Rudd was egotistical and misguided on many issues like his...

  1. 2,762 Posts.
    Rudd was egotistical and misguided on many issues like his sector killing mining tax, but appeared to be acting within his own framework of his own positive designs for business and for Australia.

    Gillard was a heavily left, rusted on unionist. However at the same time she was pragmatic, made deals, engaged with business to a large extent to obtain mutual outcomes.

    Shorten is something else. It appears he couldn’t care less for business confidence, and isn’t interested in engaging. It appears he will do anything, say anything to satisfy his communist beliefs and self interest. A real manipulative parasite, throwing around idea bombs aimed at dividing the people. The uncertainty of his ideas are causing great distress to hundreds of thousands of people. The slap dash nature of this stuff is against the principle that any politician or business leader knows – the need for clarity and certainty. Capital is more easily moved than ever before and many large investors are already deserting Australia. Rates will rise, projects will be shelved. These and other toxic effects will flow through in coming years.

    The double taxing of divs for pensioners and small investors is an arbitrary decision that will distort investment away from Australian businesses and into offshore investments, trusts and the like. This is course is opposite to what a leader should be doing, look at the US for example. They’re attracting capital, billions, back to their country, causing the economy pick up and factories to return. This is the complete opposite of Shorten. It appears he hates capitalism.
    As he’s on a guaranteed taxpayer govt pension whatever happens, unlike business owners and employees he has no risk or downside in his future, and it shows.

    I understand business and how capital flows. Although I disliked Rudd and Gillard they had certain pragmatisim for the common good. However I hate Shorten, and I hate what he wants to do to this country and his indifference to it’s people.

    Communism is a failed economic system – Bob Hawke.
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