cash works for holidays - it doesn't work for thinking about...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    cash works for holidays - it doesn't work for thinking about very long holidays of say 6 months or permanent.

    I immediately thought that I would just do a travel card, like I had done in Vietnam and Thailand - only to find that you cannot get Indonesian Rupiah on any travel card that I investigated

    credit cards were far too expensive and cash was impossible for permanent - which is what I was investigating - even with a 3 month trip - just a no go

    so, I started looking around at ?? I cannot remember what they call them - low cost or low fee debit cards - and, there's lots of tricks in them as well - the wrong ones can work out as expensive as travel cards - they get you by a variety of means and if it's not clear in print - then, it's the currency rates for sure

    I staggered on to Travelwise - and, it's been magic. I trx currencies cheaply and use it for otherwise as well. There's one other that I have a mate in France has, but, his main banking is in UK - and he uses something I think called a Resolute card - I will check and get back if that's wrong --- they are fee free on saturday and sunday and we compared the exchange rates and they are mid range as is transferwise ----- I'm unsure where they are based and how it works exactly - but, it might be very good as well. ---------- I don't know if Resolute do Rupiah - didn't check that.
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