SLR 0.00% $1.57 silver lake resources limited

BGL has the added benefit of Ray Shorrocks being exec chairman....

  1. 4,143 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1791
    BGL has the added benefit of Ray Shorrocks being exec chairman. Ya gotta figure his hook up with Patersons gets the BGL story out to the money people.
    I rode the BGL wave from under 20 cents but off now . May go higher as the power of spruiking is a powerful force with the right connections.

    They'll package it up and onsell to a bigger player. I'm always amazed at how the real producers get overlooked cause everyone loves the story and a quick buck.

    SLR is a solid company and at some point it'll be better appreciated.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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