smoked cod, page-28

  1. 18,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    Justis - atm I have settled back with a sigh of relief, but I am 'clearing' almost every day; it's amazing what one accumulates and I am not much of a collector, except I tend to buy books and in the past it was vinyls and CDs - all now available on-line. - (I do wonder where all our rubbish ends up)

    All sorts of petty stuff has come up to do with the house value, subdivision (probably need to do it myself), etc - I almost had a buyer, who changed their minds at the last moment - so I will probably only 'trek' over to the coast now and then.

    Re 'fish' : when 'Charlie' my dog was alive, I used to purchase really cheap tinned sardines from Woolworth's - which we 'shared' in the morning and they were o.k. - dog's gone 3 years, so recently I bought 3 tins - they were inedible, dug the contents into the garden. The fish was totally overcooked - the one in tomato sauce looked like it had rotted to death rather been cooked. I cannot believe that the producers have no quality control in place.
    Turned me off fish for a while - need to get some fresh stuff - farmers market today.

    One of the young playmates of youngest daughter (all middle-aged now) had a Dad who loved fishing and they'd go out on that little boat and friend used to eat the caught fish raw!! I have never seen her do it - but got the story from my daughter, but then Sushi is raw fish, mostly, isn' it and I quite like it now and then.
    Have a great Sunday - Cheers
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