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While most of this relates to kalahari comments re Husab and...

  1. 76 Posts.
    While most of this relates to kalahari comments re Husab and Uranium (49%) relate to Extract. Some reading while bored


    30th June 2006

    Kalahari Minerals PLC. (AIM Code:KAH)
    RECOMMENDATION: Speculative Buy
    Note: Investment in Shares of Kalahari Minerals PLC should be considered speculative. Investors should seek appropriate advice before
    making a decision to invest in Kalahari Minerals PLC (see page 6).
    • Kalahari Minerals PLC is a junior resource company which
    recently listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market. The
    Company has four projects prospective for uranium, copper and
    gold, located in Namibia in South West Africa.
    • The Husab Uranium Project (Kalahari 49%), with known
    uranium mineralisation occurrences, has received little modern
    day exploration to date despite the Project being located
    between two world class uranium deposits: the Rossing Mine
    (Rio Tinto) and Langer Heinrich (Paladin Resources).
    • Drilling at Husab is now underway, testing identified uranium
    mineralisation on a geological horizon (believed to be the same
    stratigraphic horizon on which the Rossing Mine is located). We
    anticipate initial assay results to be reported around mid July
    • In addition the Company also plans to undertake a review into
    the potential for producing uranium at the Husab Fluorspar
    mine on the basis of elevated uranium values recorded within
    abundant fluorspar veins at surface.
    • Kalahari’s copper projects are located within the Kalahari
    Copper Belt (considered a stratigraphic equivalent of the world
    class Zambian Copper Belt to the northeast). The Projects are
    considered prospective for the discovery of large stratiform
    copper deposits analogous with the Zambian deposits in
    addition to evidence of Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG)
    • Previous operators have reported substantial outcropping
    copper oxide mineralisation occurring within the Company’s
    wholely owned Dordabis and Witvlei project areas, with basic
    but substantial mineral inventories calculated (250,000 tonnes
    contained copper). The exciting opportunity for KAH is to now
    evaluate, convert and upgrade the historical inventories to a
    JORC* standard for incorporation into a feasibility study
    considering mining 2mtpa for an Solvent Extraction—
    Electrowinning (SX-EW) operation over 5 years.
    *(JORC = Joint Ore Reserve Committee)
    Price of Ordinary Shares (pence) 13.25
    No. Ordinary Shares on issue (Million) 99.00
    Market Capitalisation (GBP Million) 13.15
    No. Options on issue (Million)* 9.75
    No. Warrants on issue (Million)** 9.32
    Cash Reserves (GBP Million as of 31/3/06) 6.30
    Option & Warrant Details:
    *Options are exercisable at 8 pence on or before
    30/06/2008. **Warrants are exercisable at 8
    pence on or before 27/09/06.
    Mark Hohnen (Executive Chairman)
    Peter McIntyre (Executive Director)
    Glyn Tonge (Non-Executive Director)
    Major Shareholders (23/06/06):
    Credit Suisse Client Nominees (UK) Ltd 22.80%
    Coronet Resources Limited 16.16%
    Pershing Keen Nominees Limited 9.19%
    Willbro Nominees Limited 7.03%
    State Street Nominees Limited 6.74%
    Top 10 Shareholders as of 23/06/06 held 76.00% of issued

    A.C.N. 009 368 432 A.F.S.L. 238 333
    Level 2, Citibank House, 37 St George‘s Terrace. Perth WA 6000 Postal Address: PO Box Z5005 Perth St Georges Tce. WA 6831
    General Enquiries (+618) 9225 2800 Facsimile (+618) 9325 4311
    A Member Corporation of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited


    Background Information
    Kalahari Minerals Plc (Kalahari) is a new AIM-listed, junior
    exploration company targeting uranium, copper and gold in
    Namibia. The Company holds licences to four exploration
    projects covering over 3,000km2 in the west and central parts
    of the country.

    Uranium the Current Focus

    Kalahari’s early exploration activity (the majority of which
    was prior to listing) was focused entirely on copper
    exploration at its advanced Dordabis and Witvlei projects. A
    justifiable shift in exploration focus towards uranium has
    since been undertaken, reflecting not just a shift in market
    awareness and demand for investment in that commodity
    sector, but more importantly the strong recognition of the
    prospectivity of the Company’s ground for potential economic
    uranium occurrences.

    The Kalahari Copper Belt & Its Importance

    The Dordabis and Witvlei projects are geologically located in
    what is now generally referred to as the Kalahari Copper Belt.
    The significance of this belt is that the projects contained
    within it are believed to be prospective for large scale
    sediment-hosted copper mineralisation. The type of
    mineralisation identified on the Company’s projects is
    believed to be similar to the copper mineralisation found
    within the world-class Zambian Copper Belt located
    approximately 750km to the northeast.

    The lightly explored, known substantial copper mineralisation
    outcropping in numerous occurrences identified within the
    Kalahari Copper Belt, the majority of which occurs on several
    prospects on the Company’s holdings, indicates that the
    Kalahari Copper Belt may be as prospective as the Zambian
    Copper Belt for large copper deposits.

    The Opportunity

    The exploration opportunity open for the Company is in our
    view two-fold:

    • First, and as a priority, to explore for economic
    occurrences of uranium between two world class uranium
    deposits in a known but under-explored uranium province.
    • Secondly, to advance further and expand upon the known
    copper occurrences and resources the Company has
    identified on its tenements within the belt with the aim of
    delineating sufficient resources to undertake a feasibility
    study into the development of a centralised medium to
    large scale copper operation.
    The Project Portfolio at a Glance
    Kalahari’s project portfolio can be divided into two main
    geographical regions within Namibia: the uranium and gold
    focused Western projects (Husab and Ubib) and the copper
    focused Eastern Projects (Dordabis and Witvlei).

    Uranium Focused—Western Projects:

    Targeting predominantly uranium and gold mineralisation
    associated geologically with structural and intrusion related

    The Husab Project is strategically situated between two
    world class uranium projects. Considered Kalahari’s current
    flagship project prospective for primary and secondary
    uranium mineralisation. Known extensive uranium occurrences
    now being explored. Drilling (2 rigs) is now underway with
    results expected in July 2006.

    Ubib is a large project situated along strike from the
    operating Navachab gold mine (AngloGold Ashanti) and the
    operating Rossing uranium mine. The Project is considered
    prospective for further uranium and gold discoveries.

    Copper Focused-Eastern Projects:

    Targeting sediment hosted copper mineralisation associated
    with deformed sedimentary and volcanic rocks analogous to
    the Zambian Copper Belt styles of mineralisation.

    The Dordabis Project, located centrally within the Kalahari
    Copper Belt, is prospective for sedimentary hosted oxide and
    sulphide copper deposits. The Project has numerous known
    copper prospects and copper shows outcropping over several
    kilometres. To date Kalahari has concentrated exploration
    effort at the advanced Koperberg prospect where drilling has
    delineated an open medium grade copper deposit. Geophysics
    coupled with limited surface exploration and some drilling
    indicate that the prospect is located on a highly prospective
    35km long mineralised sedimentary/volcanic contact
    prospective for further discoveries.

    The Witvlei Project, also located centrally within the
    Kalahari Copper Belt, has numerous copper occurrences, the
    majority identified over a 20km strike where historical
    exploration allowed the previous owners to calculate mineral
    inventories on four of the known deposits. Whilst we note
    these mineral inventories are not JORC-compliant we are
    encouraged by their existence and the potential for the
    Company to confirm their validity and delineate further
    mineralisation (discussed later).


    Project Overview
    Husab Project(Kalahari Minerals 49%, Extract Resources 51%)

    Location & Tenure

    Located in Western Namibia, the single 555km2 granted
    Exclusive Prospecting Licence is bounded by the Khan River to
    the west and the Swakop River to the south.

    Rio Tinto’s large scale granite (alaskite) hosted Rossing
    Uranium Mine is located approximately 20km west of the Husab
    project boundary. The Project is also located 30km from
    Paladin Resources’ Langer Heinrich calcrete hosted uranium
    deposit which is currently undergoing mine development.

    The Project area falls entirely within the Namib-Naukluft
    National Park and as such the Project’s exploration activities
    are governed by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. We
    understand that the Ministry allows monitored exploration
    activities to occur without hindrance.

    Geology & Mineralisation

    Regional structural history is complex. The Project
    predominantly consists of north-northeast trending structural
    domes cored with gneisses and meta-sedimentary rocks which
    in turn are surrounded by other suites of meta-sedimentary
    rocks. The area is covered in places by stranded occurrences of
    alluvials and flat lying calcretes.

    Husab Fluorspar Mine Demonstrating Uranium Prospectivity

    The Project licence contains the historical small scale workings
    of the Ida Copper Mine and the Husab Fluorspar Mine, the
    latter where fluorspar is contained within a large number of
    steep dipping veins over an area of 400ha associated with a red
    granite. Importantly, in addition to the large scale occurrence
    of fluorspar, the veins are known to contain various
    concentrations of base metal sulphides and gold in addition to
    highly anomalous amounts of uranium.

    Historically the fluorspar mining was undertaken manually by
    box cutting (open cut slotting) the veins down to a maximum
    depth of around 3 metres with the ore then hand sorted and
    shipped to Europe. The Prospect provides the Company with an
    exciting opportunity to commercially evaluate not only the
    fluorspar occurrence but the prospectivity of the veins for
    economic occurrences of uranium.

    Despite the Husab Mine’s appealing immediate prospectivity,
    the Company is currently concentrating exploration activities
    further south on the Ida trend where stronger primary uranium
    mineralisation has been identified, through spectrometer work,
    within a steeply-dipping northeast-trending shear zone between
    gneiss rocks to the west and marbles to the east. The uranium
    mineralisation is believed to be related to an intruded alaskite
    granite which contains numerous pegmatite veins and xenoliths
    which are uranium mineralised. First pass drilling (two rigs) is
    underway testing this contact shear zone for medium grade
    uranium mineralisation.

    In addition, the Project is also believed to be highly prospective
    for calcrete-related secondary uranium. This is highlighted by
    the reported occurrence of calcrete uranium mineralisation in
    an area known as the Welwitschia Flats exposed in erosion
    channels. This style of mineralisation is however not a priority
    target for the Company at this stage but nevertheless serves to
    highlight the potential for further uranium targets in the

    Husab Prospectivity Summary

    We are encouraged by the amount of reported uranium (and
    polymetallic) mineralisation occurrences over the Husab

    project to date. We are also encouraged by the differing styles
    of mineralisation noted i.e. primary vein hosted (over several
    kilometers), intrusion related, secondary calcrete hosted as
    well as channel related styles all being present at the Project.

    Whilst the Company’s exploration progress to date at Husab has
    been slow on the start up (the overcoming of initial logistical
    hurdles), it is now gathering momentum and we anticipate
    positive news from first drilling results in July 2006. We also
    note ongoing spectrometer work is also generating new drill
    targets which will likely be announced and ranked in due

    Ubib Project (Kalahari Minerals 100%)

    Location & Tenure

    Located in Western Namibia, the single 950km2 granted
    Exclusive Prospecting Licence is situated south of the town of
    Usakos, 150km northeast of Swakopmund. The Project is
    located only 15km to the southwest of the operating 60-80koz
    Navachab Goldmine (Anglo Gold Ashanti). The Project is also
    located only 7km east of the Rossing Uranum Mine.

    Geology & Mineralisation

    The area is dominated by structural domes cored by
    Proterozoic meta-sediments, which in turn, have been strongly
    sheared. A series of granites have been intruded along the
    spine of the domes. The intrusion of these granites has
    resulted in some places in the formation of vein sets and skarns
    enriched with base and precious metals e.g. the Navachab Gold

    Ubib Prospectivity Summary

    The Project is underlain for the most part by a structurally
    complex basement demonstrated by geophysics. The numerous
    gold and copper occurrences particularly in the southwest of
    the project area suggest the area has potential for significant
    gold-copper-uranium mineralisation to occur. We note the
    Project is very under-explored to date despite strong early
    encouragement from what little exploration has been
    undertaken at the project.


    Dordabis Project (Kalahari Minerals 100%)

    Location & Tenure

    The Dordabis Project, located in Central Namibia, is comprised
    of a two granted Exclusive Prospecting Licences. The 875km2
    project is situated 90km southeast of the capital Windhoek.

    Geology & Mineralisation

    The Dordabis Project consists predominantly of a northeast
    trending belt of Proterozoic basement rocks cut by northeast
    trending thrust faults that dip at a low angle to the west. The
    age and composition of these formations is very important in
    that the belt is believed to be similar in age and composition to
    the host lithologies which host the world class Zambian Copper
    Belt deposits to the northeast.

    The Project area has numerous oxide and sulphide copper
    occurrences identified. The currently largest defined and
    principle deposit known to date is the Koperberg prospect
    where drilling by Kalahari and the prevous owners has defined
    zones of high grade oxide and sulphide copper mineralisation
    within a deformed package of sandstones, dolomitic sandstones
    and siltstones. Selected significant drilling results from
    Koperberg include:

    13 metres grading 2.60% Cu from 74 metres
    5 metres grading 3.43% Cu from 43 metres
    10 metres grading 1.77% Cu from 31 metres
    11 metres grading 1.56% Cu from 29 metres
    4 metres grading 1.88% Cu from 68 metres
    21 metres grading 1.44% Cu from 15 metres
    9 metres grading 1.73% Cu from 11 metres

    Dordabis Prospectivity Summary

    Reverse circulation drilling in 2005 has confirmed the presence,
    of significant zones of high grade copper oxide and sulphide
    mineralisation at the Koperberg prospect. The drilling has
    demonstrated that the mineralisation is overall generally of
    medium grade. The strategy of the Company therefore, in the
    medium to long term, is to identify significant tonnages at the
    prospect and the neighboring prospects to allow the delineation
    of resources over time to support an economically viable
    mining operation. The Company believes that this can
    achieved through further exploration and resource delineation.

    To date the Koperberg deposit remains open at depth and along
    strike providing significant scope for further delineation of
    mineralisation. In addition we note the prospect is geologically
    located on a 35km long lithological contact which remains
    largely untested by modern exploration methods. We also note
    the numerous copper occurrences over the Dordabis Project
    area which require further investigation and which could
    potentially supply further mill feed to a central processing
    plant. These include and are not limited to:

    • Swartberg, located 2km north of Koperberg where
    outcropping hematite-altered andesite ridge averages
    grades of 0.5% copper and 1.2gpt silver.
    • Farm Protea 108, where copper mineralisation is located
    in argillite bands 500 metres from a red volcanic breccia.
    • Farm Onverwacht 270, southwest of Koperberg where
    several slugs of native copper weighing several tonnes each
    have been recovered.
    • Farm Hatsamas 92 to the north west of the Project area
    where drilling by earlier owners returned up to 1% copper
    from marble hosted copper-lead mineralisation.

    Witvlei Project (Kalahari Minerals 100%)

    Location & Tenure

    Located in Central Eastern Namibia, the Witvlei Project
    comprises of a single granted Exclusive Prospecting Licence and
    an application for a Exclusive Prospecting Licence, totaling
    650km2 situated 150km east of the capital Windhoek.

    Geology & Mineralisation

    The Project, which lies on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, is
    importantly believed to contain an approximately 50km strike
    length of rocks of the Kalahari Copper Belt. These lithologies,
    comprising predominantly of hematite altered volcanic breccia,
    red and grey sandstones and siltstones with interbedded marls
    and limestones, have been subject to a complex deformation
    history of broad folding on a northeast southwest trending axis
    in addition to northeast trending faulting. The cores of these
    folds have also had intruded into them mafic and intermediate

    Abundant occurrences of copper mineralisation are
    predominantly found in the sandstones and siltstones with
    oxidation typically down to 30 metres. The most significant
    mineralisation outlined to date has been at Malachite Pan
    where copper mineralisation hosted in thinly bedded
    sandstones and siltstones has been outlined for over 700
    metres. The mineralisation is situated overlying an andesitic
    breccia unit of similar type to that at Dordabis.

    Witvlei Prospectivity Summary

    Exploration undertaken in the 1960’s amd 1970’s including
    substantial drilling identified and outlined a series of strata-
    bound copper deposits. A substantial part of the mineralisation
    outlined was copper oxides which at that time was of little
    interest due to poor recoveries from processing technology at
    the time. With the advancement of copper processing
    technology (SX-EW) the mineralisation now provides for
    Kalahari an exciting opportunity to build further on the
    outlined copper inventories (discussed below) for the potential
    of a 2 million tpa SX-EW operation in the future.

    A series of substantial copper inventories were calculated in
    the 1970’s by a previous owner. These include:

    Malachite Pan Prospect (2.98Mt grading 2.1% copper)
    Okesawa NW (6.0Mt grading 1.8% copper)
    Christiadore (1.2Mt grading 2.27% copper)
    Gemsbockvley (0.45Mt grading 1.76% copper)

    Whilst these mineral inventories are not JORC-compliant and as
    such we are unable to consider them as a reliable resource, we
    nevertheless appreciate their importance and significance.
    Their existence alone lends significant encouragement that
    through a systematic exploration approach the Project has the
    potential to host multiple economic copper projects feeding a
    central milling facility.

    The Company’s independent geological consultant RSG notes
    that the rocks that principally host the principal copper
    mineralisation identified to date within the Witvlei project
    extend for over 45km. RSG also note that the opportunity to
    identify a larger mineralised zone via a detailed structural
    assessment is considered viable and that there exists good
    potential for the discovery of primary copper mineralisation
    consistent with the sediment hosted copper style of
    mineralisation model.

    Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold-Uranium Potential
    Historical exploration has been justifiably focused on
    sedimentary hosted copper-gold mineralisation models
    analogous to the Zambian Copper Belt. However the Company
    believes it can cite evidence that the region may be
    prospective for large iron oxide-copper-gold-silver-uranium
    deposits similar in style to Olympic Dam and Ernest Henry
    deposits in Australia, Candelaria in Chile and Salabo in Brazil.

    Evidence now gathered from the Zambian Copper Belt indicates
    that that belt shows many characteristics to the iron oxide
    copper-gold model. We note that no attempt to apply the iron
    oxide copper-gold model has been undertaken in the Kalahari
    Copper Belt despite evidence identified by the Company
    including the presence of hematite-altered breccias of volcanic
    origin, massive quartz–iron oxide outcrops associated with
    major fault structures and positive gravity anomalies indicating
    iron altered rocks.

    Whilst the evidence is currently inconclusive, it provides the
    Company with an exciting concept of another raft of major
    deposits the projects may be prospective for.


    Namibia Country Facts
    • An independent republic with a land area of
    • Bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the
    east and Angola to the north.
    • Capital city is Windhoek located centrally within the
    • The largest port servicing the country is Walvis Bay
    situated 300km west of Windhoek.
    • Population approximately 2.04 million people. 87.5%
    black, 6% white and 6.5% of mixed origin. 84% of the
    population is literate.
    • Official language is English though 60% speak Afrikaans
    and 32% speak German.
    • 80% of the population is Christian with the remainder of
    indigenous belief.
    • Economy is highly dependent on the extraction and
    processing of minerals.
    • Namibia is the fourth largest exporter of non-fuel
    minerals in Africa, the fifth largest producer of uranium
    and a significant producer of lead, zinc tin and
    • Only 3% of the population is employed in mining and
    minerals processing with over half of the population
    reliant on subsistence agriculture.
    • The Namibian economy is closely linked to the South
    African economy with the Namibian dollar pegged to
    the South African Rand (1:1).
    Report Compiled by: Ian Spence
    Resource Consultant
    BSc (Joint Hons) Geology & Petroleum Geology, MSc
    Mineral Exploration & Mining Geology, MBA

    Director Profiles
    Mark Hohnen (Executive Chairman)

    Mr. Hohnen has been involved with the minerals business for
    over 26 years. He has extensive international business
    exposure as chairman/director in a wide range of industries
    including mining and exploration, property, software and

    Peter McIntyre (Executive Director)

    Mr. McIntyre is an engineer with degrees in business and
    management. He has over 25 years of experience in the
    mining industry, including 15 years with WMC being involved in
    large base metals and gold projects, from development
    through to operational stage. Peter also has a broad range of
    exposure to most corporate and business management issues
    including strategic planning, risk management, asset
    management and investment returns. He is also Managing
    Director of Extract Resources Limited in addition to various
    other resource-based companies.

    Prof. Glen Tonge (Non-Executive Director)

    Professor Tonge has extensive international business, finance
    and management experience across a broad range of
    industries. He is Chairman of the Board of Governors and Pro
    Chancellor at Southampton Solent University. He is a Freeman
    of the City of London and is a Freeman and Liveryman of the
    Worshipful Company of World Traders. He has also
    recently been made a Fellow of the Royal Institution in
    London. Glen has also had experience as a senior partner in
    an international business management consulting company
    which was involved in advising the governments of Malaysia
    and Indonesia on the use for natural resources.

    Key Management - Mr. Martin Spivey (Geologist)

    Mr. Spivey has over 20 years involvement in resource
    exploration and development. Wide ranging experience in
    exploration for numerous commodities in various geological
    environments in both Australia and Africa.

    Risks Associated with Investment in Kalahari Minerals PLC
    Potential Investors need to be aware that investment in Kalahari Minerals Limited, like all investments in junior mineral
    exploration and development companies, is of a speculative nature. Normal share market risk conditions apply including
    commodity price, currency fluctuations, sentiment, supply and demand and general economic outlook. Normal exploration,
    development, mining and processing risks also apply as well as operating, environmental and sovereign risks.


    The author of this publication, Montagu Stockbrokers Pty Ltd ABN 46 009 368 432 (‘Montagu’), its Directors and their Associates from time to
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    Montagu has provided and does provide corporate advice to Kalahari Minerals Plc, for which it receives fees.

    Any financial product advice contained in this document is unsolicited general information only. Do not act on this advice without first consulting
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    Montagu believes that any information or advice (including any financial product advice) contained in this document is accurate when issued.
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    A.C.N. 009 368 432 A.F.S.L. 238 333
    Level 2, Citibank House, 37 St George‘s Terrace. Perth WA 6000 Postal Address: PO Box Z5005 Perth St Georges Tce. WA 6831
    General Enquiries (+618) 9225 2800 Facsimile (+618) 9325 4311
    A Member Corporation of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited


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