Of course it's ignorant and backward to say only blacks can play...

  1. 10,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Of course it's ignorant and backward to say only blacks can play blacks, jews play jews etcetc. The same crowd criticize white's writing about blacks and other such stupidities. It's a form of reverse racism, like multiculturalism is actually the other side of the coin to racism.

    Two problems with your self righteous little tirades. These are not left positions they are rightwing positions. The multiculturalism and the gender ID crowd want to split working and middle class people up by race, color , sexual identity, whatever they can find, just like the right wing want to split the working and middle class up by race and religion, culture whatever you can find. Hypocracy at its finest !

    You two, sim and kab, don't bother to hide your right wing racist and islamaphobic positions in the slightest. What are you proposing ? You going to fight racism with racism ? There is really no daylight between yourselves and the people you criticize.
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