should the us end aid to israel, page-64

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    Dovetail, Paaaaleeez! The Koran wasn't written until seven centuries later! (Around 632 AD) The temple was a general temple of the Abrahamic religion, which has a very coloured and variegated history. There were no muslims around yet. ALL the priests were jewish -or Roman but not in this temple. This is the temple that was, I believe, later (around 70 AD) destroyed and the jews fled Palestine. They were scattered all around the Arab lands, Persia, Jordan, etc. as well as India and Africa, around the East and North.

    Please come back to me after you've done some basic research. This is silly!
    And to suggest that the Jews "came first" is like saying, who came first in Oz, the Irish or English and forgetting about the indigenous folk.
    It was a time of many religions and ONE race. Jews of that time and Arabs, of that time were brothers. Religions meant bugger all. Before the Romans were the Greeks, after the Romans were the muslims (Ghengis Khan, Turkmans) and after them, the Brits. It was at all times called Palestine or Philistrini or such similar names. The last jews (post 1948) came to a place called British Palestine Protectorate. The place was granted to them by the British (see here the Balfour Declaration) as somewhere to live in harmony with the locals.
    Lord Balfour wrote in 1919: "In Palestine, we do not even propose to consult the inhabitants of the country. (Zionism's) immediate needs and hopes for the future are much more important than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who presently inhabit Palestine."

    I won't go on because it takes too long and I can see you need to do quite a bit of research before we begin talking.
    Begin, I suggest with the writings of Moshe Ben Maimon (aka Maimonides), read a bit about George Herzl, and go on with the Stern Group (Lehi)

    Check out the group, Hovevei Zion (lovers of Zion, in the 1870s)
    Do check UN Security Council Resolution 242 (1967, I believe) and a couple of other resolutions while you're at it.
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