Completely agree with your point around it takes years to get to...

  1. 8,709 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 243
    Completely agree with your point around it takes years to get to the point where you can be confident in anything to be able to make it your sole source of income. Of course if your young and have no financial responsibilities then you can jump in and go for gold, but for most of us with families and have people depending on us to provide financially, you would want to be quite confident of your abilities and have a proven track record over a number of years and share market cycles before you should jump in head first to the most competitive and cut throat environment that exists on this earth.

    I started trading in 2009 and seriously didnt make an overall annual profit until 2015. At times though I was up big and could of jumped in thinking I knew what I was doing but It definitely would have backfired as I gave my profits back to Mr market over and over again. Took a number of years before I was experienced enough to not make the same mistakes. Still make mistakes today of course but with 3 years of consistent profits now obviously mistakes are less than previous years lol.

    Last thing I would add is the importance of having a mentor. Without my mentor I would still be stuck in the same cycle of giving up profits and wouldn't have a chance in hell of being where I am today.
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