Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 12 - 14 Mar, page-14

  1. 2,847 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2423
    Great to see Li bouncing back after the recent sell-off. Should have averaged down to make the recovery quicker. Is that allowed? PNN put on quite a lot today with their small register and unfolding story, but most of the Li charts are begging for entry.

    On to less significant things, did you notice the 16% gain on BIT yesterday with the latest SARS2 testing results? With the large volume coming in at close yesterday I thought there might have been some follow through today as only smart money could have the gonads to invest in this most unloved bio, knowing something that the rest of us dumb asses don't. But no, retrace today about 5%. However, I won't be surprised if more buying continues from here.

    The news was in fact quite remarkable in my view, at least as much I was hoping for at this early stage. You won't get that from the BIT thread though, so don't waiste your time exploring; it's a trolls paradise, typical of a beaten down bio of over 600% in just over 2 years.

    The news arrived 3 months late from their suggested timeline back in September when they released their preliminary trial results. As such, I havn't been able to bag the comp entries again on it here this year, but I'll be setting another after I complete a summary of what's going on.

    In the mean-time, here's a quick version of the latest.

    The 15 initial compounds put forward for last year for initial testing have been narrowed down to 3, although these seem to be new variations, 'newly designed and synthesized.' Anyway, Biotron provided a page of their testing methodology and it reads very well.

    Three different techniques were used, and all three resulted in a low EC50 (effective concentration to reduce viral replication by 50%). This is absolutely critical at this early stage, as it leaves plenty wriggle room for the dosing tests getting underway in mice.

    The first technique was about their main game, inhibiting the viroporin, that is the E protein of SARS2, an essential component of viral replication. Inhibiting viroporins is their speciality, which began with SARS1, and is what creates the efficacy in their HIV compound, BIT225. They havn't released all their data, naturally enough, but the low EC50 is the first significant data required.

    The second and third technique, also measuring replication, also utilized Remdesivir as a control for comparison. Results showed as good or better then the infamous lead COVID-19 drug, and as mentioned, also had a low EC50.

    These tests have been very extensive and hence, the longer than expected time frame. Also, they were conducted at Scripps Institute in California, and not Biolab360 in Melbourne where the first tests were done, and is also where their more recent HIV testing has been conducted.

    This beat-up bio dog has more bark in it yet, but the next test results will need to be very positive if the market is going to respond positively,

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