In the section Rhody on silver, the bullion gold/silverratio is...

  1. 193 Posts.

    In the section Rhody on silver, the bullion gold/silver
    ratio is 16.66:1, this is a great number as it is a
    palindrome and contains the devil's number. I couldn't remember how to spell palindrome(i or e) so looked up on Yahoo , got , weird site. I like Glenelg and
    know the longest palindrome is redivider( twice divided number) but this site is good .Back to la precious metals
    if the anti christ is in them they are running.
    Made so much money over last 8 months going surfing/fishing for two months . Thankyou TAW, CKG(SHN), SGW , OSH, SKR. Just remember the world needs the dodgies stop complaining about them.
    Jack Frosty will deliver the goods.

    Nurse,I spy gypsies run.

    Now get faarked you money hungry bastards ,buy MMN.

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