Sickening., page-8

  1. 10,673 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 732
    I saw a video recently that spelled out that the population of the 3rd World is growing by 80 Million people per year.

    3 million of those are taken in and rescued as refugees.

    Just purely loking at the large scale of the problem, what can Australians do that would improve the Situation there or anywhere else.

    Regardless of how Australia tries to help, there will be 80 million more people living in 3rd World Conditions next year.

    Australia just cant take in a Million refugees per year that would just have a life plan to build a hut on a hill side and have 12 kids each.

    All with the life plan to have 12 more kids each and live in a hut on a hillside.

    The More aid Australia gives to the 3rd World it just boosts the 3rd World Population to grow even faster.

    What can Australia do about what happens on the other side of the World, we are just a 24 million Population.

    We should be trying to solve the Problems inside Australia First.
    Last edited by ChippyDude: 12/10/17
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