Shorten reckons, page-8

  1. 17,384 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    They will be taking them from the crib soon imo.

    The compared some other statistic to other countries and found some target they can spew out to the public meanwhile they will carry on with opposite somewhere else .

    The pleb was there in the photo shoot she thinks all workers should be paid equally so be sure to see the costs rise along the way or they will drop and hope people forget as its not be introduced for 2021 or something.

    But its urgent we are falling behind so i guess we should start at age two then we are already in front of other statistics and targets we can be setting them to be compared to also by other countries .

    They want everyone have a nanny probably as that will be equality of it all and then we will pay the parents to visit there children if they working and well if they are not working we will pay them to anyway as that will be equality for everyone and then .

    Well the people will have have their children taken away from them as they live to far from having a nanny service and be falling behind in the education .

    Being a teacher you know it makes sense have children away from any influence of a parent its long term thinking not short term as Bill will say they want long term results in the big education scheme of things for the big population explosion they want from everything they can give or do to create more people freely .

    Tanya can explain it all to you under equal rights for women as im sure breast milk will be supplied by surrogate mothers who have some extra bit like the old days when children were supplied milk we can do it at the crib .

    If not we can supply infant formula for free as a substitute Its a fashion in china now Australia powdered milk so we can set a target no Australian child will be without some sort of milk .

    We will seize it from the dairy farms if we have to after we screw them into the ground till we have one cow to milk but anyway we will just tell everyone there is milk for you all .

    You know it makes sense Bill and Tanya together telling you how fair its going become because we know targets work .
    I can hear the election chant now into the future .

    No child will have to live with their parents .
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