Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 22 - 24 July, page-76

  1. 6,622 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1972
    1. No I don't own all the stocks I tip, if you recall my first tip I mentioned was trialing a new stock scanning system and method of picking stocks and was using the comp as a way to track if it was a good method and has been helping me tweak it and understand for myself what's good or not.

    2. Not lying regarding only winners recently. See 1. lol

    3. See 1.

    4. Oh I know it's not easy, takes a lot of time and effort and researching stocks and analysing, also has taken me nearly 10 years of trading and investing experience to get to this point and yes requires a lot of discipline, psychological strength, good understanding of markets and a set of rules you stick to, understanding what sort of trader you are as well and what you want to achieve.

    Haven't been "stealing" other posters tips/picks, all are my own from my own research, as I said i started tipping just to help me track if what I'm doing works or not without having to buy every stock I come across in my research. I'd never steal other posters tips just for a tipping comp in a forum which is fun but really doesn't mean all that much in the end and is pointless because most of my tips are for TA as well which is where I'm focusing on at the moment for my trading and I want to know I'm successful with this new system by myself not from following others or stealing tips. So bit offended that you've even suggested that.

    Don't see how my post is any different to the 5 grander posts, not everyone posts an actual screenshot but rather just percentage gains and dollar amounts.

    Don't think you're jealous and don't have any problems with the post either, my post was only there as a way of sharing as I was happy with my week and as people we like to share our happy experiences, does put a bit of a dampener on it with a post like yours though lol kinda like spoiling the party, but all good
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