MirCat what are you saying? A LOT has changed since 1947. " We...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    MirCat what are you saying? A LOT has changed since 1947.
    " We do not wish and do not need to expel Arabs and take their place. All our aspiration is built on the assumption- proven throughout all our activity in the Land of Israel- that there is enough room in the country for ourselves and the Arabs" David Ben-Gurion 1937.
    In the 1950's Palestinians and their Western supporters gradually rewrote their national narrative, that Israel rather than the Arab States, became the Nakba's main, if not sole, culprit (According to Hersh) In the words of prominent Palestinian Arab leader Muhammad Ninir Khatib: "We are fighting an organized, educated, cunning, devious and evil people, that has concentrated the world's wealth and power in its hands."
    It is hard to walk back a statement like that. The false assumption that Israel was to build on the ruins of Arab Palestine had crept in.
    The actual evidence shows the Palestinians decided their own destiny and bear near-total responsibility for becoming refugees- a comment from the National Review.
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