Sleepy Joe's uncle eaten by cannibals? LOL, page-34

  1. 17,041 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    Really so hes been able already to denies going to the SCOTUS - and note ...the denial was based on reasoning not even close to point you raised - on how the trial is going. It was deniedbecasue the SCOTUS ranks second tho the trial

    Good try but seeing hes ruled as he has and he had lumped the two together...what rationale do you think he'll use to let DT go? Seems it had NOTHING to do with the speed of the trial and clearly if SCOTUS takes the second seat in attendance to the trial... so too must the graduation.

    Politically, Trump has played it well..backed them into a corner and he wions either way. And don't whinge about his political machinations...the friggin trial is ALL political. Good for the goose and all that

    Associated Press, April 15: Trump’s lawyers have requested that the trial not be held on May 17 so that the former president may attend his son Barron’s high school graduation. A Trump lawyer has also requested the trial not be held June 3 so that he could attend his own son’s graduation.

    Merchan said he was not prepared to rule on either request, but that if the trial proceeds as planned he’s willing to adjourn for one or both days. “It really depends on how we’re doing on time and where we are in the trial,” Merchan said.

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