should there be wreckage of mh370, page-55

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    Then there's those moments when you thing WTF?

    These script writers should be employed by Hollywood studios if not true imho.

    MH370 Mystery – Suspicious Cargo Destroyed in a Massive Explosion near 1945 Nuclear Bomb Test Site

    ShelleyKasli / March 22, 2014

    The Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) is reporting today that the “highly suspicious” cargo retrieved by the US from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that had been “disappeared” to one of the United States most secretive bases in the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia, was flown this past week to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was then destroyed in a “massive fireball.”

    Read the previous report here MH370 Mystery – Suspicious Cargo & Death of 2 Ex-Navy Seals aboard MV Maersk Alabama

    MV Maerks Alabama Ex Navy SEALS MH370 Mystery

    The GRU had previously, reported their “puzzlement” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” this Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to the Diego Garcia atoll, an assessment that has subsequently been verified by radar tracks showing the mysterious US military flights moving about this aircraft immediately prior to its “disappearance.” (See video below)

    Flight 370, it is important to note, was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

    What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama was that within 24-hours of its off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”

    Earlier reports

    MH370 Mystery – Suspicious Cargo & Death of 2 Ex-Navy Seals aboard MV Maersk Alabama

    MH370 Mystery – Electronic Warfare Hidden in Plain Sight

    After this “highly suspicious” cargo was off loaded from MV Maersk Alabama, on 17 February, the GRU reported it was then transferred to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, where it was subsequently loaded onto Flight 370 on 8 March for its scheduled flight to Beijing.

    The GRU further reported, that after Flight 370’s “diversion” it was “nearly immediately” followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia on at least four flights.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC MH370 Airlines GreatGameIndia

    This new GRU report says, this “highly suspicious” cargo was flown from Diego Garcia to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was destroyed in a 19 March explosion so massive it stunned the residents of this region due to the massive plume of smoke Russian munitions experts speculate was caused by US military-grade Thermate (a variation of thermite) devices.

    Weather experts baffled by mystery plume on New Mexico radar near 1945 nuclear bomb test site
    •There is speculation that the cloud could be the result of a weapons test
    •But the U.S. has not done A-bomb tests since the Test Ban Treaty in 1992
    •Plume originated from White Sands Missile Range in Socorro county

    A mystery ‘storm cloud’ caught on weather radar after erupting off a U.S. military missile testing ground in New Mexico has left weather experts baffled.

    Deepening the mystery, U.S. National Weather Service offices in Albuquerque and El Paso have confirmed the reading, but say they have no idea where it could have come from.

    The mysterious plume as it appeared on the radar at Plymouth State Weather Centre as it headed toward Cannon Air Force Base. Weather experts are baffled about where it could have come from
    The mysterious plume as it appeared on the radar at Plymouth State Weather Centre as it headed toward Cannon Air Force Base. Weather experts are baffled about where it could have come from

    The plume first appeared at sunset on Monday evening over the part of the vast White Sands Missile Range in east Socorro county, close to the ‘Trinity Site’ where the first atomic bomb was detonated in 1945.

    It was spotted in publicly accessible radar data by a blogger, who tracked its progress and has published his findings in two YouTube videos and a blog post.

    He showed how the Weather Channel’s storm identification system had detected the plume as a strong storm cell which seemingly emerged out of nowhere on a clear night.

    A second view of the plume, on the College of DuPage’s NeXt Generation Weather Lab service, showed how it appeared to burst out of a small point, like the aftermath of a massive explosion.

    The plume was tracked north-east, over Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis, home of the 27th Special Operations Group, over Amarillo in north Texas and towards the Oklahoma border, where it appeared to dissipate.

    A closer look at the whereabouts of the beginning of the apparent weather event showed that it emerged from the White Sands Missile Range, a site which extends to some 3,200 sq/miles across New Mexico that is used as a proving ground for the U.S. military’s ballistic missiles.

    In its previous incarnation as the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range, the site played host to the ‘Trinity’ test of the world’s first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945.

    In that test scientists from the Manhattan Project exploded a 20 kiloton plutonium bomb of the same kind as the Fat Man device that was a month later dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing 40,000 people instantly.

    There is as yet no evidence of a nuclear explosion. The U.S. has not officially tested any atomic weapons since signing the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1992.

    White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico used as a proving ground for the U.S. military's ballistic missiles
    White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico used as a proving ground for the U.S. military’s ballistic missiles

    Nevertheless the bizarre ‘weather’ event’s appearance over a military site has led to speculation that some kind of massive weapon has been exploded at white sands, propelling a huge amount of particulate debris into the atmosphere.

    Weather experts told KOB Eyewitness News 4 that they have no idea what it could be. So, whatever the source of the reading, the consensus appears to be that it was not weather related.

    Weather experts baffled by mystery plume on New Mexico radar near 1945 nuclear bomb test site

    Important to note, this report says, is that the US appears to have been planning this operation involving Flight 370 since this “highly suspicious” cargo was first offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles on 17 February, as three days later, 20 February, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) placed an order for 1,200 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) single use overgarments which are meant to protect the wearer from radiological contamination in the form of radiological particulates.

    Government Sending 1200 Radiation Suits to New Mexico

    Trainees in protective suits examine a potentially contaminated area
    Trainees in protective suits examine a potentially contaminated area

    These PPE suits, which include hoods and boots, this report says, were delivered to the DTRA at their location on Kirtland Air Force Base, located in New Mexico, where they are tasked with protecting the United States against weapons of mass destruction.

    Equally important to note, this report continues, is that the US Department of Health and Human Services, on 6 December, ordered 14 million 65 mg doses of Potassium Iodide, the standard treatment protocol for someone exposed to high levels of radiation, to be delivered to them by the end of January 2014.

    HHS Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide

    As to the US-Chinese connection regarding the “highly suspicious” cargo aboard Flight 370 this report does not say, but does note that is of such concern that President Obama dispatched his wife to China as his “personal emissary” and stunned the American media by refusing to allow any reporters to accompany her.

    As US forces begin flooding into the European Union to counter Russian forces amassing on the Ukrainian border, this report concludes, the “mysterious” events surrounding Flight 370’s “highly suspicious” cargo cannot be separated from Obama’s sudden announcement today to cancel his planned Persian Gulf summit, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s 11 March branding of the previous US allied Kingdom backed Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist organization” and this cargos having transversed this most volatile Middle East region.

    The White House has canceled plans for a meeting later this month between President Barack Obama and Persian Gulf monarchs in Saudi Arabia based on tensions among US allies in the region.
    The White House has canceled plans for a meeting later this month between President Barack Obama and Persian Gulf monarchs in Saudi Arabia based on tensions among US allies in the region.

    Most interesting of all is the Vladimir Putin, President of Russia’s speech before the Federal Assembly on 18 March 2014 in which he openly challenges the West and it’s allies (a continuation if you may of his now famous American Exceptionalism op-ed in NYTimes last year in September). Full translated English text of Putin’s speech on Crimea

    Our western partners, led by the United States of America, prefer not to be guided by international law in their practical policies, but by the rule of the gun. They have come to believe in their exclusivity and exceptionalism, that they can decide the destinies of the world, that only they can ever be right. They act as they please: here and there, they use force against sovereign states, building coalitions based on the principle “If you are not with us, you are against us.” To make this aggression look legitimate, they force the necessary resolutions from international organisations, and if for some reason this does not work, they simply ignore the UN Security Council and the UN overall.

    They must have really lacked political instinct and common sense not to foresee all the consequences of their actions. Russia found itself in a position it could not retreat from. If you compress the spring all the way to its limit, it will snap back hard. You must always remember this.

    - Vladimir Putin, President of Russia in speech before the Federal Assembly, 18 March 2014?. Full translated English text of Putin’s speech on Crimea
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