PEN 17.5% $1.09 peninsula energy limited

"Until you speak with Strata, our lawyers, NRC and Gus, I don't...

  1. 13,639 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2808
    "Until you speak with Strata, our lawyers, NRC and Gus, I don't think you can draw the firm conclusions that you just love rehashing"

    Upmarket - I did speak to many people in the company. And I looked at the NRC timetables and the other evidence referred to in my previous post. And I came down on the side of the evidence, not the spin.

    A far as your quaint sarcasm "that you just love rehashing" is concerned, don't you think that is a bit rich? I only do it due to the constant 'rehashing' of the spin. And you must appreciate the irony in your comment as well - with your constant 'rehashing' of how everyone is being 'hard on Gus' or something similar.
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$1.20 $1.20 $1.07 $5.711M 5.153M

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1 9244 $1.09

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