Should Australia follow USA and ban abortion?, page-8

  1. 83,221 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    and yet ----------- it's the conservative right who complain about Taliban

    go figure

    Australia really is teetering on the edge with it's last looney leader who believes in an imaginary man in the sky who runs the world

    thankfully Oz isn't as sick as the USA - or as divided - but, unfortunately - Oz is badly out of whack on structure ---------- with probably irreparable gaps in losing decades of preparation for a future

    I don't think that Labor or/and Albanese can make a catchup - I just don't think it's possible now --

    in 1970 - yes, 80 - yes -- 90 onwards - difficult -------- 2020 on - na, the race is too fast.

    If China wasn't around atm - Oz 'might' have some sort of chance of still catching up with some half baked radical moves -- because the USA looks very risky in that it will impede itself massively with internal conflict -
    but, China - that will only serve Chinas interest - and, unless the USA somehow hampers China - China isn't looking back - and it's command of AI and robotics will see it race ahead at stunning speed.

    either way - Oz is in the wash and wake ---------------- pretty perilous time for the world really.

    If it weren't for nuclear weapons - I'd say that Oz might be sort of ok if it kept it's head down and mouth shut - but, this is 2022 - not 1822 or 1922 --------- the game is different

    Roe V Wade ------- could be a large part of the puzzle that hits Oz hard -- indirectly - but, we will wear the wash - one way or another
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