All I know is that this has been in the pipeline with them for...

  1. 11,519 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 672
    All I know is that this has been in the pipeline with them for sometime. They didn't just suddenly wake up one morning and decie it was a great idea. I'm sure Twiggy and crew had many discussions both with CSIRO and businesses before they handed 20 mil over for development. Thought that wheel was starting to gain momentum when at the height of the pandemic when Twiggy and 50 of his selected advisors boarded his private plane and went to all corners of the world writing contracts and gaining points of interest. Obviously time was of the essence. He show cased the first hydrogen powdered vehicle to be used on the mine sites awhile back. I don't think we really have a clue as just how fast they are moving ahead. Doubt very much if it will take until 2030. All I know is I have faith that they will achieve what they have set out to do, and my shares are not for sale. I know I am one eyed when it comes to FMG, was one eyed when they were $4.00 a share, one eyed when they reached $26, and also now that they are at $15.00. I don't care. The divis alone have more than paid for them, and I am really excited about the future direction they are headed. The iron ore which they mine will always find a market.
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