should the us end aid to israel, page-34

  1. 445 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 70
    i have read the article and all the posts, which made for quite interesting reading. Whilst the article seemed a little pro palestinian, it did make some valid points.

    Having studied theolgy for several years, i believe the problems in the region are not religious. The three books (Koran, bible and the torah) instruct all there religious followers in a very similar way, especially the jewish and islamic faiths.

    Land is the problem. It was confiscated off the palestinians by the two world powers at the time (britain and America) and given to the displaced european jews who had escaped from the clutches OF Hitlers tortures regimes. Arabs and jews have lived alongside for centuries, they have very similar cultures and life styles. The jews living in the area are not the problem, had italians been placed there, we would have the same problems today. It just so happens that who ever was placed there would have been in the same situation israel finds itself today. Proof of this is the coexistance between israel and Egypt, the egyptians are majority Sunni muslim, and live peacefully alongside the jewish israeli's. Take for example, the Kurds in Iraq's north. Both race or people are muslim, however were in constant conflict because of land issues.

    The US will forever be condemed, its role as global police will never please all, especially when it is not acting impartially and in the global interests. As former US presidents that have come and gone will readily testify, congress is run by the jews, and will forever act in their favour. I can assure you, had an arab leader commited the crimes former israeli pm sharon did, they would have been crucified in Hague.

    Problem will forever be LAND. Don't get sucked in to believing it is a religious issue. The fact remains, a race of people were brutally and illegally displaced, and as we see everyday, will NEVER FORGET OR FORGIVE.

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