SMN 2.88% 50.5¢ structural monitoring systems plc

What promise!? So many here talk about the timelines as...

  1. 3,137 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 383
    What promise!? So many here talk about the timelines as 'promised' but it is simply wishful reading when the company states the following to take that as promised!! Sept '21 Qtrly;

    "It is the opinion of SMS management that revisions to the documents previously presented to the FAA have not been of any technical significance to CVM™ and were limited to minor edits and analysis methodologies. As with any regulatory authority it is difficult to pin-point when they will issue the final STC approval, however, considering the FAA has requested the Statement of Compliance letter, SMS management is reasonably expecting the final STC approval to be granted within Q421."

    'Reasonably expecting' is somehow turned into a 'promise... LOL!!
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