So six pac refers to ur alcoholic obessions and not your abs,...

  1. 141 Posts.
    So six pac refers to ur alcoholic obessions and not your abs, just clarrifying. For a minute i was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

    Funny how anyone wog looking in a hotted up car is of middle eastern appearance these days.

    I tend to believe that a minority of each side spoils it for the rest. IE a minoirty of aussie drunks bash thier kids for fun. And a minority of so called "Muslims" are very misguided. Partly due to poverty in countries they come from and lack of education. Therefore they are easily prone to misguidance from people using religion and a means to achieve their heartless, cruel actions.

    Sixpac and whoever else. You miss the fact to a certain extent i agree with some of your comments. But your continual frustrations through your own ignorance discards everything that i say, perhaps even if there is some remote logic behind it. This is becuase you want to hate, because you just want to. You are scared of being overtaken, overthrown or challenged in your ways. And the actions of a minority, coupled with the extensive constant media propoganda compel you to remain arrogant in your thoughts.

    Remember "extremist aussies" are trying to ban the headscarf. Muslims are not trying to force wearing of headscarf by everyone.

    In relation to your comment of infidels and thinking Islam forces people to convert or be killed. This is far from the truth. Well, as you ARE sinning in your actions according to MOST religions, then yes, you are an infidel. BUT...

    ... Muslims are to deal with infidels in the following way...

    Say: 'O unbelievers, I serve not what you serve and you are not serving what I serve, nor am I serving what you have served, neither are you serving what I serve. To you your religion, and to me my religion.

    Pretty simple isnt it?

    And no Muslims has the right to touch another for following what they want under the following verse...

    2.256] There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

    So for Muslims, if God has said "There is no compulsion in religion..." who is any person alive to force the religion apon anyone.

    This is clear in the Quran and very simple. Any "Muslim" who forces another to convert is going against what God has said clearly in his book.

    Anyway Sixpac hope you enjoyed the beach. I was at Bondi with my friends and family and had a greatttt day :)

    Cheers buddy!
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