smokers, bin your butts!!, page-110

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    Hi Missvi

    I often wonder that myself.

    If everyone stopped smoking/drinking. If everyone,besides work related, did not drive. If we used very minimal water/gas/electricity. Every driver law abiding,hence no infringement money. If we ate no junk food.

    These are only a few things the government and health bodies encourage. May I add, they all have health/enviro merit BUT where would the tax short fall come from? Don't say that other taxes would have to be raised. I mean a sustainable replacement without robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    As a smoker, I say it is a filthy, expensive,disgusting habit that will possibly harm you in some way. Yes, to dispose of butts thoughfully. Yes, to don't congregate too close to a public entry/exit point. But, if I am smoking minding my own business and you walk past and expect me to move to accomodate you, then I must agree there is truth that smoking kills........ :-) LOL
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