You keep talking about migrants wanting to impose thier customs...

  1. 141 Posts.
    You keep talking about migrants wanting to impose thier customs etc, but nobody is asking you to wear it.

    For the record newtothegame i actually am australian, born and raised here. Been O/S once when i was a young kid. Most of my mates are Anglo Aussies who are much more open minded than alot of the people here. I went to private school and a Catholic college (for their education). My parents were born and raised in the middle east but migrated here 20-30 years ago.

    So im in the position where i'm alot more open minded than many people here and attune to both sides. Aussie ignorance coz they live life without a care in the world. And the other side where we continually hear of family or friend being bombed overseas.

    I definately dont have a chip here this is a wonderful country, the best in the world. Multiculturalism works well when people have respect for one another and stop playing the blame game.

    Anyway leaving this post to re-focus on my portfolio, the fact is more Muslims, Jews, Buddists, Sufis or whatever are going to keep coming here and keep breeding. You can continue in your frustrations through ignorance and reflect that through smart, quirky and condesending remarks OR you can discuss with an open mind and understand more of the reality of peoples beleifs.

    USSR propoganda???? What about your Fox and CNN propoganda. Just have a read. The format is likecnn.

    You dont need propoganda to hate when countries are blowing each other up.

    Im happy in that the Muslims Christians Jews and my black fella mates all actually co-incide well. We have these dicussions open minded and we generally agree on everything we discuss.

    Peace Love and Happiness to all

    Allah Akbar!

    P.S. CNP and CER will ROCK THE HOUSE SOON!!!! (imo)
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