Shots fired at Trump rally, page-1919

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    @gumUnderfoot - If I weren't' part of a group of friends who dedicate their monthly sessions to being true humanist with one another and the world, I would be a little more caustic in my answers, but 'there for the grace of . . . . go I' : - we cannot choose who and what we are born as, but we can choose how we present ourselves to the world, how we interact, and this in turn affects our emotions and in the long run our character - I prefer to live at peace.
    However: a little 'affray' early in the morning is also good for the soul tongue.png
    A certain orange 'gentleman' does not cut it, in my book - he isn't even the perfect villain, he manages 'baby versions' of the raised fist, the toddler version of childhood tantrums (pity there is no 'p' in that word . . . ).
    He is the result of the kind of upbringing that so many men have had, a distant and brutal father, who taught him a black and white philosophy, when nature most likely had intended a gentler character for him - (just look at his photographs from his youthful days) - and possibly a cold mother, too, who had to deal with his father, a hard and also cold man. Just look at T.'s siblings.

    As for myself: without ever having gone into a 'colourful' profession, but having worked with a huge variety of people (AND I am a migrant from Europe, English being my second language) I have realised that many of us have had a bad or fairly imperfect upbringing - I never realised how difficult this job is, until I had my own children and I treated them differently too, 'learnt' on the job, so to speak.

    How we cope with our past - and many of us do cope well, even when not easy - determines the adult we become. Many of us turn what may have been an imperfect parental/schooling example of how 'to be' in this world into a virtue - but in today's world of multiple possibilities - and with a view to 'macho culture' as portrayed by the Trumps of this world we (maybe just 'I') can see a distorted world unfolding, which needs patience and forgiveness, rather than taking it too seriously! We need to pick our moments to mourn, but more so to laugh - daily!

    As far as Mr Trump is concerned: I am fully confident that his immaturity will eventually trip him up, even if he gets the coveted post.
    There is one big difference between him and truly evil people, like Hitler - they are/.were damaged beyond redemption as early as in childhood, but later by exposure to death and killing before they hatched their hateful philosophies, resulting in loathsome actions. Even a certain Russian man was surrounded by violent power games before he blossomed into full dictatorship with all the tools, which now bind him and the world into another contest, which he might win - and then we'll have a problem.

    Mr Trump is part of a democratic system and there will be checks and balances as well as good traditions in place in a country which calls itself 'free'!
    and: 'Thankyou, you are a true gentleman!"
    Go well

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