QRS 0.00% 7.0¢ qrsciences holdings limited

single trade today worth 1842, page-6

  1. 264 Posts.
    Is it the board of qrs that asic need to investigate into or some of the posters on this site.Do those posters act on their own ignorance,self interest or are they paid rampers.I was made aware of some pretty scary stuff when at a dinner party with some brokers who after several drinks began mouthing off about some of the stuff that goes on.Gave me plenty of reason to 1)decide no amount of money is wort h knowingly ripping others off.2)people who make most money out of trading are brokers.3)Research carefully and realise sp can be manipulated both ways by huge amounts so I only buy with cash I can do without long term.4)most income I can make is with my own business that I have control over and know I have suurounded myself with people I can trust.Hopefully the unfortunate group of brokers I was sat next to are not a typical example of characters in the financial world or I would be recommending to put ypur super under the mattress.
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