“Once this storm passes, we’re going to have one heck of a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    “Once this storm passes, we’re going to have one heck of a dogfight on our hands to ensure that every single one of these measures the left is so in-love with is peeled back hard and fast.”

    so, you want to peel back doubling Newstart

    do you realise how stupid that looks?

    Doubling it is a crystal clear admission that 250 bucks a week is not enough for basic survival

    Which of course a blind man whose seeing eye dog had long died and he’d lost his white cane and he was galloping past on a screaming Tasmanian Devil could have told you years ago -

    and that there’s a large percentage of the unemployed who are post 50 and post 60 with zero chance of ever getting an interview, let alone a job

    And you suggest you want to wind it back from the heady levels of 500 bucks a week to 250 bucks a week

    this is from the same Liberal brilliant squad who forced disability pensioners who were living overseas happily - taking smaller benefits, zero rent assistance, zero medical services, zero dental services, zero transport supplements, zero pharmaceutical benefits

    to come back to Australia to live so they would get higher benefits paid and use all of those services

    Just because- when they lived overseas - they could do so and have lives not scratching in poverty

    well, well, well done Aussie

    vote Liberals

    we would be better off with a family of rhesus monkeys running the country - they would have more empathy and common sense
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