth $10mil USD (14mil AUD). Places the 35% retained project value at 7.5million AUD (~5million USD) while the current MC at 9c is 6.5million. Other key notes is past drilling revealed 13.5m @ 7.86g/t gold from 87m and 4m @21.06g/t gold on the main strike corridor. Drilling has been limtied but they did a massive auger and soil anomaly survey last year and found that there is 2 mineralised corridors, 1 spanning 12km long by 4km wide and 1 spanning 10km long by 2km wide. This deposit is on the Guyana shield, where other famous deposits like the Aurora gold deposit (8.4Moz), Toroparu (10Moz), Choco 10 (7Moz) and Las Christinas (32Moz) were all found, alongside numerous Multi Million Ounce deposits like Omai and rosebel (4Moz each). Crazy rich gold terrictory and commentary is that this is the largest and least explored deposit due to previously being quite remote and hardest to reach... but recent success at building a facility at Aurora has shown that operations like this can easily be achieved in a short time frame when the right measures are employed. if you treat this post as advice it could get us both in trouble.. DYOR
    Poster: nihilism (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $4.9m)

    STL - ATM machines in Australia [2/03/2016]
    MC 14.5 mil Only ASX listed company deploying ATM machines in Aust and has 19.25% holding in NEOLCP a Korean manufacturer of ATMs which has reduced STLs capital expenditure by $1.1 mil. It is also an EFTPOS and PAYWAVE provider with wholesale agreements with Visa and Mastercard. As at the last report there was a 60% increase in gross ATM revenue for the quarter, 319% increase in gross ATM revenue for the year and 8th consecutive record quarter of ATM network revenue.The co currently has 230 ATMs averaging 667 transactions per month.
    Poster: old crusty (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $7.9m)

    OVL - Gold explorer [2/03/2016]
    MC $4m Cash $600k Funding $11m from Newcrest Newcrest are paying $11m to earn 75% of one of OVLs Gold projects Topacio TOPACIO GOLD PROJECT A NI 43-101 Technical Report of a Geological Evaluation for the Topacio Project was prepared on 9 November 2012 and revised on 13 March 2014. That report estimated an inferred resource at a 1.5 g/t gold cut-off, from seven of the eleven veins, of; 2,716,176 tonnes at 3.90 g/t gold containing 340,345 ounces of gold Exploration has begun I am not a financial adviser so please DYOR and check the facts and figures for yourself
    Poster: strauss (STT Accuracy: 29.2% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $4.6m)

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    DKO - Lithium in WA [7/03/2016]
    Dakota Minerals Ltd (ASX: DKO) Shares: 299,933,906 Million as at 16th February 2016 SP: 7.2c MC: $14.88 Million It is not often that I come across a Daily chart formation that looks quite similar to the Weekly. It appears that a bullish ascending triangle pattern or wedge is forming, and is potentially near the pointy end.....Increasing buyer demand represented by rising green bars that are supported by solid trading volumes may result in further upside gains. @mouse when I did a check to make sure no one already had lodged a TA entry for DKO, I did notice that you already had lodged a FA entry last week. Hope you don't mind me adding a TA entry....... Weekly chart: What is interesting is that within the Weekly Bar (A) there was a major battle occurring between buyers and sellers, as seen by price bouncing off resistance then being thrown back down through the support zone. The bar was bullish imo as demand represented by the bars low was able to recover enough after touching the yellow rising trend line. Price also closed in the latter 2/3rds roughly of the bar. Bar B which represented last weeks activity was telling. Sellers attempted to close out their positions but were however met with absorption volume from buyers. Price closed up 12.5% just inside the resistance zone. Given that volume last week was not excessive, and price was able to show gains, there is a solid case from a TA perspective to suggest that there is further upside, hence my TA entry. dkoweekly6.3.2016.png Daily chart: Once again, but this time on the daily chart it seems that some kind of Bullish ascending triangle or wedge is forming. When price was driven back down to test support in the early/middle part of the week, the test was successful as price did not crumble. Importantly last Fridays trading session saw the buyers coming in hard from that demand area and held the momentum to close the week out on a high. Price also closed in the resistance zone. I suspect that Fridays bar contained absorption and price was able to maintain its gains for the day. The challenge now is for price to push hard through this resistance zone in the early 7c's. If this occurs then the only level of overhead supply is around 8c. From there it is good to dream. dkodaily6.3.2016.png Please DYOR as this is not a buy or sell recommendation, just a mad chartist late at night connecting lines like dot to dot. Cheers GF Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 32.7% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $6.3m)

    CVT - Data Security [7/03/2016]
    Market Cap 168m [?IMG] Initially a break of long term downtrend (pre CVT) indicated by the first arrow, appears to have turned into a Head and Shoulders reversal, volume supporting the up moves and falling on the dips. A low volume test of neckline at the moment forming a nice ascending triangle with an initial upside target of 48c to clear 25% gain and secondary target of previous high at 69c. Chart below just to show yellow long term down trend, note volume coming in on the break. [?IMG] Second time lucky
    Poster: Hold Fast (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $176.5m)

    EXU - Gold explorer in Australia [4/03/2016]
    Oz Gold explorer Last close: 3.7c Market Cap: ~$7m Cash: $700k After forming a base around the 3c mark, it looks like the overhang is gone. Big volume move today too, expect it to continue for the next few days (pardon the shi*e chart, on the go at the moment) EXU pick.png
    Poster: NightWatchman (STT Accuracy: 57.1% - Ranking No.13 ) (Mcap: $8.5m)

    BCI - Iron ore In WA [4/03/2016]
    BC IRON LIMITED (ASX: BCI) Shares: 196.2 million as at 31/12/15 SP: 14c Cash and Cash Equivalents: AUD $42.9Million as at 31st Dec 2015 MC: $20.60 Million Price has attempted to push through the resistance zone on 3 recent occasions now. Each time the share price however has been met with overhead supply and pushed it back. The last couple of trading days have been solid and most of that overhead supply would be absorbed potentially. With no recent hidden selling high volume bars, the chart suggests to me that it is ready or not far away from having a real crack at the next resistance zone in the late teens/20c mark. bci3.3.2016.png Cheers GF Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 32.7% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $24.5m)

    FML - Lithium explorer [3/03/2016]
    Lithium FML has twice before spiked to 40c but both spikes were short lived lasting a day or two [?IMG] What makes this time different is the consolidation around the high 30's just below resistance [?IMG] a breakout through 40c would set up 50c as the next obvious target based on historical resistance as well as the potential flag and pennant formation we have unfolding above I am not a financial adviser so please DYOR and check the facts and figures for yourself
    Poster: strauss (STT Accuracy: 29.2% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $72.2m)

    SGH - Legal services for Accident victims [2/03/2016]
    Slater & Gordon. 31.5c MCap $110m S&G, what a disaster, $8 a year ago, another failed UK acquisition by an Oz company, and we all know the story now, so I am tipping a ST trade only. I traded last major selldown under $1, and it bounced to $1.45. (Late Nov 2015) Same pattern emerging, 2 very heavy down days. Future? Third day narrows losses/ less range, then we had a 2 day major trade bounce. I expect tomorrow to bring trades into mid 20s, maybe 25-28c entry before some afternoon stabilization, and a bounce to 40-45c range by Friday. High risk, fast reward. DT will be all over it.
    Poster: Sector Lead (STT Accuracy: 63% - Ranking No.8 ) (Mcap: $130.4m)

    PSF - Shell acquiring mobile technology company [2/03/2016]
    Pacific Core Ltd (Syntonic RTO) SP: 0.013 MC: $ 7.22m (undiluted) Cash: $2.3m - end Dec qtr Sub Holder - 14% (inc Jason Peterson @ 6.38% according Commsec today - need confirm last Ann report) Refer @m3ntor tip for some quick FA background & poss upcoming catalysts Appears mkt may be looking to get set on this with increasing vol and some early triggers on my charts below. May be a fraction early on the call but indicators appear to be aligning across various styles. PSF Ichi 1.3.PNG PSF PVT 1.3.PNG PSF HA ALI 1.3.PNG PSF Renko 1.3.PNG If you have $20 and Chuck Norris has $5, he has more money than you.
    Poster: FullMoonFever (STT Accuracy: 32.4% - Ranking No.34 ) (Mcap: $7.9m)

    OVL - Gold Explorer [2/03/2016]
    MC $4m Cash $600k Funding $11m from Newcrest Newcrest are paying $11m to earn 75% of one of OVLs Gold projects Topacio On news of the farm in the stock shot up to 2c+ Stock has come all the way back to retest its lows and has started to move off its base on news of exploration starting As exploration gets into swing I would expect a more sustained rerate back up higher [?IMG] I am not a financial adviser so please DYOR and check the facts and figures for yourself
    Poster: strauss (STT Accuracy: 29.2% - Ranking No.35 ) (Mcap: $4.6m)

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