Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge :8 -10th Sept, page-4

  1. 1,836 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    MARKET CAP – 221.9MIL
    CASH – 16.1MIL
    SOI – 1.71BIL

    The intro -

    Alrighty…. Found some nice clues spread across AVZ announcements which leads me to believe that the drill holes that are going to be announced early next week MO17DD001 will be about 225m pegmatite intersect and the following hole MO17DD007 will be in the same ball park maybe more 225m-250m… big claims, yes I know. But allow me to back that ass up, I mean back my claim up.

    The time line -

    Okay so company just announced the following – “After a delay by the transporter in South Africa, the Company has been advised that all drill hole MO17DD001 samples have finally been received by the laboratory in Perth. They are being processed as matter of urgency and the Company is looking forward to releasing the results to the market early next week.
    Drill hole MO17DD007 has now also been received by the laboratory in Perth and is expected to be processed approximately five days after drill hole MO17DD001 results.”

    The clues -

    Soo I found a nice little present from management in the AVZ presentation announcement that leads me to believe MO17DD001 is bigger than the MO17DD002 intersect of 202m, take a look at the following snip.
    I got my little ruler out and hole one has more pegmatite intersect in it.

    The southern extension of the Roche pegmatite is weathered but the northern part is not, so hole 1 should be similar grades to hole 2 as they are quite close to each other and holes 3 and 4 where much further to the south in the weathered section of the Roche Dure Pegmatite.

    I found another little interesting snip, which shows that for MO17DD002 (202m intersect) they drilled for a total of 300.7m to end of hole and for the two remaining holes to be assayed they drilled 311.5m and 351m for MO17DD001 and MO17DD007 respectively. Which backs up my claim for hole 1 being a little larger then hole 2. Furthermore, if you look on the far right in the comments box of the drill hole collar summary date you can see that in hole 2 there was 300.7m drilled and 66m of that was from PQ to the start of the pegmatite and another ~30m coming out the other end (I measured) which gives us a total of about 204m which is pretty close to 202m which is what the company announced. I used this methodology again for hole 1, 311m in total was drilled and 39m of that was from PQ to the first large pegmatite and another 50m out the other end. Which gives us a total of 222m, in line with my measuring of the pegmatite which I predict to be about 225m. OKayyyyyy… so moving on, basically using that methodology for MO17DD007 (Carriere De L’est Pegmatite) where they drilled the furthest of all @351m and 47m from PQ to what you would assume pegmatite (cant be sure coz we don’t have a pic), and say another 60m out of the other end to be sure this gives us about 244m, I think this could be just as large as hole 1 and 2 if not bigger. As the Carriere De L’est Pegmatite is the largest of them all. Couple clips bellow to back that claim up (although it is not certain if this pegmatite will be weathered like some of the other holes or if there is multiple zones braking up the 244m estimate)

    Another reason I think that hole MO17DD007 (Carriere De L’est Pegmatite) is about 225-250m because the company has also hinted that the logging of drill cores to date indicates true widthsfrom 50m-220m, now hole 2 was only 202m but only estimated to be 190m true width (see snip bellow), which means there must be much larger pegmatites intercepts, at 30m more in true width I believe this could be the Carriere De L’est Pegmatite.

    The Prediction –

    MO17DD001 – 225m
    MO17DD007 – 225m-250m

    The conclusion –

    This is a big ass bish
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