Les,Its much easier to be an expert when you don't have any skin...

  1. 455 Posts.

    Its much easier to be an expert when you don't have any skin in the game...

    I am tipping most of the irrational robo bears on this forum fall into one of the following catagories:

    1. Too young to do much in property but try to sound older and more educated - often exposed though by the mud slinging, snide comments and lack of ability to keep on topic when challenged

    2. Too old and set in their ways and basically missed the last boat. These guys are really spiteful. They have seen mates that actually had balls take a risk and make some dough, whilst they are career renters.

    3. Just bored at work and think that hanging about on forums slagging off for the sake of it is fun. If they put the effort into bettering themselves, they might find there is more to life.

    4. Left wing capitalist haters. Say no more.

    5. Stock market fans that are desperate for property to fall as property and housing are traditionally counter to each other in terms of current trends.

    This forum could be good, and I feel is getting better than it was 3 months ago. There are a few more balanced, educated opinions and comments from both sides appearing and a bit less 'burn baby burn because I am 15 years old and cant think of anything intelligent to say' on here.

    I have many times stated that there is more ways to make money in property than the standard buy, rent sell that the robobears cling onto with all their might atm, as this is obviously not a strong option right now.

    I have asked openly for any of these robobears that if they are sooooooo wise in the way of property investment then why can't they tell me ONE way to make money RIGHT NOW in the market....It can be done, but at 15 yo, they just dont have the experience (but they are wicked on XBox)

    To all the bears that actually contribute rationally, keep it coming, I learn from you every day... and the same to the bulls... all fair and balanced debate is just what we need.

    Thanks....sorry I went on so long. :)

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