We wouldn't be having a surplus if it wasn't for Iron ore and...

  1. 5,448 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    We wouldn't be having a surplus if it wasn't for Iron ore and coal exports otherwise we'd be well and truly down the mine! Ironically, Labor's surplus is coming from the commodities it hates most - hypocrites. But isn't that what describes Labor to a tee!!!!
    Can you imagine if we had to rely on producing solar panels for a surplus, leaving our iron ore and coal in the ground. Now that's when we'd definitely grind to a halt. And isn't that what Albo wants us to do?
    Is there anyone in this country with any common sense? Obviously not on the left of politics!!! But then I'm not sure of the other side either!
    If that's the case, then we are stuffed!
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