sky’s abbott-abbott-abbott hatefest

  1. 33 Posts.
    A deep new low today for Contrarians, the Sky News show hosted by political scientist Dr Peter van Onselen.

    The panel, comprising three Abbott-haters, ridicules the Opposition Leader, which is odd enough in a week when the Government is surely what merits scorn, being so mired in its own colossal incompetence that Wayne Swan’s position looks shaky, Julia Gillard’s hold on leadership seems about to slip and the Budget is blow through the floor.

    But worse, far worse, was the pathetic abuse. Abbott’s decades of community work were sneered at as just for show, and Labor lawyer Hugh McDermott - with Dee Madigan nodding - accused Abbott of using botox.

    This is serious political debate? This level of personal invective?

    I’ll tell you one thing it is. It’s hypocrisy. Can you imagine the uproar if I’d had a panel discussion on the Bolt Report devoted to calling Julia Gillard’s good deeds - such as they are - a mere sham and a con, and her looks the result of botox?

    Sexism! Misogyny! Personal abuse! Wicked, wicked conservatives.

    I see I’m far from alone in my disgust.

    We discussed this on our 2GB show tonight (listen here), and played the offending grab from around 44:00.

    Note: I have not heard the entire Contrarians show, and cannot believe panelist Greg O’Mahoney, despite being tribally pro-Labor, would have gone alone with the worst of this. He strikes me as fairer than that.


    Who to trust for an assessment of Abbott’s motives for volunteering as a surf lifesaver, community work in Aboriginal communities and fire service volunteer? Some vindictive Labor lawyer in a TV studio - or those who serve with Abbott fighting fires?

    Shoalhaven RFS division commander Group Captain Ross Gates said the volunteers respected Mr Abbott’s efforts.

    “Mate, he’s a legend,” Captain Gates said.

    ”He’s out here doing what we’re doing. He’s putting in time as a volunteer to help his neighbours, basically. The rest of us volunteers know the commitment he’s put in and we’ve got to respect that.”

    Do we trust the spin of a Labor lawyer or the testimony of volunteer firefighters?

    Davidson RFS Captain Brendan Malone, a 12-year veteran, and his predecessor Warren Cree, who has nearly 25 years service, were initially reluctant to speak about their friend and fellow team member to a member of the media…

    “When we come to the fire shed, we leave our regular lives at the door,” Malone said…

    “If there is a job to be done, Tony is just as likely to be doing it, whether it is cleaning the toilets or anything else.

    “There is no special treatment for anyone, no pressure about who anyone is.”

    Malone continued: “I, personally, like him.

    “He is just one of the boys, he just gets on and does it. He’s what I call a real person.”

    Malone puts great store in the bond that unites the firefighters, a bond that comes from “being in charge of a crew, taking responsibility for the safety of others”.

    “There is that satisfaction of doing something that actually matters, contributing to the greater good.

    “I know Tony draws a lot from that, too.”
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