shuttle colombia shot down by plasma weapons, page-78

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    badjelly - our senses create the illusion ............

    The Secret of Light - Walter Russell

    Ch X11 (edited)


    Light cannot be seen, it can only be known. Light is still.The sense of light cannot respond to stillness. That which the eyes "feel" & believe to be Light is but wave motion simulating the idea of light.Like all things else in this electric wave universe the idea of Light cannot be produced. Electric waves simulate idea only, They do not become idea.
    When man sees the light of the sun he believes that he is actually seeing light when the nerves of his eyes are but "feeling" the intense, rapid, shortwave vibrations of the kind of wave motion which he senses as incandescence.The intensely vibrant electric current mirrored into the senses of the eyes fairly burns them. They cannot stand the high rate of vibration.The eyes would be destroyed by such a vibration, but light would not be the cause of the destruction. Fast motion, simulating light, would be the cause. It would be like sending a high voltage electric current over a wire so fine that the current would burn it out.
    Men likewise cannot see darkness. The nerves of his eyes which sense motion slow down to a rate of vibration which he can no longer "feel."

    The light which we think we see is but motion. We do not see light. We feel the wave vibrations set up by the motion which simulates , but the motion of electric waves which simulate light is not that which it simulates.

    Light does not travel.

    The speed with which light presumably travels is 186,400 miles per second Light only seems to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, & pistons operate up & down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operate radically & spirally inward & outward, toward & away from gravity.
    Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave fiels of space. The planes of zero curvature which abound all wave fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one field to another.This sets up the appearance of light as travelling, which is pure illusion.
    The sunlight we feel on our bodies is not actual light from the sun. What is happening is that the is reproducing its own condition on the earth by extending the reproductions out through cold space into ever enlarging wave fields.The heat we feel & the light we see are dependant entirely on the ability of the wave fields to reproduce the light & heat & that ability is conditioned upon the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.
    The light & heat which appear to have come from the sun have never left the sun
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