HaHa Mircat. Why would anybody take anything the CIA says as...

  1. 5,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 151
    HaHa Mircat. Why would anybody take anything the CIA says as fact. They are busy creating the pantomime we are supposed to think is real life. The facts have been turned on their head over the years, for sure, but not as you think. The Jews returning tp Palestine tried to live in peace, but ended up fighting for their lives. The facts support my comments. That those Jews had steel in their spines and won those wars of survival is now history. Things went downhill from there. They were fighting the surrounding muslim nations, rather than the peaceful Arab Palestinians. That is how the Palestinian Arabs were betrayed. The initial goodwill between the Jews and Arabs was destroyed by the muslim world, When the Muslim neighbours could not defeat the Jews on the battlefield, the Palestinians were left high and dry stranded in refugee camps for generations. They were betrayed by their muslim brothers big time.
    That little Jewish country, surrounded by countries bent on their destruction, survived as they could. It is not surprising their attitudes have hardened regarding territory and borders.
    The Jewish lobby in the US has not been solidly behind Israel with many voting for Obama. Go figure.

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