Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 26 - 28 Aug, page-294

  1. 1,671 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 280
    Weekend topic.

    HC is what you want it to be.

    You can use it to get tips or to help others.

    I get the odd tip of HC. If I am not familiar with the stock I will always research it further before looking to take a position.

    There are so many knowledgable people on here, whether it be on general threads or specific stick threads. It doesn't take too long to work out who to listen to and who to ignore.
    The individual stock threads are of interest to me, especially ones where there are posters who post factual information and not just take shots at each other.
    It can be a way to validate your own research and to also get a view on how other interpret the same information.

    The weekend threads (DT and STT) provide a bit of light hearted entertainment between trading days.
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