should hijabs and burqas be banned at stores?, page-122

  1. 141 Posts.
    Jazzmox. I agree with you. One husband, One wife because in this day and age there is really no need for otherwise.

    Look back in history and you will see that Women FAR outweighed Men in population. Mainly due to wars served by male human pawns. There were no aircraft, rockets, guns etc. Just swords and a bloke.

    History proves that the population of women far exceeded men. Even today there is a man shortage for thirty something women.

    Lets say sex before marriage is sinful (or immoral). What is a person to do? If all the men get married there are HEAPS of leftover women? So where and how do they get their thrills? Adultery with a married man????? Becusae thats all that left right?

    That is one reason why Men could have UP TO 4 wives. But thats not easy in iteself. You have to provide for each wife evenly. ie. You buy a house for one, they all get a house. A maid for another, they all get a maid. So back in the day it was a hugeeeeee responsibility. Remember we're talking marriage... permanent... not just a shag.

    Also, speaking of war back in the days, what happened to all the widowed women with children. I'f im a man back then and i had my selection, i'll take the cute chick with no baggage. So many widowed women tasted the pleasures of marriage and sex, then their blokes died. So what then? Adultery with a married man???????

    This is one reason why it was permitted. In this day and age many countries allow this still becuase they do have a greater population of women to men, BUT then men MUST also assume the huge responsibility if they choose to do this which actually far outweights having a another wife....

    FYI - The Bible permits multiple wives also and so does the Torah.

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