Also should be added that Pattersons have been net buying since...

  1. 681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Also should be added that Pattersons have been net buying since it listed in April. They have 16m shares I think with an average of 6.6c. Perhaps @Waiting4Godot would be kind enough to share some broker data from 1/4/16 until now if you have the time mate. They aren't listed on the T20 or any sub holder notices so i'd say its split across a number of accounts or their clients. Either way, they wouldn't keep buying week after week if they weren't expecting higher prices. I hold btw.

    Also similar scenario is APC - Hartelys own like $4m worth at average 9c I think off top of my head. They began "coverage" in late Dec, price target 29c. I dare day they will orchestrate a pump to offload that holding at some stage. Maybe its started, slight tick up last 2 days and no sell depth.
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