Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 9 -11th Feb, page-40

  1. 2,345 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39


    Good on you mate. As long as you are Learning and not losing too much then you’re ahead of the pack and will be better for it next time.

    Inversely I’ve had my biggest wins on shells in this market. All I can do is provide the age all advice is it’s about your entry price. Get set at placement or the raising price or set at directors level. Then if your patient and can sacrifice opportunity cost then you can just sit and wait. Luckily there have been a lot of vends that have worked quickly recently but some I’ve had to wait 12 months or so on. Some I’m still waiting... GL but there are a lot of experts on the XEC if you’re still prepared to wade back in.
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