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  1. 358 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Never know on Malta maybe progress quicker than we think. Still a long shot but this may just push things along a bit.

    February 10, 2011
    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is planning to be in Malta for the 5+5 summit being held here in June. The summit will group heads of government of North African and European countries bordering the Mediterranean..The summit has gained in importance because of the developing situation in North Africa, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said on his arrival in Malta this morning following a surprise visit to Libya.Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is planning to be in Malta for the 5+5 summit being held here in June. The summit will group heads of government of North African and European countries bordering the Mediterranean..The summit has gained in importance because of the developing situation in North Africa, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said on his arrival in Malta this morning following a surprise visit to Libya.During his visit, Dr Gonzi, who was accompanied by Foreign Minister Tonio Borg, had meetings with Col. Gaddafi and Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi.Dr Gonzi said that one of primary themes of the meetings was on the developing situation in North Africa and how the 5+5 could contribute towards stability in region with full respect for the people in the affected countries.Like Malta, Libya was closely watching the events taking place in the region and everyone hoped thast stability would return, Dr Gonzi said.The 5+5 will be preceded with a preparatory meeting of foreign ministers in April.The talks between Col Gaddafi and Dr Gonzi also dealt with the oil exploration issue between the two countries and their disagreement on the delineation of the continental shelf. Both sides are hoping for a solution to the problem and a technical meeting is to be held in Libya next month, {timesofmalta}

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